The Former Trump Presidency Thread

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Carpet_pissr »

GreenGoo wrote: Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:06 pm You kind of have to be a monster to speak publicly about the height of your building as it relates to world trade center being destroyed, along with thousands of lives.

I mean, right? I'm not completely drinking my own anti-drumpf coolaid on this? He's a monster, right?
We already know he's a monster. I should also correct my previous statement. He said that ON THE DAY of the 9/11 attacks. Bad enough "soon after" as I mistakenly thought. Sheesh.

But honestly, at this point, 'meh'. Nothing surprises me about this turd.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by malchior »

John Roberts tried to be conciliatory about the role of the Supreme Court and...of course... ... 3494059008 ... 9362143232
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Part 2 is sure to be a doozy
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Smoove_B »


Is my only response to that.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by YellowKing »

I'm no student of history, but have we ever had a president who was so openly hostile to the judiciary, the intelligence community, the military, the opposing political party in Congress, the free press, and half of the American people?

Seriously if this fucktard gets re-elected in 2020, I'm done. I will move wherever the hell I need to move to not be in the same country as idiots who would put this monstrosity back in power.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

Idiots exist everywhere. America isn't special in that regard either. There is no where you can run to that won't face difficult political situations, and you get paid pretty well in your current job, I think?

It *is* frustrating, and think Americans need to start talking to each other instead of shouting talking points at each other. If people care about their family members and they care about the state of the country, then talking to your family members about politics has to become a normal thing. Staying calm and making it happen will be difficult. Talking politics with family sucks. The other option is to stay quiet while complaining about it on the internet forum. Up until now that seemed like a fine idea to me. Now, I think your democracy is, without hyperbole, under attack. We've seen it happen in middle tier countries (2nd world? I confess I don't know what makes a country first, second or third world. Industrial capacity?) that have budding democracies only to have things go wrong through corruption or a tanking economy and they dive right back into autocracy with less overt and less forceful attacks on their principles and democratic infrastructure than we are seeing from drumpf right now.

The saving grace is that it appears that only 1 man is doing the attacking. The GOP are complicit but for the most part aren't helping destroy the underpinnings of your country. Will a little patience, diligence and vigilance, I think America can recover and fairly quickly, but only if you guys don't elect another, but smarter, drumpf in the near future.

And as people remind me, including you YK, most Americans don't want drumpf, don't like what he's doing, and don't support him. If the LM's of the world are willing to take to the streets if/when drumpf starts taking action to corrupt justice, then I think there's a lot to be hopeful about.

It sure seems dark right now though. Mostly because you and the rest of the world didn't realize how good things were before. Talk about a wake up call. I just wish the swamp drainers could see it for what it is, the destruction of their way of life. No swamps are being drained.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

Or we can see if we qualify under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. I don't need the wife to take a language test until I'm three years older.

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Kraken »

GreenGoo wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:51 pm I confess I don't know what makes a country first, second or third world.
Those terms are considered obsolete. The First World was the industrialized West; the Second was developed communist nations; and the Third was everything else. At some point 1st and 2nd got combined into "developed" and 3rd became "developing." I don't think there's a defined line between them...and aren't all nations constantly developing? But "developing nation" is more diplomatic than "shithole country."
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Daehawk »

Could just refer to them as polluted and toxic now.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Smoove_B »

The President, wishing navy officer a Happy Thanksgiving via telephone (because actually traveling to military base is scary):
Trump: “Steam is very reliable. Electromagnetic – unfortunately you have to be Albert Einstein to really work it properly...”
Navy Officer: “Yes sir. You sort of have to be Albert Einstein to run the nuclear power plant that we have here as well, but we’re doing that very well.”
"At least they're doing what they're doing."

JFC. This man is in charge.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Max Peck »

What are you most thankful for, on this jolly Trumpsgiving Day? ... 1418063873
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by $iljanus »

Max Peck wrote:What are you most thankful for, on this jolly Trumpsgiving Day? ... 1418063873
Reminds me of that cabinet circle jerk when the folks in the room (except Mattis) were giving thanks and praise to The Leader except in this case he's jerking himself off.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Daveman »

But hey, he also visited a Coast Guard site 30 minutes from Mar-a-lago so he can say he visited the troops.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Daehawk »

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I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Holman »

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This is bullshit and untrue. ... 6188158976
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

Don't be hatin'. He let one of the justices on the SCOTUS say whatever he wants, after all. He's nothing if not magnanimous.

