I was going post my impressions below but right here works....hepcat wrote: Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:26 pm Add me to the list of people who hate the goddamn controls. So far I’ve shot an innocent guy who I was trying to simply say hi to, and knifed a guy in the chest while trying to punch him.
At this rate I’m going to be the single most hated outlaw in the west...by accident.
Controls are hot garbage but after the first two hours they do get better as you get used to it. Those first couple hours are comically bad though. I accidentally punched the shit outta my horse trying desperately to swap out to the shotgun in the saddlebags when prompted. It makes a satisfying thud sound and horse neighed loudly. It was so satisfying that I did it a few more times hoping like an action RPG, that my horse would eventually just spit out my loot. Hell if I could figure out how to swap it out. He did not, but he did run off eventually causing me to reload after I worked him over pretty good. Yep, failed the tutorial due to horse abuse. Then in the first gunfight where you are to run point with the rifle I somehow whipped out my pistol instead. I did successfully loot it off horse without punching though, so progress! Then as the gang leader is splainin' the plan in a soft whisper as we are all hiding just our of ear shot I accidentally did a "Desk Pop" when trying frantically to swap said pistol out for the rifle. Hilarity ensued as the "plan" went to shit and everyone is now running around out of cover/position shooting at anything that moves like an intro to the Benny Hill show. I was getting yelled out for ruining the plan so they somehow just knew a player would go off the plan and screwing up. So blowing the plan was scripted I effectively lost in the tutorial twice causing reloads. I haven't had this much fun in a tutorial since dying 3 times in Space Rangers 2. 10 out of 10, will punch horse in gut and perform Desk Pops to ruin plans again.