My guess is LM's sarcastic "Combustible Lemur wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:52 am Calm down and go have a nice diplomatic PM conversation

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My guess is LM's sarcastic "Combustible Lemur wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:52 am Calm down and go have a nice diplomatic PM conversation
No need to apologize to me. My comment about conflict was only that despite often getting into major conflicts here on OO, I don't actually seek it out or revel in it.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:28 am
I apologize for dragging your name into it, that made me no better than LM. You're just kinda my hero on not letting shit go.
I feel it's like when you were in school and that annoying kid behind you kept throwing spitwads at you and you laugh at first and then you get serious with him but you are still smiling and then he pulls that shit one more time and you give him the smack he deserves and then everyone is pissed off at you because you just hit the retarded kid.
It takes me a while to get a head of steam but I don't despise conflict at all. I despise retards who throw spitwads and expect no consequences from doing so.
He was. It was a glorious human victory. The first one I'd ever been part of and I managed to get CR killed (well, outted as Cylons don't actually die) on my first turn.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:39 amIndeed - but weren't you a Cylon? It's so hard to keep track which one of you is actually evil.Remus West wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:35 am No worries (or real anger - thus the smiley). IIRC you assisted me in tossing Chaosraven out an airlock playing BSG at Octocon so you have a TON of good will you can burn through.![]()
+1TheMix wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:56 am My guess is that you will be the only person that interpreted that response as sarcastic. That certainly is not how I saw it.
First, I have no idea what's going on between them. Hence my post about not knowing what's going on.TheMix wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:56 am My guess is that you will be the only person that interpreted that response as sarcastic. That certainly is not how I saw it.
I cut him some slack because I think it's a generational thing. It's not right, and our generation is working to change, and some have had more luck than others, but in the heat of the moment the previously ingrained words can unfortunately come out.
That's because she was a wicked, cruel woman who thought making people suffer was a good thing.
She had the money, she just thought it was better that they suffer.A 2013 study from the University of Ottawa dispelled the “myth of altruism and generosity” surrounding Mother Teresa, concluding that her hallowed image did not stand up to the facts, and was basically the result of a forceful media campaign from an ailing Catholic Church.
Although she had 517 missions in 100 countries at the time of her death, the study found that hardly anyone who came seeking medical care found it there. Doctors observed unhygienic, “even unfit,” conditions, inadequate food, and no painkillers — not for lack of funding, in which Mother Theresa’s world-famous order was swimming, but what the study authors call her “particular conception of suffering and death.”
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering,” Mother Teresa once told the unamused Christopher Hitchens.
I'm not going to sit and watch people pile on. Staying calm and keeping things in perspective is always good advice, but maybe LM needs to stop kicking Z-corn's chair. Especially since Z-corn has made it clear (if not before, then now) that kicking his chair is not acceptable.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:54 am Dude, if that's what you're upset about, you need to step away for a bit.
Z-corn might. It might even be warranted. How would I know? I don't want to drop a house on his sister, it wouldn't be warranted if *I* did it, but clearly there are issues here. A guy can be the best guy in the office and go home and beat his family every night. Does that mean the family is wrong to shoot him in the head? Especially after years of abuse, police reports, begging and other attempts to get it to stop.
I support all this, with the caveat that sometimes people just rub each other the wrong way. Some people just will not like each other, despite both (potentially) being incredibly likable themselves.Unagi wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:31 am I think you will see it's not just my opinion, but perhaps most everyones. GreenGoo's reaction was like mine... He read LM's comment as a friendly jab, then read your reaction and thought "whoa, did I totally just miss something real there? or wait, is Z-Corn joking with an over-the-top reaction?"
LM's problem was that he thought you two had a slightly friendly/familiar/brotherly relationship that wouldn't take the 'I blame Z-Corn' as an attack, when in reality you have obviously been rubbed very wrong by some of the comments he's made about the area you live in.
Your problem is that you see these things as spitwads, and not just (friendly) social nods to past head-bumping.
My problem is that I also hate conflict and I'd like this to be worked out so it doesn't keep happening, but I should probably just shut up.
As long as you realize he's not actually hitting anyone. The reason hitting someone is wrong is because physical violence is wrong, not because they don't deserve it. Figuratively hitting someone is not wrong in the same way literally hitting someone is wrong, so why try to apply the same morality?Unagi wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:33 amIf you smack the 'annoying kid' in your story - people can relate. But yeah, when you start to smack a special-needs kid, then I think the 'gets mad' is well earned. No?Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:27 am Like I said, everybody gets mad when you smack the developmentally disabled kid.
I mean, you realize why hitting is wrong, right?
I'm trying not to respond to every response, but this was an insightful one.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:04 am You really shouldn't shout out your insecurities in this forum.
