Blame away. I just bought a new Rogue this week. I was surprised to learn that they make a hybrid version now - but at $2500 more, only a 5 mpg boost in fuel economy and a more than 20% decrease in HP I'd be surprised if they sold any to even the most dedicated tree hugger. The dealer had 85 Rogues in stock, no hybrids. In 2 months it will be used for a 1000 mile (each way) trip that I plan to make in 14 hours.
Within about 2 years we may need to supersize that car - Armada if we stay with Nissan, or a minivan if we go elsewhere.
If charging stations ever become ubiquitous at the fringe of civilization where I live, replacing my commuter car (Versa) with a battery buggy might be practical if the TCO is competitive. I'll need to feel confident about not becoming roadkill during those random 2-3 hour commutes the road gods like to drop on us once in a while.