He's a 4chan troll that somehow got access to the WH.

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Defiant »

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Pyperkub »

Smoove_B wrote:The President, wishing navy officer a Happy Thanksgiving via telephone (because actually traveling to military base is scary):
Trump: “Steam is very reliable. Electromagnetic – unfortunately you have to be Albert Einstein to really work it properly...”
Navy Officer: “Yes sir. You sort of have to be Albert Einstein to run the nuclear power plant that we have here as well, but we’re doing that very well.”
"At least they're doing what they're doing."

JFC. This man is in charge.
Well, Steam is pretty reliable. Big sale going on now too!
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by malchior »

Pyperkub wrote: Fri Nov 23, 2018 2:15 am Well, Steam is pretty reliable. Big sale going on now too!
Don't remind him - he'll pick up Frostpunk and remember that we are having the coldest Thanksgiving in 80 years. That'll prompt him to start the journey north to build the last city on Earth. Wait...that might not be a bad idea.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Z-Corn »

In that Thanksgiving address he looks like he's got a touch of pink eye.

I wonder if he accidentally got too close to Barron?
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Holman »

A scorching piece of writing on Trump's dead-end narcissism: This Is All Donald Trump Has Left.
For someone who does it so frequently, Trump is not especially talented at lying. His dissimilations are all easy to see through; the things he heatedly accuses his enemies of doing are always things that he has done himself, is currently doing, or obviously aspires to do in the future. He is always desperate, in the way that selfish and needy people are always desperate. His fears transparently run the show, both the normal human fear of failing and the more specific ones he picks up on the cable news channel he watches, which splits its broadcast day between fulsomely flattering coverage of him and armchair generalship in a sprawling race war the network is imagineering out of rhetorical abstraction and into bloody existence. Watching hours of that every day would destabilize anyone; for Trump, who is very vain and very stupid and has always cared more about TV than anyone should, the result is equilibrium, or entropy.

It’s so easy to see the shape of what Trump wants in the ways that he lies and lies about what is—in the way he gooses crowd numbers, in the way he tells stories about strong men weeping at his feet in gratitude for all he’s done for this country, in the gap-intensive conspiracies and bizarre causal helixes that he invents to explain away his failures. What’s most striking about Trump’s lies, beyond their overwhelming volume and bombast, is how they reflect his own monomania. So Many Are Saying various things that somehow all wind up being about him; they’re Saying It More And More because there is nothing else and no one else that he could imagine anyone wanting to talk about. The metastasizing They that opposes him grows by the day, and cares about him every bit as much as he cares about himself. They will do, are always somewhere doing, whatever it takes to make him look like an idiot who fucks up and lies constantly. Nothing, certainly not the lives of any number of strangers or whatever is left of any national ideal, is more important than the survival of his most obvious throwaway fantasy.
Whole thing is thirteen or fourteen paragraphs and definitely worth the read.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Octavious »

Holy f he just suggested we create a media company that promotes America to the world. Hmm sounds like something I've seen in other countries.. Hmm... Can put a finger on which ones. I don't think I could survive a second term. I'll jump off a building.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

We should call it something that sells Freedom and Liberty and has the personal touch, like Voice something or other.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

Octavious wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:06 pm Holy f he just suggested we create a media company that promotes America to the world. Hmm sounds like something I've seen in other countries.. Hmm... Can put a finger on which ones. I don't think I could survive a second term. I'll jump off a building.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Carpet_pissr »

If Giles fucking Snyder on NPR asks a guest expert "IS IT NORMAL FOR A PRESIDENT TO...?" ONE MORE FREAKING time, I am going to lose my shit.