I had no idea you moved to taking it serious. My apologies. It stops now.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:28 am I feel it's like when you were in school and that annoying kid behind you kept throwing spitwads at you and you laugh at first and then you get serious with him but you are still smiling and then he pulls that shit one more time and you give him the smack he deserves and then everyone is pissed off at you because you just hit the retarded kid.
That's very kind, even it's if only flattery. We all know I'm slow and not very good a seeing a big picture. It is what is and I find my way.Remus West wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:59 am No, you are not, but since I know LM is much smarter than I am and I am no where close to special needs mentality I figure that one will roll right off him and let it go.
Apology absolutely accepted.LordMortis wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:54 pmI had no idea you moved to taking it serious. My apologies. It stops now.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:28 am I feel it's like when you were in school and that annoying kid behind you kept throwing spitwads at you and you laugh at first and then you get serious with him but you are still smiling and then he pulls that shit one more time and you give him the smack he deserves and then everyone is pissed off at you because you just hit the retarded kid.
Also to others don't get on him. I have been as he calls it "throwing spitwads" for a long time and if he's been stewing on it for a long time, then I don't blame him for getting snappy. That's on me.
GreenGoo, I'm just going to quote this because it is your most recent response...GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:44 pmI'm trying not to respond to every response, but this was an insightful one.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:04 am You really shouldn't shout out your insecurities in this forum.
This is one of the "safest" places on the internet to talk to strangers or far away friends, yet there is still a danger that communicating your weaknesses will result in those weaknesses being used against you.
When Mr. Fed openly communicates about his depression issues, knowing that his verbal sparring partners and opponents might (and will, and have) use that against him, but does it anyway, it's incredibly brave in my opinion.
Being guarded on the internet is a survival skill. It's unfortunate that there is a need to be at least somewhat guarded here, but that's not because we aren't good people, it's that it's human nature go after a person's soft spots during a conflict, whatever it's nature.
I have caught myself going after Rip's personal life, sister, childhood on a number of occasions and stopped myself. A few times I didn't stop myself but I believe the topic was about those details specifically.
Basically I just wanted to comment on stessier's advice. Whether even that was meant in tongue and cheek or not, it's still good advice. Assuming you don't like when people unfairly attack your weaknesses, I guess.
You're welcome.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:15 pm Thanks for seeing the situation from a neutral perspective and summing it up pretty much as I felt about things.
You've been going through some bullshit lately. People talk about what's on their minds, and lately, you've been trying to deal with the things that impact you directly.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:23 pm In any case, I've noticed that I've made every single one of my posts about me in some way, and I'm starting to feel some kinship with drumpf, or his narcissism anyway. I'm going to stop now.
I chose the word very carefully knowing what the implications were. It's not a word I use regularly, not since Junior High School. I needed the effect it brought. I'm pretty nauseatingly PC in general. My wife works with these folks and her co-workers' term for them is "Consumers". If I used that nobody would know what I was saying!GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:23 pm
And might I suggest cutting out the "retard" comments, even for effect? It's not cool for legit reasons. I like Frey's fucktard but even that makes me squirm a little, but that's on me I think. If you give people a reason to criticize you and not the subject being discussed, it makes your viewpoint more easily dismissible without anyone ever really having to address the facts involved.
Pretty much this.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:23 pm Now if you just want to lay into someone and don't give a shit what any bystander thinks, then that's up to you.![]()
As I unfortunately (have to?) share with my wife more often than I'd like, just because an excuse is true doesn't make it a valid excuse. In any case, I appreciate your empathy.Isgrimnur wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:35 pmYou've been going through some bullshit lately. People talk about what's on their minds, and lately, you've been trying to deal with the things that impact you directly.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:23 pm In any case, I've noticed that I've made every single one of my posts about me in some way, and I'm starting to feel some kinship with drumpf, or his narcissism anyway. I'm going to stop now.
I get it and you have to make decisions for yourself.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:40 pm I chose the word very carefully knowing what the implications were. It's not a word I use regularly, not since Junior High School. I needed the effect it brought. I'm pretty nauseatingly PC in general. My wife works with these folks and her co-workers' term for them is "Consumers". If I used that nobody would know what I was saying!
That was such an epic fail by me and yet so very much fun.Remus West wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:00 pmHe was. It was a glorious human victory. The first one I'd ever been part of and I managed to get CR killed (well, outted as Cylons don't actually die) on my first turn.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:39 amIndeed - but weren't you a Cylon? It's so hard to keep track which one of you is actually evil.Remus West wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:35 am No worries (or real anger - thus the smiley). IIRC you assisted me in tossing Chaosraven out an airlock playing BSG at Octocon so you have a TON of good will you can burn through.![]()
And it is always him. Always. Just remember when you two were secret masons together and that should help you keep it straight.
