I like Biden but he's not my pick for 2020.El Guapo wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:40 am Seems generally like Biden is generally too touchy-feely in a way that's inappropriate, and that he hasn't realized how that is on the receiving end for women, especially given that he's a powerful man. Not totally sure what to do with that, although it seems like a major problem in a very competitive primary field.
Also, if Biden gets elected President now, Al Franken is going to lose his goddamn mind.
That said, these attempts to paint him as a Me-Too perv are terrible. Biden once kissed a woman on the back of the head and rubbed noses with one, both in public and in ways they concede were not a big deal. To take these two incidents and say that Biden is "inappropriate" (with all the sexual connotations that word carries in this context) or to put him on the level of an Al Franken, is absurd. There are probably a million and one reasons why Biden is not right for 2020. The notion that he is vulnerable or should be disqualified because of these two incidents is ridiculous.
And, to be clear, there are probably a ton of other women (and probably men) who could (and may) come forward with similar stories about Uncle Joe. How can anyone be surprised? This is how Biden - and tons of other people - behaved publicly and without shame before we all became so scared of one another that crap like this is now national news.
Until I see someone credibly report something serious, this shit about Biden is a hatchet job, plain and simple.