The answer is NO you fuckwad! And you goddamn know it! We are so far past "is this normal?" that I want to shake people when they ask. Doesn't matter! Normal, not normal. Shit is happening that is patently bad for our country. Who gives a shit if it's happened before or not?! It's happening NOW, let's focus on that point, mkay?! FUUUUUUUCK.

"But there's no PRECEDENT for this kind of behavior out of the White House!!! WHAT WILL WE DOOOOOOO??" (wrings hands, clutches pearls, and faints on couch simultaneously)

I would pay someone on air to answer "No, of course not you ignorant twat. Let's move on to some real questions please." Or "Giles, you simpleton. Why are you asking a question to which you already know the answer?" Even go the other way "Yes, of course this is completely normal. Why do you ask?"
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Paingod »

Carpet_pissr wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:40 pmIf Giles fucking Snyder on NPR asks ... The answer is NO you fuckwad!
A good rule of thumb for my kids and apparently news media outlets - If you have to ask, the answer is "No" ...
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

Betteridge's law of headlines
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by pr0ner »

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by El Guapo »

Has anyone done an analysis of the *long-term* impact of Trump attacking a company on Twitter is? Obviously it's a problem in the short term, but I'm wondering whether the shares bounce back (or not) after the story that caused the attack leaves the headlines.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

Wait, he's *not* disappointed GM is closing a 70 year old plant in Oshawa? That's all our politicians are talking about. Clearly it's the most important plant of them all, according to our headlines.

It's fun watching politicians do what politicians do in two different countries, about the same business decision. Obviously I sympathize with the workers losing their jobs, particularly when the jobs have been generational.

Maybe someone who follows the market can chime in, but GM is closing all these plants because they are not profitable. i.e. GM is not rolling in success right now. When a company comes out in public talking about how they aren't doing well and some stores (or plants, in this case) have to close, that's not usually a time of rising stock price.
Is their stock falling because drumpf is an idiot or is it falling because of GM's recent public statements about plant closings?
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

El Guapo wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:36 pm Has anyone done an analysis of the *long-term* impact of Trump attacking a company on Twitter is? Obviously it's a problem in the short term, but I'm wondering whether the shares bounce back (or not) after the story that caused the attack leaves the headlines.
Boeing bounced back. But still it's impossible to say whether the Trump dip had an effect or not. Say Trump ragetweets a stock at $120 and it goes to $100. A year later it is at $140. Without the Trump dip, would it have been higher? Very hard to tell.

The real question is who is shorting right before he opens his virtual yap. He tanked the Mexican market yesterday. Lot of money made shorting there.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by hepcat »

pr0ner wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:33 pm Trump goes after US company on Twitter; value of shares drops, part 439: ... 2249318402
Unless they work for Trump as contractors. Then fuck them. He ain't payin'.

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by ImLawBoy »

GreenGoo wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:37 pm Maybe someone who follows the market can chime in, but GM is closing all these plants because they are not profitable. i.e. GM is not rolling in success right now. When a company comes out in public talking about how they aren't doing well and some stores (or plants, in this case) have to close, that's not usually a time of rising stock price.
Is their stock falling because drumpf is an idiot or is it falling because of GM's recent public statements about plant closings?
I'm far from an expert, but I think that if a company makes the "right" moves when announcing profits are down and/or they're doing some restructuring, it can cause stocks to actually go up. In theory, everyone already knows about the hard times that GM is facing, so that is already accounted for in their lower share price. If investors see the moves (in this case, plant closings and stopping unprofitable car lines) as strong moves to stabilize things, they may reward the stock by buying in and driving it up (because the moves are so solid that they think the company value will start going up).
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Holman »

Wait. Is this is the same GM that Trump repeatedly claims at his rallies will soon be *opening* new plants in several states out of the sheer power of MAGA?

*That* GM?
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

ImLawBoy wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:11 pm I'm far from an expert, but I think that if a company makes the "right" moves when announcing profits are down and/or they're doing some restructuring, it can cause stocks to actually go up.
While that's true, and I did consider that in how I approached what I wrote, I believe that only happens if the market already has it's shitty performance priced into the stock (you say this, I'm just emphasizing it). If the plant closings are a surprise to the market, or the public disclosures reveal that the situation is worse than the market thought it was, there really isn't a way for the market to consider that a positive.