Running__ | __2014: 1300.55 miles__ | __2015: 2036.13 miles__ | __2016: 1012.75 miles__ | __2017: 1105.82 miles__ | __2018: 1318.91 miles | __2019: 2000.00 miles |
For what it's worth, it's pretty much the equivalent to the N word for many of us from an emotional standpoint. If you think it would not be appropriate to use the N word in an analogous scenario, even for effect, then I would think you would want to avoid the R word, too.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:40 pmI chose the word very carefully knowing what the implications were. It's not a word I use regularly, not since Junior High School. I needed the effect it brought. I'm pretty nauseatingly PC in general. My wife works with these folks and her co-workers' term for them is "Consumers". If I used that nobody would know what I was saying!GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:23 pm
And might I suggest cutting out the "retard" comments, even for effect? It's not cool for legit reasons. I like Frey's fucktard but even that makes me squirm a little, but that's on me I think. If you give people a reason to criticize you and not the subject being discussed, it makes your viewpoint more easily dismissible without anyone ever really having to address the facts involved.
Did we? I feel real shame that that happened. I have only the barest inkling that it did, but I don't doubt that it did. My sincere apologies. Heartfelt apologies. While it's true that my own child has challenges of his own, I want to believe that I changed my outlook because it's the right position to hold, long before my son's disability surfaced and could be considered a factor in my change in attitude.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:05 pm As an aside, I really appreciate the thought on the topic and changes in position that GreenGoo has taken on this topic. He and I have had it out on the topic previously (and I'm not always diplomatic when I raise it, although I'm trying to be better - more flies with honey, and all that), and it's good to know that people are listening and understanding.
I fully understand where you are coming from. That's the same reason why I dislike seeing or hearing people use the "M" word for Little People, that still happens occasionally even here. It's more personal to me and I find it an ugly word.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:05 pm For what it's worth, it's pretty much the equivalent to the N word for many of us from an emotional standpoint. If you think it would not be appropriate to use the N word in an analogous scenario, even for effect, then I would think you would want to avoid the R word, too.
You know, I really feel like we've made some headway today in this thread. In the spirit of that I need to say maybe we just need to support Our President and give him a chance. He's still new on the job after all.
I'm still working on this one.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:44 pm
I fully understand where you are coming from. That's the same reason why I dislike seeing or hearing people use the "M" word for Little People, that still happens occasionally even here. It's more personal to me and I find it an ugly word.
It doesn't matter because it's all on me for being both insensitive and tone deaf... but the posts (probably nonstop. I didn't pay attention, ie the problem) I think are a surrogacy for dealing with relations living in your geography, Hillsdale and points west of there. I'm also betting I'm the offensive around various holidays), where one of two things happens. I am polite in my rebuttal of ignorance or dismissal or crazy of west Michigan family or I am rude, in that I deal with them by getting up and walking away, some of whom I'm this >< close to calling it quits with (I fear firing Mueller will happen and I be this |-> close. The consideration of calling it quits with family is soul crushing. I have always felt like I commiserating. And too often I make poor assumptions leading to poor conclusions. I work on it. Obviously not hard enough.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:11 pm I have been stewing on it a long time because I thought that we have had a personal bond in the past (you are the only OO'er I've met IRL for chrissake!) and lately it seems as though that familiarity has lead to contempt towards me on your part.
Again, apology accepted and no hard feelings. It stops now with me as well.
I may be overstating things by saying we "had it out", as it was a long time ago. My recollection is that you used the word, I called you out on it (and I may have done so rudely), and you more or less said it was just a word and you knew that it bugged some people but you were likely going to keep using it. Whether I've got the details wrong or not, I do know that you've made a concerted effort about it, and that's what I'm appreciative of.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:18 pmDid we? I feel real shame that that happened. I have only the barest inkling that it did, but I don't doubt that it did. My sincere apologies. Heartfelt apologies. While it's true that my own child has challenges of his own, I want to believe that I changed my outlook because it's the right position to hold, long before my son's disability surfaced and could be considered a factor in my change in attitude.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:05 pm As an aside, I really appreciate the thought on the topic and changes in position that GreenGoo has taken on this topic. He and I have had it out on the topic previously (and I'm not always diplomatic when I raise it, although I'm trying to be better - more flies with honey, and all that), and it's good to know that people are listening and understanding.
Yeah, well you only see the carefully curated version that puts me in a good light.GreenGoo wrote:Did you know that I've held you up to my wife in amazement, awe and respect for the time, effort, money and love that you put into your children? Probably not, as this is the first I've said on the subject. I realize that that can be taken as condescending, as of course you do these things, as any loving parent would. Yet not all of us do it so well or so consistently. Your example made it into my life and positively influenced it, and my wife's.
