Daehawk wrote: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:07 am
I have tons of insanity but no patience so I dislike those games now days. Younger I loved deathmatch. I tried TF2 today and died twice got mad and quit. Spawning running someplace to die waiting to spawn and doing it over and over is something I super hate.
I can't believe how many hours I put into the original Team Fortress. I did try TF2 but by then I just couldn't take the constant spawn-shot-die-repeat cycle.
I had a lot of fun with the earlier Call of Duty games. My favorite was Call of Duty: World at War. I liked the slower pace and less techy weapons. I also liked the original CoD Black Ops, I played Nuketown
so many times. I also liked CoD 4: Modern Warfare, especially the very large map Overgrown. I did try the latest CoD game but sheesh, between my slowing down and the maps being smaller, it just doesn't feel fun anymore.
My absolute favorite MP game was
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising by Novalogic. The maps were very large, miles long and miles wide and there could be 150 players in a game, although anything over 64 was usually too much for the servers to handle. And for me, the mode of choice was always Team Deathmatch. What was so cool about it was that the layout of the maps was very different so they played very different. On the smaller maps, and that is in relative terms, the game time limit would be thirty minutes, but the very biggest maps it would be three hours. Even as I write this I'm getting a flood of memories about how much fun it was doing multiplayer before headsets, when you'd either use a pre-canned button press to say something or have to type it out.
And coop in Joint Ops was essential, because on some maps there were islands that you had to reach by flying or by boat in order to get into the action. I spent many a game being a transport chopper pilot for at least part of the time, picking up spawning players and dropping them off where they asked. On maps that were mostly land, the driver of a land vehicle couldn't operate the guns, so you needed at least a second person to help.
Joint Ops was also the epitome of MP sniping. I'd spawn in a behind the lines location, then grab a jeep and drive around the main battles, then dump the jeep and hoof it on foot to near an enemy spawn point. These were small round forts where you spawned and also could go back and swap your load out. And as I'd approach this enemy fort, I'd go prone and slither on my belly till I could get a nice lined up shot into the fort. You couldn't shoot someone who just spawn
until they had moved. So you'd wait until they moved a bit and were selecting their loadout and
boom, one shot kill. They would spawn again in about ten seconds, and they had the option to select a further back location. But often they'd spawn at the same place and drop and hide, then sneak out to try to find me. In the meantime however I'd have moved locations and
boom, I'd get them again. I remember that in one glorious incident I spent about twenty minutes outside a spawn fort, killing so many enemies that they quit spawning there. And just to add insult to them, I'd actually sneak into the fort to get more ammo, then back to my hide to shoot again