If the company is known to be doing poorly, the stock price will already have taken that into account, so when a company comes out with a plan to regain profitability, and the market *likes* the plan, then a stock can absolutely go up when a company announces plant/store closings (again, just repeating your point).

I'm not really any more experienced in this than you however, so that's just what I understand as a layman.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

ImLawBoy wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:11 pm
GreenGoo wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:37 pm Maybe someone who follows the market can chime in, but GM is closing all these plants because they are not profitable. i.e. GM is not rolling in success right now. When a company comes out in public talking about how they aren't doing well and some stores (or plants, in this case) have to close, that's not usually a time of rising stock price.
Is their stock falling because drumpf is an idiot or is it falling because of GM's recent public statements about plant closings?
I'm far from an expert, but I think that if a company makes the "right" moves when announcing profits are down and/or they're doing some restructuring, it can cause stocks to actually go up. In theory, everyone already knows about the hard times that GM is facing, so that is already accounted for in their lower share price. If investors see the moves (in this case, plant closings and stopping unprofitable car lines) as strong moves to stabilize things, they may reward the stock by buying in and driving it up (because the moves are so solid that they think the company value will start going up).
This. The shares were up significantly yesterday on news of the plant closures. Markets are fairly efficient. GMs sales numbers were known and priced in. The only new data was the closures. All else being equal, closing the plants was seen as good for the bottom line.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

Holman wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:21 pm Wait. Is this is the same GM that Trump repeatedly claims at his rallies will soon be *opening* new plants in several states out of the sheer power of MAGA?

*That* GM?
Didn't you hear him? He's "very disappointed" in GM. Hopefully GM is suitably admonished by that and no longer plans to close those plants based on sound economic decision making and just does what drumpf wants with no concern for any consequences that aren't directly related to drumpf. No child likes to disappoint a parent. Or something.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by GreenGoo »

LawBeefaroni wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:37 pm This. The shares were up significantly yesterday on news of the plant closures. Markets are fairly efficient. GMs sales numbers were known and priced in. The only new data was.the closures. All else being equal, closing the plants was seen as good for the bottom line.
I actually thought I had included this point in my original post, but I guess I just thought about it when I wrote "not usually" and didn't put it in the post. With that said, I have no idea if plant/store closing "usually" catch the market offguard or not.

Like I said, someone who follows the market (presumably you in this case) could tell us if the market had already taken in poor performance into the stock price, as I had no idea how GM was doing prior to these announcements.

I don't give a crap about GM in terms of cars, jobs or investment, so the plant closure announcements are the first time I've even thought about GM in months, if not years.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Enough »

ImLawBoy wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:11 pm
GreenGoo wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:37 pm Maybe someone who follows the market can chime in, but GM is closing all these plants because they are not profitable. i.e. GM is not rolling in success right now. When a company comes out in public talking about how they aren't doing well and some stores (or plants, in this case) have to close, that's not usually a time of rising stock price.
Is their stock falling because drumpf is an idiot or is it falling because of GM's recent public statements about plant closings?
I'm far from an expert, but I think that if a company makes the "right" moves when announcing profits are down and/or they're doing some restructuring, it can cause stocks to actually go up. In theory, everyone already knows about the hard times that GM is facing, so that is already accounted for in their lower share price. If investors see the moves (in this case, plant closings and stopping unprofitable car lines) as strong moves to stabilize things, they may reward the stock by buying in and driving it up (because the moves are so solid that they think the company value will start going up).
Sherrod Brown is saying it's also because of the Republican tax cut that allows companies to pay a lower rate on overseas profits than they do on domestic ones.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Holman wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:21 pm Wait. Is this is the same GM that Trump repeatedly claims at his rallies will soon be *opening* new plants in several states out of the sheer power of MAGA?

*That* GM?
One and the same. In the same place that he said would be booming.
At a 2017 rally in Youngstown, Ohio, President Trump promised residents that manufacturing jobs would be returning to the state, telling the crowd: "Don't move. Don't sell your house."
If you get a chance, listen to the speech. It's absolutely astounding.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
"“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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