GreenGoo wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:16 pm
I'd also like to point out that the alt-right sphere are jerking themselves off over this. This is the stinging criticism they have for her. Also, she's clapping/not clapping at things they approve/don't approve of. They are absolutely shitting their pants over her existence, not anything substantive she's done, and it couldn't be more beautiful. I think we can expect many decades of negative campaigning until everyone "just knows" she's crooked, and LM doesn't like her, but has no idea why.
GreenGoo wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:16 pm
Note: I'm referring to the tweeter in this post not the poster, although I don't have anything kind to say about people willing to promulgate it either.
That's ridiculous. She's clearly air high fiving someone off camera because they are too far apart to actually high five.
That's actually a thing.
Well it's a thing amongst cool people who are confident and celebrating. Cool people, confidence and celebrating are likely all foreign concepts to the original tweeter.
I'm all for mocking stupid behaviour. I'm less for taking things out of context to win some sort of juvenile one upsmanship the twitterverse likes to engage in. Why not photoshop a lizard's head on top of her and be done with it.
Thank you, I just wrote all this, and then went to see if that's what you wrote.
It's hilariously funny to make fun of her for it. And to promulgate it.
Something something minds think alike.
And since you liked that one, I think you'll like this one too:
also, I will say... that picture of Pelosi isn't nearly as bad as so many picture of her I've seen. That picture almost makes her look like someone that's kickin some ass and having some fun with it... not generally the type of picture the opposition throws around. Could almost be a... (gasp!) AOC type pose.)
Last edited by Unagi on Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Something something minds think alike.
And since you liked that one, I think you'll like this one too:
I'm good with this one. I couldn't care less if people think she's a bitch, and the baby shark video and meme is something I just discovered, so it's still fresh for me.
It's not hilarious or anything, but it is mildly amusing, sorta.
It's not a complete whiff and I'm not offended by it, that's about as close to a compliment as I can get for it and it's creator. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Pelosi haters think it's the bees knees though.
Unagi wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:51 pm
also, I will say... that picture of Pelosi isn't nearly as bad as so many picture of her I've seen. That picture almost makes her look like someone that's kickin some ass and having some fun with it... not generally the type of picture the opposition throws around. Could almost be a... (gasp!) AOC type pose.)
It's a pretty serious meme fail. The picture encapsulates everything that is endearing her to many. Captioning it with implied misogynistic baggage puts it rungs below, but still in sight of "Nevertheless, she persisted." Bitch becomes an ironic sort of praise of her leadership tied to her sex organs.
(I can't speak to how well it emulates the baby shark video part. I haven't seen it. That may very well be funny)
The AOC high five thing had me confused. I wouldn't have even known it was an attempt to make her seem like a flake you guys hadn't pointed it out.
Zaxxon wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:06 pm
It's fun whenever I see tweeters suggesting she run in 2020 (presumably because Trump would beat her), as the ignorance-broadcasting is so divine.
I believe in normal times, she would never win due to inexperience and some naivete on economics and other things, but then I remember 2016 and realize a lot of Americans would vote for a hologram of Tweety Bird if it told them it was going to make sure America was for whites only.
Zaxxon wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:06 pm
It's fun whenever I see tweeters suggesting she run in 2020 (presumably because Trump would beat her), as the ignorance-broadcasting is so divine.
I believe in normal times, she would never win due to inexperience and some naivete on economics and other things, but then I remember 2016 and realize a lot of Americans would vote for a hologram of Tweety Bird if it told them it was going to make sure America was for whites only.
The joke being that she's ineligible to run in 2020.
On the one hand, using a lazy slur like "bitch" seemingly outs the user as a misogynist, but the simple fact that they consistently mock females already accomplishs that.
On the other hand...
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
Zaxxon wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:06 pm
It's fun whenever I see tweeters suggesting she run in 2020 (presumably because Trump would beat her), as the ignorance-broadcasting is so divine.
I believe in normal times, she would never win due to inexperience and some naivete on economics and other things, but then I remember 2016 and realize a lot of Americans would vote for a hologram of Tweety Bird if it told them it was going to make sure America was for whites only.
The joke being that she's ineligible to run in 2020.
I didn't even hear it until you pointed it out. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to a day when flubs like that were scandalous. If that and high fives and dancing are the big AOC problems, then I should have started caucusing left a long time ago.
OTOH, I am fascinated with fixation on AOC.
I also find it disheartening that someone who self reflects as a non partisan, who wants to shake things up and stop political games, who sees the president as the best example as an embodiment of that reflection, then gives a 1, 2, 3 of High Five, bitch, and turn red.
I'm all about the counterpoint but from my having become partisan seat this... is not counterpoint. It's not funny. It's not gotcha. I don't understand it. *shrug*
LordMortis wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:32 pm
I didn't even hear it until you pointed it out. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to a day when flubs like that were scandalous. If that and high fives and dancing are the big AOC problems, then I should have started caucusing left a long time ago.
OTOH, I am fascinated with fixation on AOC.
I also find it disheartening that someone who self reflects as a non partisan, who wants to shake things up and stop political games, who sees the president as the best example as an embodiment of that reflection, then gives a 1, 2, 3 of High Five, bitch, and turn red.
