Moliere wrote: Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:26 pm
Tips for dog fights? Whether it is in the Training Mode or the Solo instance I die every time. Every. Single. Time. It's not even close. I usually don't even see my opponent despite all the flips, turns, speeding up, and slowing down I attempt.
It's been awhile, but I think I recall that you can select that your view locks onto your opponent, or am I thinking of another fighter game?
When I was playing I used a flight joystick with buttons to swap weapons, and that included a hat switch so I could move my view around while flying the ship, which really helped. I also was using VoiceAttack so I could use my mic to issue orders to my ship. I was a bit dubious at first but it turned out to be an excellent tool. I think I stayed playing for so long because I was having fun programing VoiceAttack to do all sorts of things.
My father said that anything is interesting if you bother to read about it - Michael C. Harrold
No joy stick or VoiceAttack option. It does let you lock on your opponent, but that only helps if they are in front of you.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
So I am 31 hours in according to Steam. I am on my second ship, completed around 25 salvage/FedEx missions, and have a million credits in the bank. Since I can't seem to fight anyone what is left to do? Join a faction? Which one?
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Moliere wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:42 am
Yeah, No VR either.
So I am 31 hours in according to Steam. I am on my second ship, completed around 25 salvage/FedEx missions, and have a million credits in the bank. Since I can't seem to fight anyone what is left to do? Join a faction? Which one?
There are several ways to play that don't involve fighting. Some do involve running. Passenger ferrying is one I like.
Moliere wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:42 am
Yeah, No VR either.
So I am 31 hours in according to Steam. I am on my second ship, completed around 25 salvage/FedEx missions, and have a million credits in the bank. Since I can't seem to fight anyone what is left to do? Join a faction? Which one?
Moliere wrote: Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:26 pm
Tips for dog fights? Whether it is in the Training Mode or the Solo instance I die every time. Every. Single. Time. It's not even close. I usually don't even see my opponent despite all the flips, turns, speeding up, and slowing down I attempt.
Are you using gimballed weapons? If not, you should, so that you can have a better chance of hitting them those times you do see them.
And as for seeing them, maybe you're getting caught in a literal loop of just flying circles around each other? Maybe fly straight for a while full throttle before turning? Are you making your turns with your speed in the blue band?
Fighting used to be easier, but they kept cranking up the difficulty to please the hardcore fans. Now I can no longer win battles and must avoid all missions requiring combat. And while there are other things to do, the difficulty jump has killed the game for me after 350 hours invested. I guess I can say that I got my money's worth, but I'm still not happy.
Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:26 pm
Just another reason to explore. I don't even put weapons on my exploration ship. Can't shoot what you can't catch.
Explain please. I just recently noticed the Escape Vector when someone is trying to knock me out of hyperdrive. No weapons means your ship can't be caught?
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:26 pm
Just another reason to explore. I don't even put weapons on my exploration ship. Can't shoot what you can't catch.
Explain please. I just recently noticed the Escape Vector when someone is trying to knock me out of hyperdrive. No weapons means your ship can't be caught?
Speed is more to get away and engage hyper-drive/jump. Not having weapons keeps the weight down so I can maximize jump distance. When you can jump 60 light years very few can follow.
Escape vector is important as well. That is when someone is trying to interdict you. Just keep pointing your nose in that circle(or close to) long enough and you will escape them. Another tactic often used by exploration/run away guys is just cut your throttle which is to surrender. That keeps you from taking any damage. The as soon as you drop kick it in the butt and boost. You can often get far enough away to jump away before they can lay a glove on you. Again a good jumps helps here because some shipps can scan where you jumped to and follow. Jumping far makes the chances low that anyone well armed could follow.
Anyone experience having a problem turning in a mission? I FedEx'd the goods to the correct System and Station. When I go to the Mission board there is no option to turn it in. I didn't have any fines with the Station, I had spare room in my Cargo so the reward would not have overloaded me, and my ship was fully repaired so there was no damage to the Cargo hold. When I went to the Commodities board it showed that I still had the Cargo. I tried leaving the station and getting beyond mass lock, turning around and landing again. Still no luck being able to turn it in. If I have a pending fine in another system would that prevent me from turning in the Mission? They were for illicit goods so I was trying to offload them before travelling elsewhere.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Moliere wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:19 pm
No weapons means your ship can't be caught?
I took it to mean that there's no point in equipping weapons if you can't hit anything with them (i.e. it's your potential target that can't be caught, not you).
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
Moliere wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:19 pm
No weapons means your ship can't be caught?
I took it to mean that there's no point in equipping weapons if you can't hit anything with them (i.e. it's your potential target that can't be caught, not you).
