noxiousdog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:47 am
I am only talking about healthy pregnancies for both mother and fetus.
Abortions of which are exceedingly rare. Exceedingly.
It's not like you to demand that society spend time and resources to deal with edge cases that statistically are almost non-existent. I'll have to re-evaluate your opinions on other "waste of time" efforts you've commented on. Seems to me that what other people care about is a waste of time, but what you care about needs to be codified into law.
Personally I'm not ok with forcing a woman to carry to term a baby she doesn't want. That's some Handmaid's Tale shit right there. I am in no position to judge a woman's informed decision about what's allowed to grow in her body, even when it's a viable baby. The rarity of this occurrence leads me to believe that it requires extreme circumstances to even be considered in any case, and other peoples' circumstances is not something I'm willing to judge, either.
I also think that a line in the sand "here legal, there illegal" is a tricky proposition and likely to be abused in any case. This sort of law will always be "one day no problem, the next day the law is involved" no matter where you think the line should be drawn. That people in dire circumstances will do what they think needs to be done, government finger wagging or no, Nox's disapproval or no, my disapproval or no, just puts these (incredibly few) abortions back into back alleys with rusty coat hangers and turns these desperate women into criminals. Mission accomplished, I guess.
We've had centuries of abortions being illegal. The amount of issues that arose from this are manifold and well documented. We've now had a few decades, a tiny amount of time comparatively, where abortions have been legal. This has been a proven "win" for society. We should not be moving backward, particularly not because of nearly hypothetical edge cases that are personally unacceptable when imagined, and imagined they must be, because it is unlikely that any of us actually know someone who was a member of these edge cases, while the likelihood of knowing someone who had to make the incredibly difficult decision to abort an earlier term baby is high.
The system is working as is. The people working to change it don't care what happens to the mother during the pregnancy or after (or even the child at that point). As pointed out earlier in the thread, these are the same people who are against social support programs for those very same women and the children they were forced to bear. That there are people in the middle suggesting some middle ground can be reached to the benefit of the mother and the child are being naive, imo.
In the end I don't feel Nox's position any more compelling than anyone else's position on forcing a woman to bring their pregnancy to term. Whether they feel all abortions are an abomination or just some, it all comes down to forcing a woman to bear a child, and that is not something I can tolerate, no matter how unpleasant and distasteful I find some of the decisions some women make. Women are not incubators. They are autonomous beings just like the rest of us. Forcing them to reproduce against their will is heinous.