This piece does a much better job than I could putting words to how I feel about the GND and the general state of things.
The short version: this is a fucking emergency.
"The crucial decisions that will shape our species’ future will take place over the next decade. Dramatic change is the only hope of avoiding the worst."
The longer version:
If you are an American living a life that is relatively comfortable--that is, you're not living paycheck to paycheck, neither you nor any close relatives have serious health issues, etc--and climate change is anything less than the biggest concern you spend your time working to address,
you are the problem.
We've got 10-20 years left to radically transform the global economy as drastically as has ever happened before in human history, or else the impacts will be beyond anything human civilization has ever endured, by extremely wide margins. Literally no other issues--political or otherwise--matter relative to addressing climate change.
The GND is at least trying to take a shot at describing how we address this crisis. Of course the GOP has no interest at all in even trying. The Democrat establishment would like to help but is not thinking nearly big enough.
Basically it's worth taking the GND seriously because there has been no other serious, sufficient option presented. Other comers are welcome. If they come now. Where are they?
Not making drastic changes, and doing so
now, is unacceptable.
Really, I've butchered this. Just read the article.