Our employed non "front line" physicians are taking the same % haircut as the rest of the non "front line" staff. No bitching. One reason certainly is that they know there's no going back to work without the support staff.Skinypupy wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:08 pm
I realize this is a single anecdote, but it's concerning to me that the “health be damned…I’m losing money here!” attitude is coming from not only those who are very well off and should be able to manage (yes, I get that having lots of money doesn't necessarily mean they manage it well), but from those who are healthcare providers as well.
It's certainly not lost on me that the cost to hire an RN or tech is usually at least 1x their salary, often much more. Even "just" competent front office staff can have a huge hire cost.
Lay people off to preserve doctors' salaries, get a bad rep, and then have to hire back when it's all over? Ok. Like CRNAs or billers don't have any other options but to come crawling back.