I, too, was initially "up in arms" for my state's ranking on the Natural Environment metric, until I dug in and saw how things were actually ranked. We, too, have a wealth of untouched forests, lakes, rivers, and I'll throw in mountains instead of beaches. Guess what? That's not how they measured "Natural Environment."Apollo wrote: Sat May 18, 2019 1:53 pm I wasn't talking about climate when I was posting about Natural Environment. We have a wealth of untouched forests, lakes, rivers and beautiful beaches that blow anything in New York away. It's not even close.
Survey/Studies (the two can be synonyms) are fairly subjective, as you point out. This isn't a CIA Factbook entry for our states. The authors of the system decided how to assign points for each category. Fortunately (especially in today's world) they also documented with a fair amount of transparency how they went about making their assessments. You, me, and other rationally minded people are welcome to disagree with their system. But while there is a fair amount of subjectivity in the process as a whole, there's a lot of objective measures performed in that process as well.