It is about weight. Exploring takes good jump distance. Jump distance is farther the less you weigh. The farther you can jump the more places you can explore to and the harder it is for anyone (particularly a heavy well armed ship) to follow.
Now – when I said nothing can hurt you out there except yourself, I wasn't kidding. Chances you bump into a pirate a few thousand lightyears out of the bubble are literally zero. Instead of pirates and players wanting to pewpew you down – you will be jumping into a lot of star systems, and if you lack the focus while jumping into a system with neutron stars, black holes, white dwarves or even regular stars… your ship can take quite some damage.
The key to successful exploration is awareness. Just take a look around the star map and see what type of stars surround you. That way you'll ensure that you can always hop out of your plotted route and scoop some fuel if you keep jumping into systems with dead stars (remember KGB FOAM?), but it will also give you an idea what type of jump exit you can expect.
For example – jumping into a system with a black hole or a neutron star will give you literally just a fraction of a second to come to a full stop – otherwise, you'll be pulled out of supercruise and your ship will take damage. If that wasn't enough – you will most probably overheat when you try to jump out of the system while being so close to the star unless you have heat sink launchers fitted. And this is where we come to actual ship fitting.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
I truly believe you will enjoy the exploration side of the game. It can be relaxing once you get the routine down. Just listening to music and scanning lucrative systems across the vast nothingness. Seldom if ever even seeing another ship let alone getting into a fight with one.
I truly believe you will enjoy the exploration side of the game. It can be relaxing once you get the routine down. Just listening to music and scanning lucrative systems across the vast nothingness. Seldom if ever even seeing another ship let alone getting into a fight with one.
#WalkingSimulator #InSpace
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
Yeah, after a few hours I am already thinking it's time to uninstall and start Dishonored 2.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
I don't think they work if I play in Solo mode. I need to buy a Fuel Scoop. And pay more attention to my fuel gauge.
I ran out of fuel Thursday . I have a imperial clipper with a fuel scoop. Rebuy is about 4 million. I was surrounded by brown stars and the station I found was far away from the star. I have 5A life support. It gives you 25 minutes. The clipper canopy breaks a lot in fights ,so that's why I have the 25 minute one.
So I thought I would like to try out the fuel rats. I have over 314 million credits. I can make about 12-8 million an hour but wanted to see how fast they where.
I made note of the star system I was in ,then logout to the main screen . I alt tabbed the desktop brought up the fuel rat site. Filled in the support ticket with commander name, star system and if on o2, then it brings up irc.
It showed a case number and location and straight away 2 commander wanted it. Then also a second ship ran out of fuel too and there was other wanting to help him too.
I was assigned a Fuel Rat. They confirmed I was logged out. The he had me add him as a friend in the main screen. He then told me to wait till he was in system. Then had me log in to open play and add him as wing and turn on wing beacon.
He popped in and sent fuel limpets to me and then I had enough to get to a fuel star. I logged back out of open play , then went back to my group play Mobios.
It took about 8 minutes before I was back playing again. It was worth the time and it was fun.
I might join them for the fun factor too.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
If you want to wing up I can make you lots of credits in combat with out any danger to your self. Just send a friend request to me. Commander DoomU.
One thing you can do is wait for security to start a fight with a wanted ship then jump in at the end when they have 30% left.
Use a kill warrant scanner.
Also if you start a fight that your loosing, turn towards security and they will distracted them. Then wait for then to go down and move back in.
Join the Mobius group. There is no player vs player fighting. If you kill a player you will be banned from the group. Their statement is if you want player vs player then join open play.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
We’re pleased to announce that, starting from May 24 to May 30, we will be introducing an extended ‘Bonus Weekend’, which will bring temporary but lucrative bonuses to the galaxy!
The bonuses we will activate for this period are as follows:
All profits from trading activities will be increased (the amount of profit will vary depending on what you are shipping and where you’re shipping it to. Rare commodities are excluded from this bonus.)
The materials requested for engineering recipes will be at one rank below the existing ones (cheapening the current cost of engineering your modules.)
Whether you’re a penniless pauper or a wealthy space-tycoon, it’ll pay to haul this weekend, so dust off your freighters and get out there!
Oh, and if you need a little extra jump-range, the engineers have you covered!
Let us know what you think about the upcoming bonus weekend and if you have any questions, we’ll do our best to answer them!
Hadn't played this in a couple of years... basically since Horizons, but Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw gave me the itch for a space sim and didn't quite scratch it, so I thought I'd see what's changed in Elite.
