Holman wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:52 amI'm trying to understand what he's thinking here. Does he believe the virus snuck into the USA without a passport? Does he believe immigrants carry the virus in ways that US citizens returning from abroad somehow don't?
Does he want a Fortress America where no one enters and no one leaves?
Example number I don't even know anymore as to why this man is not only a moron, but is in fact dangerous. Make no mistake - he's using this as a way to whip up white nationalism and push his border agenda. In theory, if we were doing random sampling at the border and testing people as they were arriving, you might be able to detect diseases coming in and take more aggressive action. The answer here is testing/sampling/monitoring. It's not simply close all borders to outsiders - which is insane.
El Guapo wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:36 am
I would say at the top of my list of worries now is that Trump is going to loosen all economic / activity restrictions as much as he is able, and then either hope that the economy is ok through the fall, or use the resulting death and chaos to justify antidemocratic measures to stay in power if the economy is bad.
What I've seen published is that he's going to begrudgingly agree to aggressive restrictions on business and operational activities, i.e. "social distancing" at a minimum. However ~15 days from now when it's all over (spoiler: it will just be ramping up 15 days), he thinks America will be back open for business.
I also think that's part of the reason they're dragging their feet in Congress (the GOP) - they truly believe this will be all done in early April so the poors can just deal with it and it's really the businesses need money to keep the stock market going. Their whole philosophy seems to be based in this idea that we have a short term problem. Based on the reports/opinions I'm seeing this morning, it's looking like social distancing / lock down might only work if we do it for ~3 months - and that's just to get us through the medical surge. We're buying time right now and hoping we can ramp up production on PPE and ventilators so when wave 2 strikes, we're better prepared to address it.