YellowKing wrote: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:45 pm
I think you guys are putting waaaay too much stock in the Senate's Trump loyalty. There have been numerous reports of what they say about him behind closed doors. That loyalty has been completely shaped by political opportunity, not love of a cult leader. In other words, they're going to stick with Trump as long as he advances their agenda. They're not going to help him bury the bodies when it's clear he committed the murder.
They will if they are complicit. Which they are. Or if they stand to lose more by dumping him than to gain.
It's what Trump does. Whether he plays dumb or is dumb, everyone thinks they can ride him and then jump off. But they find that they're too deep in the shit and have to ride him out ("just a little bit longer").
He did it with banks. They loaned him so much money that they couldn't cut him loose. They needed him to sell junk bonds to new suckers so they, the banks, could recoup.
I'm sure the inexplicable loyalties of Rudy and the rest are similar.
There are four stages of Trump.
1. You go in thinking he's an easy mark and "pretend" to support/associate with/work with thinking you'll get something out of it. Something far favorable to you on balance.
2. You get caught up in his shit, either debt or some kind of kompromat (Banks, Cohen, Manafort, etc). Or you buy his snakeoil (Trump U, Vodka, etc).
3. You ride it out, praying for some kind of exit.
4. You exit, either by passing the cursed torch on or by being dumped off as a discarded husk.
None of this may be his conscious doing. It's just the Trump Cycle that at this point is on autopilot.
Rudy is undoubtedly of the kompromat variety. McConnell is like a bank, he put too much political capital in Trump and now can't get out without losing it all. He needs Trump to run his con game on a new round of suckers in order to bail out even close to whole.