Still the same game at its core, but a ton more polished now. They've also added a lot of variety to the various professions and much better UIs among other things.
Last time I played I had just scraped together enough money to trade in my tricked out Cobra for an Imperial Clipper, so I started this time just doing missions to build up a little cash and gear my clipper up a bit. After doing a bit of research I opted to try mining as they've added quite a few new tools and options to make it not quite as boring and it's now a pretty good money maker if you have the gear and some patience.
You can now use planetary scanners to scan planetary rings, and it will locate hotspots for you that have higher concentrations of minerals. Once you're in an asteroid field, you can use a pulse wave scanner to locate asteroids with surface features that can include rich surface and subsurface veins of resources, or, what I'm looking for, fissures that lead to cores made from rare resources.
Once you find an asteroid with fissures, you fire explosives with various power settings into the fissures, and once you have enough in place you can blow the asteroid apart and expose the rare resources inside. You still have to use an abrasion gun to loosen those veins, but the payoff is, rather than being worth a few thousand credits each, those rare core resources tend to be worth from 80,000 - 600,000 each depending on what it is and where you sell it. I actually got lucky and found a place that pays out about twice the galactic average for rare resources, so rather than spending hours to get a few hundred thousand from mining with a laser, I can mine cores and pull in a few million for each asteroid I find. They are definitely more rare than basic asteroids, but you can still generally find them fairly often if you look in the right spots.
That's given me enough cash over the last few days to trick out my clipper with A & B level equipment, and a pair of gimbaled multicannons to keep the riffraff away, and now I'm saving up for my dream: an Imperial Cutter. Only 175,000,000 to go!
Have you tried the Anaconda yet? I have the Imperial cutter and the Federal corvette and keep going back to the Anaconda.
For mining I like using an AI pilot. I have one that I brought up from novice and is about 89% from elite. By building up a novice they will take less percentage cut.
Now It looks like I will have to grind for the fleet carriers. I only have 2.5 B. I think they are going to be around 10 B.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
When you do buy, make sure you look for a base that sells at a discount. Li Yong 15% is big when your talking about 100 + million.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
Any one who is new to start, I will give 50,000,000 credits too. First 10 octoplayers.
Big up date in December.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
UsulofDoom wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:08 pm
On sale now for $9 on steam.
Any one who is new to start, I will give 50,000,000 credits too. First 10 octoplayers.
Big up date in December.
How is it you have $500,000,000 you don't need just laying around (by your last post, that's like 25% of your wealth!)? I mean, I'm tempted; $9 for the base game, $9 for Horizons. Elite has been on my wishlist for years now, but I keep bouncing off the PvP and grind concepts each and every time I think about buying it. I've spent countless hours in space with X3, Freelancer, and Everspace. It's something I enjoy. I'm just not sure Elite is for me.
*Edit: I go to Steam to see how I feel, and the reviews get to me (two big ones spoiler'd below). They mention, more than PvP, a simply intense grind to achieve anything. Now, I'm no stranger to grinding in games. X3 is a lot of repetition and grinding, but you have a lot going on, too - with station management, trade ships, mining ops, raids, etc. I have a save in X3 with over 200 hours logged in it, but it's also one where I have a number of stations and trade ships and can produce my own fleets in manufacturing. While my little empire is churning out profit, I can be off fighting pirates and taking on bounties.
630 hours in game wrote:TLDR; Not recommending for one reason: The most progress I've made in this game were some of the darkest and worst experiences of gaming in my life where I sacrificed health and a significant amount of personal time for slight gains in-game. The average person will literally hate everything about this game but only know about 10hrs in, after the refund limit, while the addiction-prone person will get hooked.
Considering I have 600+ hrs in the game, I can honestly say I got my moneys worth. I've been to the center, I have the biggest ships (Duval rep), I have two fully engineered PvP ships, fully engineered explorer, miner, etc, so I've "accomplished" some stuff over that time.
But, a big but.
Only a very small fraction of those hours are really enjoyable. The rest were really just me having been crushed by boredom and the game's grind itself and just sitting the ship looking at ♥♥♥♥ or leaving the game open while I watch Youtube vids.
This games physics are really incredible, the flight is incredible, the cockpit, ship and most exploration/celestial body visuals are incredible. That's essentially where it stops. Even while the physics are rooted in reality (except no orbits, honestly wtf), the application of research, exploration etc, has no basis in reality so I can't say the "scientific" aspect of this game is up to snuff.
