Trade Best Buy gift cards for Steam Gift Cards

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Trade Best Buy gift cards for Steam Gift Cards

Post by Zenn7 »

I have 3 electronic Best Buy gift cards that I discovered after ordering them (cc reward points), that I can no longer use them to buy Steam Gift Cards (they changed this policy over the summer).

If anyone wants to arrange a trade of 3 $50 Best Buy cards for 3 $50 Steam gift cards, let me know. I can't do anything to make it more rewarding in the trade itself, but afterword, 1 of the Steam cards is for me, I'd be happy to buy a Steam game of up to $5 in value as a thank you (also have a few games in the Pay it Forward thread that you area welcome to).

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Re: Trade Best Buy gift cards for Steam Gift Cards

Post by Zenn7 »

Hmm, maybe I could trade these for slightly better deal for someone - maybe the 3 $50 BB GC's ($150 total), for 2 $50 Steam and 2 $20 Steam - ($140 total) instead of buying a Steam game for someone when I get the cards.

Failing that, anyone know a good site to exchange gift cards?

(Worst case, we have to buy a new freezer in the spring, guess I know where I"m buying it at).
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