Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

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Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

June 23, 3045
Perez Lakes Region

With half of Beta-Hunter lance down-checked due to an unfortunate maintenance incident (it seems that some disgruntled astech crossed the ammo feeds between the missile bins on Wolf's Orion, and when the mechwarrior fired up the mech for a pre-deployment test and went to activate the LRM launcher, an SRM got caught in the feed, causing the ejection seat to fire due to what it thought was a detected ammo explosion. Our mechwarrior was able to scramble away just in time and the mech is mostly fine, but the seat severed a support strut holding Hyena's Archer in place, causing it to fall over and nearly squash the Zephyr hovertank as it was moving out), Alpha-Command steps in to help escort a convoy of parts, personnel and medical supplies from one of Larry's facilities to another. About three quarters of the way there, a large number of contacts pings up on our sensors.


For those that haven't done this before:

The way this works is:
1. I post an update with a full shot of the map, a round report (attacks, current heat, etc), and hostile movement.
2. All the players issue movement and firing orders. You can be either explicit (e.g. move me to hex 0405, facing southwest, fire three medium lasers at Javelin) or general (follow the Marauder and shoot my guns at the nearest target until my mech melts) and I'll do my best to turn the orders into reality.
3. Loop around to 1.

I'm aiming to do about a turn per day, with weekends being kind of "updates as they happen" territory. A deviation from standard BattleTech rules I'm making is that the player team wins initiative entirely every time, meaning the hostiles move first, then the players, then the convoy. Firing happens simultaneously anyway, so it's irrelevant.

Some knowledge of BattleTech rules is assumed, but feel free to ask if you have any questions.


For this scenario, our objective is to ensure that at least three out of the five convoy units (in red) reach the south edge of the map. They'll listen to general orders as long as nobody shoots at them.

Alternately, if you destroy, disable or rout enough of the attackers, they will retreat and you can continue on your merry way.

A couple of questions before we start:

What do we want to do with our speed governors (it's low gravity here)?
Leaving them on means mechs move at their advertised rate. Taking them off means mechs will increase their walking MP by 1, but you have to make a piloting skill roll (PSR) every time you do. If you fail that, your legs take internal damage, which leads to a crit roll and possible blown out actuators or other leg systems. For most of these mechwarriors, the target is either 2+ or 3+ on a 2d6.

[] Leave the speed governors on
[] Deactivate speed governors (slight risk of blowing leg actuators when going faster than your mech's rated speed)

Enlarge Image
This is a pretty big map (60x60), so it'll take probably three or four turns before the action starts. Do we want to:

[] Play the whole thing out anyway
[] Start the gameplay just outside of engagement range instead (~30 hexes away)
[] Downsize the map to 40x40, making it more cramped but starting the action within one or two turns
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Player Mechs:

Alpha-Command lance
Maj. Rayhan "Gbasden" Ashimov
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/2, Melee Specialist, Melee Master, Gunnery Specialization (Energy)
Awesome AWS-8Q (XL)
80 tons
Movement: 4/6 (PSR at 6+)
Heat Sinks: 33
Armor: 240 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
ER PPC - Right Arm - 15 - 10 - 7/14/23
PPC - Left Torso/Right Torso - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Small Pulse Laser - Head - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3 (+2 to hit)
Mech Quirks:
Battle Fist (Left Arm)

SMj. An "Isgrimnur" Taalib
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/1, Dodge, Hot Dog, Melee Specialist, Melee Master, Weapon Specialist - Medium Laser
Hatchetman HCT-3F (XL)
45 tons
Movement: 7/11/7 (PSR at 8+, 7+ for jumping)
Heat Sinks: 11
Armor: 128 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/10 - Right Torso - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15 (20 shots)
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm- 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Hatchet - Right Arm
Mech Quirks:
AA Targeting

MSg. Patrick "El Guapo" Allain
Gunnery/Piloting: 1/2, Dodge, Multi-Tasker, Terrain Master [Forest Ranger], Weapon Specialst - PPC
Marauder MAD-3R (XL)
75 tons
Movement: 5/8 (PSR at 7+)
Heat Sinks: 17
Armor: 192 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC x2 - Left Arm/Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Gauss Rifle - Left Torso - 1 - 15 - 7/15/22 (16 shots, minimum range 2)
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm/Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Mech Quirks:
Command Mech
Hyper-Extending Actuators
Narrow/Low Profile

Cpl. Shaheera "Stefan" bin Zaid
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Sandblaster
Catapult CPLT-C1
65 tons
Movement: 5/8 (PSR at 7+, 5+ jumping)
Heat Sinks: 15
Armor: 160 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/15 x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 5 - 15 (3x5) - 7/14/21 (16 shots total)
Medium Laser x4 - Left Torso, Right Torso, 2x Center Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Mech Quirks:
No/Minimal Arms
Weak Head Armor(1)

Beta-Hunter lance
Lt. JG Demesu "Leraje" Jafar
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3, Cluster Hitter, Gunnery Specialization - Energy
Guillotine GLT-4L
70 tons
Movement: 5/8/5 (PSR at 7+, 5+ jumping)
Heat Sinks: 22
Armor: 192
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Large Laser - Left Arm - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
Medium Laser - 2x Right Arm, Right Torso, Left Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (15 shots)

Cpl. Tyra "Siljanus" Drusse
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Terrain Master [Mountaineer], Sandblaster
Stalker STK-3F
85 tons
Movement: 4/6 (PSR at 6+)
Heat Sinks: 20 (effective 24)
Armor: 216
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - 2x Left Arm, 2x Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
LRM/10 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7) (24 shots total)
SRM/6 x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (30 shots total)
Large Laser x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
Mech Quirks:
Combat Computer