If you are a flight simmer and you enjoy things like:
- Practicing landing a jet for no reason
- Flying from your city to another city for no reason
- Learning how a weapon system works for no reason
If you are a grinder and enjoy things like:
- Doing the same thing for LEGIT 18hrs straight with no change or difference to sound, visuals, experience, hand input, etc
- Doing the same mission type that has literally 0 actual experience change other than a slight different text dialogue, thousands, and i mean thousands of times
- Finding ways to make credits to increase your fleet with the community for the devs to go squash it right after (I'm looking at you Conflict Zones, how could you nerf those Frontier? I quit the game when you did that)
- Having large updates pushed to further dates (not the end of the world, but I won't even touch the game until the on-planet visual improvements)
Then you'll like this game. It's def more for the grinder or simmer than the average gamer. And once you become hooked you become SUPER disappointed and I'll even wager a quite depressed and unhealthy while you go through the grind.
940 hours in game wrote:I'm an old-timer; I spent FAR too many hours on Elite and Frontier on a C64 and Amiga 1200. Yeah, that old. This doesn't compare.
Yes, E:D is pretty but it is a grind-fest. I've just jumped into it for a couple of days after a hiatus and I honestly don't think it's time well-spent. There is a LOT of busy-work or standing around and waiting.
Jumping from system to system requires you to wait while your drive spins up and then again for five seconds as it jumps. You cannot bypass this time-sink. If you use the docking computer, you have to wait while it queues. If you want to outfit your ship, you have to wait while it is moved into the hanger from the pad - you can't do anything while the animation runs. Even completing a mission requires you to click, click and wait. It doesn't sound like much but this adds up.
Yes, they now have an Advanced Docking Computer which can launch for you and a Supercruise Assist, so you can set it at a station and it'll lower speed for you. Yes, they built something into the game so you can go AFK; travelling to stations can take a long time.
Base ships won't get you far. You need Engineering. So Horizons. To Engineer anything you have to gather materials (yes you can get them as mission rewards now and you can trade them if you can find a market) but you have to unlock each Engineer through three or four steps. They will then make you a grade one modification. After a couple of grade ones, they might make you a grade two, then after a few grade twos, they will do a grade three modification ... and on until you get the coveted grade five modifications. Each modification made requires materials. See the grind in that? If you're a returning player thinking "It's ok, I unlocked all the ones I need to grade five"; NOPE! Your modifications are now one grade lower than you had already unlocked and every time you want to modify something (thrusters for example), you have to go through the grade one through five thing for every modification. No more "unlock grade five on thrusters and now I just wander up with any thruster to get it grade five modified", nope, you will need all the materials and modify it from level one. If you like having a lot of ships; you're going to hate life.
Want to rank up in the Federation; yeah that's going to take HOURS. (Empire is easier.) And ships/systems are locked behind ranks.
All recent changes have increased the grind (see the Engineer stuff above) and also mining. Mining used to be fire a mining laser at an asteroid and scoop up the bits or send collector limpets off to collect for you. Oh no. Now we have two lots of scanners, three types of weapons plus the collectors. A quick beginners guide to mining showed seven sets of keybinds!
You can only have one character, so if you have altitus, then you'll need separate accounts. Not that Elite: Dangerous really caters to single players. Yeah, you can play solo but it's still online; at least you can avoid ganking in Open. It is also possible to have closed games where you can play with an invited group.
Initially I built a tourist ship and imagined the passengers' delight as I fly them through the Geysers rather than view them from a distance; a small tour operator who could do that with a small ship. That's the sort of immersion I wanted. But to get anywhere it is GRIND GRIND GRIND.
The devs seem to think that Grind = good playtime. No, it's busy work. I can spend 100 hours on Factorio and go from the start to a huge base. On E:D that's going from 100 million credits to 105 million credits via two deaths, a 300 ly yomp from a Penal Colony, running around trying to find a Material Vendor, ranking up Federation once and delivering a couple of people to a beacon, after giving up trying to get a FSD to grade four or five (after having it at grade five before the Engineering changes).
I really want to like Elite:Dangerous. But the grind/unskippable animations which leave you sitting there makes it not a worthwhile, effective use of my time. If you don't have anything else to do; great. If you have a job; forget it.
If anyone knows of a similar game which isn't a grindfest, that'd be great.
The upcoming carriers look interesting; basically indestructible stations that can jump hundreds of light years, but players can't fly them. They're just an asset you deploy and direct to move.
One thing that keeps getting me when I go sniffing for info is the really low number of ships players can use. Something I always enjoyed with X3 is the huge diversity in what you can fly, from tiny fighters to mega transport ships and carriers. If you see it, you can buy (or capture) and fly it.
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
First, the PVP is entirely optional. I've always played the game solo.
