Anyone catch The Daily episode from last week,
”The Swing Issue that Could Win a Swing State”?
Really interesting episode focused on the fracking issue in Pennsylvania.
Three Rust Belt swing states are critical to winning the presidency this year — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, there is one issue that could be decisive: fracking natural gas.
Opposition to fracking could be fatal for a candidate in the state, yet front-runners for the Democratic nomination have committed to banning fracking nationwide if elected. We went to western Pennsylvania, where fracking affects residents daily, to see whether electability in the state could really be reduced to this single issue.
They first interviewed a group of a half dozen or so union leaders whose members are all dependent on fracking to some extent (pipe fitters, welders, construction, software, etc.). None of them were Trump supporters, and, according to them, of their 60K+ members, maybe 5% are part of the MAGA crowd. They were all intensely against an immediate ban on fracking. When asked if they would support a democrat who is promising to ban fracking (Warren, Sanders), none of them would. When asked if they would advise their members to vote for Trump against a democrat who supported a fracking ban, most of them said they would, with one or two saying they couldn’t support Trump but would urge their members not to vote if the only option was Trump or a candidate in support of a fracking ban. Their parting message: “People will lobby their hobby and vote their job.”
The NYT crew then joined an environmentalist group at a local library and put the same questions to them. This group was pretty out there on the left-leaning spectrum with slogans like “Fracking is rape” being thrown around. None of them would support a centrist democrat not in favor of a fracking ban, and they had particular disdain for Biden and Buttigieg. A few commented that if a centrist democrat gets the nomination, they will not campaign for them or volunteer in any way. That said, when asked what they’d do if it comes down to Trump and a centrist democrat, every one of them said they’d vote and they’d vote for the centrist democrat. One of them summed it up by saying that he’s an environmental voter, and he’ll always case the vote that is better for the environment, and there’s just no question that a vote for a centrist democrat over Trump is better for the environment, even if it’s not the optimal candidate.
After hearing this podcast, I’m even more certain that if the dems nominate Sanders or Warren (especially Sanders), they are toast.