If you're catching up on stuff from that press conference (there's SO MUCH IN THERE), don't miss the three foreign reporters asking questions. They have accents, and trump interrupts them to tell them how he can't understand what they're saying.
That's probably a sundowner thing. My wife pointed out that lately, her father has also started saying that he can't understand people with accents.
Here's some good bits! Including this one:
A Very Stable Genius wrote:Reporter: So, point-blank, Democrats go after your tax returns—will you try to block that, or will you allow them to have it?
Trump: Well, look, as I’ve told you, they’re under audit. They have been for a long time. They’re extremely complex. People wouldn’t understand them. They’re done by among the biggest and best law firms in the country. Same thing with the accounting firms. The accountants are a very, very large, powerful firm from the standpoint of respect—they’re highly respected. Big firm. A great law firm; you know it very well. They do these things, they put them in. But people don’t understand tax returns. Now, I did do a filing of over 100 pages, I believe, which is in the offices. And when people went and saw that filing and they saw the magnitude of it, they were very disappointed, and they saw, you know, the detail. You get far more from that, and I guess we filed that now three times. But you get far more from that than you could ever get from a tax return. But when you are under audit—and I’m on a very continuous audit because there are so many companies and it is a very big company, far bigger than you would even understand, but it’s a great company. But it’s big and it’s complex, and it’s probably feet high. It is a very complex instrument. And I think that people wouldn’t understand it, but if I were finished with the audit, I would have an open mind to it, I would say that. But I don’t want to do it during the audit. And really, no lawyer, even from the other side, they say often—not always, but when you are under audit, you don’t have, you don’t subject it to that. You get it done and then you release it. When that happens, if that happens, I would certainly have an open mind to it.
Reporter: So if the audit is still on, you will not turn over the tax returns?
Trump: When it’s under audit, no. Nobody would. Nobody turns over a return when it is under audit.