As for the grind, keep in mind that that reviewer says "I have the biggest ships (Duval rep), I have two fully engineered PvP ships, fully engineered explorer, miner, etc, so I've "accomplished" some stuff over that time."
He's basically 100%'d a game that's not meant to be 100%'d, so of course he's going to have had to do some ungodly grind to earn enough money to accomplish that. You might as well say "it takes way too long to visit all 400 billion star systems".
I think if you had fun with X3 you're going to have no problem enjoying Elite. The biggest downsides of Elite in my mind are the initial learning curve and the lack of storyline or prompts on what to do next. You do need to be a bit patient at first when something as simple as docking procedures can be a challenge, and you need to be the type of gamer who doesn't have trouble finding their own direction in an open world game.
UsulofDoom wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:08 pm
On sale now for $9 on steam.
Any one who is new to start, I will give 50,000,000 credits too. First 10 octoplayers.
Big up date in December.
How is it you have $500,000,000 you don't need just laying around (by your last post, that's like 25% of your wealth!)? I mean, I'm tempted; $9 for the base game, $9 for Horizons. Elite has been on my wishlist for years now, but I keep bouncing off the PvP and grind concepts each and every time I think about buying it. I've spent countless hours in space with X3, Freelancer, and Everspace. It's something I enjoy. I'm just not sure Elite is for me.
Check the time and credits I have before and after.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
So...could someone who is thinking about returning to Elite after being away for a while take you up on those credits? Asking for a friend.
I actually booted it up for the first time in ages last weekend. Flew around a bit, mainly just to remember how the hell to actually dock at a station. Forgot how immersive and fun it can be with my HOTAS...and how utterly intimidating the game can be when you don't really know what you're doing.
I really need to get back in and give Elite a serious go, as opposed to just goofing around with it.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
UsulofDoom wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:28 amCheck the time and credits I have before and after.
If I'm not mistaken, that's like 20,000,000cr in 16 minutes? Damn! Just looking at the prices on ships, that's impressive. The base Anaconda was 56,000,000 (if I recall correctly).
If a person were to take you up on that, what recommendations would you make to help turn that into an investment and not a waste? I'm not saying the 50,000,000 is what'd change my mind on the game - I've had enough people tell me here to just give it a shot that I think I will for $18 - but I want to make sure I don't piss away a huge financial head start if one is being tossed around.
wonderpug wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:31 amI think if you had fun with X3 you're going to have no problem enjoying Elite.
After a number of prods from people here that I'd probably like this game, I now own it and Horizons.
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
Paingod wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:57 am
If a person were to take you up on that, what recommendations would you make to help turn that into an investment and not a waste?
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." — P. J. O'Rourke
Paingod wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:57 am
If a person were to take you up on that, what recommendations would you make to help turn that into an investment and not a waste?
That is an impressive and detailed list of "To Do" that scales up nicely.
One question I tried to Google but haven't found an answer for, is how many AI pilots you can have working for you at once and what exactly they can do. I keep hearing about a mass player slaughter in the middle of 2016 where AI went insane and became overpowered.
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:45 am
So...could someone who is thinking about returning to Elite after being away for a while take you up on those credits? Asking for a friend.
I actually booted it up for the first time in ages last weekend. Flew around a bit, mainly just to remember how the hell to actually dock at a station. Forgot how immersive and fun it can be with my HOTAS...and how utterly intimidating the game can be when you don't really know what you're doing.
I really need to get back in and give Elite a serious go, as opposed to just goofing around with it.
Sorry, but I was just doing it for new elite players that are overlord members at time of post.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
UsulofDoom wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:28 amCheck the time and credits I have before and after.
If I'm not mistaken, that's like 20,000,000cr in 16 minutes? Damn! Just looking at the prices on ships, that's impressive. The base Anaconda was 56,000,000 (if I recall correctly).
If a person were to take you up on that, what recommendations would you make to help turn that into an investment and not a waste? I'm not saying the 50,000,000 is what'd change my mind on the game - I've had enough people tell me here to just give it a shot that I think I will for $18 - but I want to make sure I don't piss away a huge financial head start if one is being tossed around.
wonderpug wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:31 amI think if you had fun with X3 you're going to have no problem enjoying Elite.
After a number of prods from people here that I'd probably like this game, I now own it and Horizons.
Anaconda is 156M. The price of the ship is about a quarter of what you spend outfitting it.
I would go with the ASP . It's an all round good ship for every thing.
I can't directly send you credits. We will have to meet up and I can drop cargo for you to pick up and sell. I'll probably mine some void opals and meet you at station that sells high near you.
This way you can get some thing with cargo space and limpet controller.
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.