Skinypupy wrote: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:47 pm
My general takeaway through 5'ish hours is that while the worldbuilding aspects are incredible, everything else about the game's design is frustrating as hell. Character movement is slow and clunky, simple actions are buried in either menus or baffling combinations of button presses, trying to do one thing ends up leading to another entirely unexpected action, each time you loot enemies or chests it does an annoying animation, it takes ages to ride from point A to point B on horseback, mission requirements often feel vague, firefights seem to consist of firing randomly at enemies in cover, etc., etc.
There's a million things to do, I just don't really find any of them to be very fun. My hope is that it clicks once I get a better handle on the controls. I'm gonna give it this week (got nothing else until D3 comes out on Friday)...we'll see.
This is more my opinion of the game. There are some neat elements, but there are quite a few that peturb me. Focusing on the negative
-Namely the slow, deliberate style of the game. Sorry, but I'm not going to waste my time watching Arthur leisurely loot carcasses or easily amble to cover in the middle of a firefight. This slow deliberative style also shows up in their travel in the lack of real fast travel options. I dont have the time to spend 10 minutes travelling from point a to point b. This irks me. I kind of get the law is coming you cant get everything, but it simply annoys me he has to spend 30 seconds rifling through some guys pockets for a small tonic or .33 cents. There needs to be an auto travel point back to camp.
-i am horrible with aiming and the auto aim doesnt help much. WTF is narrow, wide, free and the other option. Huh? Maybe I am dumb.
-I find the fights to be a bit helter skelter, and not in a good way. What button do I push to have him drop into cover? Oh wait he needs to leisurely stroll over to the cover.
fights pt 2. -Can't tell for sure if i have someone locked on yet, and when I do have see that little red pin prick it goes just as fast so I have to simply fire a ton of bullets that way and hope I get lucky. I admit, I suck in general in combat in shooters overall. But this aspect is a bit tedious. I do have slow reflexes, I get that. The dead eye helps a little bit.
-the controls are simply bad and there really is no excuse for that. . I've accidentally shot people who i've tried to have a conversation with, i've accidentally punched my horse and all sorts of shenanigans. I've actually said sorry outl oud a couple of times after I've f'ed something up.
-the game is a bit daunting, and while it seems open ended, I am struggling to finding things to do that interest me. I've started in on some of the hunting stuff, but If I travel back too far from camp I've got to spend 10 minutes riding back to camp to deliver my deer carcass. Honestly robbing stagecoaches or towns doesn't interest me ( i know this goes against the vein of rock star games). I am sure I've not yet peeled back the layers of the onion of it. I've seen the following:
-Beautiful and detailed world, but I really dont see myself lasting too long with this.
Main gripes: no auto travel points, where you dont have to watch a horse travel for 10 min., quicker looting animations, better character animation and better controls.
Bottom line: beautiful game, dumb mechanics. Its a hot chick to look at, but after spending a bit of time with her she seems a bit vapid and lacks substance or better yet if you go in to try to kiss her, then you find yourself tonguing the maitre D.