Holman wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:35 pm
Fun game! Thank you for running it, Remus.
El G definitely played it cool the whole time. I should remember never to trust that again.
I knew the wolf was Unagi as soon as I was killed in the night.
Unagi, did you get nervous when Drazzil posted your message? In retrospect, it made it pretty clear that you were claiming
wolf. I kept wondering why you didn't come out and say it.
I think you mean 'seer' there...
So, how do I answer you here?
Do I answer "How,
as a True Seer, would you not come out and say you were the Seer?"
I'll answer that first, because I did feel I had a reasonably sincere argument here, not to 'come out':
Answer: Why would I make it crystal clear that I was the Seer. I mean, the only value that would have served would have been to hand myself over to the wolves in a bow. You all had my scans... If I was killed at night, you all would likely figure it out, especially when Drazzil would have come in and decalred I was indeed the 'Dead-Seer'. 'Coming out" and 'Not coming out' didn't change, ANYTHING for you guys. Had I come out and said, "OK I am the Seer", then you would have all just... what?... Lynched me to see? Waited to see if I would live over the night? If it's the latter, what difference does it really make - meaning, it was going to come down to: "Do you really think that maybe Unagi was indeed the Seer?"... Remember - this Seer had 1 scan, that only confirmed what most players felt already... This Seer NEVER intended to even announce that he was alive that day (True statement, Drazill was instructed to not share that with anyone unless I asked him to, or if he felt he couldn't beleive me and needed to 'blow the whistle' - but that if he would be 'so kind to sit on it for a day'...)... So, really - I was a Seer that wanted another scan, and didn't appreciate Drazzil posting my PM to everyone in plain text. So really, and I didn't want to press this in the game - but as villagers, what was your plan to do with the information if I had come out and said "OK, OK, I am the guy that is the Seer in the PMs with Drazzil".... My guess is that you would all have: Lynched Scoop. and then.... wondered why I was alive the next day and wondered if Newcastle was indeed just trying to get me lynched as a 'fake Seer' when I was the real deal.
Now, if I answer "How, as a Fake-Seer, did you not come out and say you were the Seer?"
Well clearly that's motivated by 2 things, Mostly trying to 'play a certain seer role' … that's just "see above" + and then there is the wolf thing: "needed to keep options open". I never planned to come out as the Seer publicly on that day and didn't want to... If most people thought: "Ahhh geeze guessing that's Unagi... and what if he really is the Seer... " and that bought me a day, I was going to let it... But I didn't feel it was an 'unexpectable' take for the Seer in the least. I definetly played with a few ideas of coming out and admiting it, and seeing how that played out - like I said above, I suspect people would have likely moved in a direction like Issy or Scoop. And then the next day (which was inevitable any way) I would still need to defend "why is Unagi still alive".
So, the reason is the same for the Seer and for the Wolf pretending to be the Seer. I didn't say who I was, because I wanted to be there the next day saying that Newcastle has clearly been pressing the "Unagi Lynch" all game, etc, etc.
NOW, as yourself this... If I WAS the Seer.... and for all anyone knew (even Newcastle, sorry - I mean I know he was confident, but he himself played with the idea that he was wrong all along and just had blinders on...)
And so... let's say I WAS the Seer.... And lets say that Newcastle was also the human he was...
How horrible would THAT have been for this village too? Newcastle would have gunned for me all game. I contacted Drazzil with my scans - he regurgitates that secret too soon and I'm exposed... Newcastle is all over "Wolf Unagi" but is wrong... He lynches Scoop instead and then - that night A) Unagi is dead.... next day the heat is high on Newcastle and that's the last miss. B) Unagi is left alive and the wolves ACTUALLY watch as Human-Newcastle drags the Unagi-Seer down for a final village miss.
So, I would actually love to hear what it is that people feel they would have done differently had I come out and said, "it's me".