I'm all about the counterpoint but from my having become partisan seat this... is not counterpoint. It's not funny. It's not gotcha. I don't understand it. *shrug*
You're right for the most part. But with the balance being tipped so far to one side in this forum, I guess I just can't help but to try and show the other side.
Understood. I often have a high desire to be contrary, especially when indications are there is railroading going on and I probably act on that desire too often.
Trump says that some of America's greatest accomplishments, including the "abolition of civil rights," have been led by people of faith. Via Fox
Yeah, but the difference is we all know Trump has all of his speeches written for him, am I right?
So find the guy who wrote this speech and we can all laugh at him.
LordMortis wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:32 pm
I didn't even hear it until you pointed it out. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to a day when flubs like that were scandalous. If that and high fives and dancing are the big AOC problems, then I should have started caucusing left a long time ago.
OTOH, I am fascinated with fixation on AOC.
I also find it disheartening that someone who self reflects as a non partisan, who wants to shake things up and stop political games, who sees the president as the best example as an embodiment of that reflection, then gives a 1, 2, 3 of High Five, bitch, and turn red.
I'm all about the counterpoint but from my having become partisan seat this... is not counterpoint. It's not funny. It's not gotcha. I don't understand it. *shrug*
You're right for the most part. But with the balance being tipped so far to one side in this forum, I guess I just can't help but to try and show the other side.
The problem being that you also take the time to tell us you're not really a Trump supporter when someone points out something about Trump that's undeniably stupid/horrid/laughable. So you have to accept that folks are gonna take you to task for the inherent insincerity in your less than noble attempts to fight for what you try to claim is balance.
There is zero chance those words are in the speech as written.
It's also well known that Drumpf can't stay on script for longer than 60 seconds or so.
That said, I couldn't care less about either of these gaffs. They're both gaffs and that's all. One is a rookie just learning what it means to be under constant scrutiny and media attention, the other is a congresswoman from NY.
LordMortis wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:16 pm
Yeah, that's pretty mild as well, and I must admit my bias is showing because it makes me smile while the AOC gaff make me shrug.
Come on dude, you make it sound like citizens need to remain neutral at all times. It's ok to recognize that the man is deserving of the disapproval he generates. At some point he's going to be kicking puppies and you'll be conflicted about your feelings on the matter.
When AOC starts taking graft from lobbyists, then you can start examining your political bias. Until then it's ok to not like a man who does things you don't like.
The key is to be objective in your evaluation, that's where you need to keep bias in check. The results of that evaluation don't need to remain neutral. If that's the goal, don't even bother with the evaluation. Just settle into a nice cozy cocoon of "both sides" and save yourself the time, effort and stress.
LordMortis wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:32 pm
I didn't even hear it until you pointed it out. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to a day when flubs like that were scandalous. If that and high fives and dancing are the big AOC problems, then I should have started caucusing left a long time ago.
OTOH, I am fascinated with fixation on AOC.
I also find it disheartening that someone who self reflects as a non partisan, who wants to shake things up and stop political games, who sees the president as the best example as an embodiment of that reflection, then gives a 1, 2, 3 of High Five, bitch, and turn red.
I'm all about the counterpoint but from my having become partisan seat this... is not counterpoint. It's not funny. It's not gotcha. I don't understand it. *shrug*
You're right for the most part. But with the balance being tipped so far to one side in this forum, I guess I just can't help but to try and show the other side.
The problem being that you also take the time to tell us you're not really a Trump supporter when someone points out something about Trump that's undeniably stupid/horrid/laughable. So you have to accept that folks are gonna take you to task for the inherent insincerity in your less than noble attempts to fight for what you try to claim is balance.
As I said, the problem being that 90% of what is brought up here is Trump or R bashing.
The .01% of stuff I counter with doesn't even begin to budge the scales, yet I'm constantly called out for it because it runs counter to the mob mentality.
If I came in here and saw that the discussions were even close to being unbiased and balanced, you'd probably see a whole different side to my posts.
But they aren't, so you don't.
Also, did someone promise you that people on the internet with differing opinions and outlooks only congregated on forums in equal measures of opposition?
I couldn't stand Trump long before he became POTUS. He is an awful human being. For me, being critical of the man is just that: being critical of the man. If you go back over my political posting history, I don't think I've ever been as blatantly hostile to a president. And I won't stop because Trump has a long history of being a goddamn awful human being.
Last edited by hepcat on Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:29 pm
Has it occurred to you that perhaps one political party in the US is deserving of 90% of the bashing?
Because one political party in the US is deserving of 90% of the bashing.
My point, or opinion, all along has been that in my eyes, it's not.
That's what runs counter to the popular belief here and thats why I feel the need to post otherwise.
Last I heard, it's my right to do so.
hepcat wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:31 pm
Do you wear a cape while posting?
Also, did someone promise you that people on the internet with differing opinions and outlooks only congregated on forums in equal measures of opposition?
A cape and bunny slippers. Nothing else.
Should I post a pic?
And no, but no one told me if I don't agree with the unwashed masses that I couldn't post an opposing view.
stimpy wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:34 pm
That's what runs counter to the popular belief here and thats why I feel the need to post otherwise.
Last I heard, it's my right to do so.
Sure it's your right. But stop trying to pretend it's your duty.
Sure. You have the right to speak your mind (more or less). And you also have the right to get yelled at if you say something dumb. Don't be a snowflake.