Thanks. FWIW, I only recently (in the last year or two) learned that the M word was so offensive. I used it in what I thought was a reasonable way, and my wife about took my head off. I've made an effort to avoid the term since. I'm sure there are people reading this lamenting the PC culture and saying we're all snowflakes, but screw 'em. If I know that a word is offensive I'll generally try not to use it. If that makes me a PC thug, so be it. I'm just trying not to be (too much of) an asshole.Z-Corn wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:44 pmI fully understand where you are coming from. That's the same reason why I dislike seeing or hearing people use the "M" word for Little People, that still happens occasionally even here. It's more personal to me and I find it an ugly word.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:05 pm For what it's worth, it's pretty much the equivalent to the N word for many of us from an emotional standpoint. If you think it would not be appropriate to use the N word in an analogous scenario, even for effect, then I would think you would want to avoid the R word, too.
I will be more mindful even when I feel the need to press an issue.
I get what you meant, and I know you weren't trying to dehumanize. It's not something I'd normally even mention except for the context of the discussion it seemed warranted. Parents of kids with visible disabilities see the "pity stare" a lot from people we pass on the street. Most of us don't want pity and really dislike it, even though we know that it's not coming from a malicious place. "Poor souls" is kind of a verbal equivalent of the pity stare. Many people with disabilities are very rich souls (and some are probably assholes - equal opportunity, you know). I know I'm going too far with this, but just know that I don't think you were being cruel. I'm just letting you know the why behind my comment.Freyland wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:47 pm Goo pretty much covered this, but "poor souls", to me, refers to those suffering or experiencing a loss not of their own doing.
"I feel for the poor souls who lost so much from the wildfires."
No dehumanizing at all.
I don't remember details, but I remember that it happened now, and I remember the feelings involved, and I know what I can be like, and I can even feel my mind trying to rationalize my reasoning for pushing back in the first place. Water under the bridge.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:38 pm
I may be overstating things by saying we "had it out", as it was a long time ago. My recollection is that you used the word, I called you out on it (and I may have done so rudely), and you more or less said it was just a word and you knew that it bugged some people but you were likely going to keep using it.
Of course. Or, no shit, if you prefer. None of us are saints, except perhaps our sainted spouses (Spice!). Believe me when I say that my opinion already takes that into account.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:38 pm Yeah, well you only see the carefully curated version that puts me in a good light.![]()
Almost certainly. Every once in awhile a lurker will delurk, or a more prolific member will come out of no where with an anecdote. You know all this, of course. I do tend to be guarded about my personal life, and that includes my family and wife, but I always try to be truthful (sometimes details are omitted or not fully fleshed out, giving an incomplete picture, or a single angle. I'm never intentionally dishonest or misleading, that I'm aware of) but after over a decade, you tend to let your guard down, at least somewhat.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:38 pm there are probably even more here who just don't go blabbing about it publicly like we do.
In the spirit of learning and growing, can someone explain why to me? I've heard before that it is offensive, but never a reason why. Or provide a link - I'm a bit lazy.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:38 pm Thanks. FWIW, I only recently (in the last year or two) learned that the M word was so offensive. I used it in what I thought was a reasonable way, and my wife about took my head off. I've made an effort to avoid the term since. I'm sure there are people reading this lamenting the PC culture and saying we're all snowflakes, but screw 'em. If I know that a word is offensive I'll generally try not to use it. If that makes me a PC thug, so be it. I'm just trying not to be (too much of) an asshole.
Running__ | __2014: 1300.55 miles__ | __2015: 2036.13 miles__ | __2016: 1012.75 miles__ | __2017: 1105.82 miles__ | __2018: 1318.91 miles | __2019: 2000.00 miles |
The long and short of it is...they don't like it. And that is reason enough.stessier wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:01 pmIn the spirit of learning and growing, can someone explain why to me? I've heard before that it is offensive, but never a reason why. Or provide a link - I'm a bit lazy.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:38 pm Thanks. FWIW, I only recently (in the last year or two) learned that the M word was so offensive. I used it in what I thought was a reasonable way, and my wife about took my head off. I've made an effort to avoid the term since. I'm sure there are people reading this lamenting the PC culture and saying we're all snowflakes, but screw 'em. If I know that a word is offensive I'll generally try not to use it. If that makes me a PC thug, so be it. I'm just trying not to be (too much of) an asshole.![]()
I guess I come off as quite sensitive sometimes.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:59 pm I found the pictures and stories of your son visiting the dolphins particularly heartwarming and inspiring. I'm not leaving your son out of my thoughts, only my comments, just so you know I realize he's a person and important, not an accessory to your life. I'm worried that you will find "accessory" is offensive. I use it in the same way that I would use it for anyone who is just along for the ride, but ignored otherwise. That's not specific to your son or the challenges he faces. Does that make sense? My point is despite only talking about you, I'm not ignoring your son as a person. I think that might be important to you, so I'm trying to make it clear. The fact that it's true, helps.