Special ability and quirk descriptions:
Multi-Tasker: reduces penalty for firing at secondary targets by 1
Pain Resistance: get a +1 on consciousness checks
Weapon Specialization (weapon): get +2 on attacks with that weapon
Gunnery Specialization (weapon type): get +1 on attacks with that weapon type, -1 on attacks with other weapon types
Hot Dog: get a +1 on heat-related rolls (ammo explosion, shutdown)
Some Like it Hot: ignores weapon accuracy penalty that normally occurs at heat 8
Hopping Jack: jumping reduces weapon attack rolls only by 2 instead of 3
Melee Specialist: +1 damage to physical attacks, +1 to hit with physical attacks
Human TRO (unit type): +1 when rolling critical hits on the given unit type
Terrain Master [Forest Ranger]: -1 MP to move into woods, -1 to attacks against unit if it used MP in woods, +1 to PSRs while in woods
Terrain Master [Mountaineer]: -1 MP for going up or down hills; +1 on PSRs for going up/down hills
Dodge: May forego physical attacks to subtract 2 from all physical attack rolls vs unit
Cluster Hitter: +1 on cluster rolls
Sandblaser: +4/3/2 on cluster rolls with specialized weapon

Battlefist: +1 to physical attacks with that arm
Command Mech: +1 to initiative
Hyper-Extending Actuators: can flip arms into rear arc
Narrow/Low Profile: being hit by an attack at the target number or target number +1 does half damage
Combat Computer: reduces accumulated heat by 4 during the heat phase
No/Minimal Arms: No punch attacks, getting up from the ground is harder
Weak Head Armor: -1 maximum head armor
Last edited by NickAragua on Thu May 07, 2020 11:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Hostile forces:

Warhammer WHM-6R
70 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 18
Armor: 160 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Small Laser - Left, Right Torso - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Left, Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Medium Laser - Left, Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 - Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (15 shots)
Machine Gun - Left, Right Torso - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3 (200 shots)

Vedette Medium Tank (AC/2) x2
50 tons
Movement: 5/8 (tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
AC/2 - Turret - 0 - 2 - 8/16/24 (minimum range 6)
SRM/2 - Turret - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9

Vedette Medium Tank (Standard) x8
Movement: 5/8 (tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
AC/5 - Turret - 0 - 5 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)

Wolverine WVR-6R
55 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 14
Armor: 168 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/5 - Right Arm - 1 - 5 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Medium Laser - Head - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 - Left Torso - 3 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
Command Mech
Extended Torso Twist
Cramped Cockpit

Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard)
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 32
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/20 - Front - 0 - 20 - 3/6/9 - 15 shots

Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Armor)
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 48
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/20 - Front - 0 - 20 - 3/6/9 - 10 shots

Hunter Light Support Tank (LRM/15)
Movement: 5/8 (Tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/15- Front - 0 - 15 - 7/14/21 (minimum range 6)
Machine Gun - 2x Right, 2x Left - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
Flamer - Rear - 0 - 2 - 1/2/3

Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard)
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 88
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/5 x2 - Front - 0 - 5 - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
LRM/5 - Rear - 0 - 5 - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
SRM/2 - Left, Right - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9
Machine Gun - Turret - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
SRM/6 - Turret - 0 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9

Scorpion Light Tank (LRM) x2
Movement: 4/6 (tracked)
Armor: 80
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/10 - Left Torso - 0 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
LRM/5 - Left Torso - 0 - 5 - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 112
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/10 - Turret - 0 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
SRM/2 x3 - Turret - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Rules refresher:

Target at weapon's
short range: +0
medium range: +2
long range: +4
minimum range: (minimum weapon range - range to target + 1)
e.g. if you're firing a PPC at something 3 hexes away, the to-hit modifier is 3 - 3 + 1

Modifiers for "to-hit" target numbers:
You walked: +1
You ran: +2
You jumped: +3

Target moved:
3-4 spaces: +1
5-6 spaces: +2
7-10 spaces: +3
11-14 spaces: +4 (there are higher mods, but nobody goes that fast in this scenario)

"Woods" between you and your target (not including your hex):
+1 per light woods
+2 per heavy woods

Entering light woods costs +1MP
Entering heavy woods costs +2MP
Entering depth 1 water costs 3MP, and you cannot go into a run
(1MP for movement, 1 MP for changing height, 1 MP for water)

Smoke (light/heavy) acts like woods for purposes of blocking line of sight and firing penalties, but does not impede movement.
Walking through fire adds two heat to a mech
Standing in fire adds five heat to a mech

Sprint: move at 2x your walk MP, but take penalties to PSR, are easier to hit and cannot fire weapons.

We are playing using "rapid fire autocannons", which means an autocannon can be rapid-fired, behaving like an Ultra AC, but with a 3/36 chance of jamming and 1/36 chance of the round exploding in the barrel. So watch out for those Vedettes.
Last edited by NickAragua on Thu May 07, 2020 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:23 pm
[] Leave the speed governors on
[X] Deactivate speed governors (slight risk of blowing leg actuators when going faster than your mech's rated speed)

Enlarge Image
This is a pretty big map (60x60), so it'll take probably three or four turns before the action starts. Do we want to:

[] Play the whole thing out anyway
[X] Start the gameplay just outside of engagement range instead (~30 hexes away)
[] Downsize the map to 40x40, making it more cramped but starting the action within one or two turns
I don't see any advantage to having the speed governors on, when we can just turn them off but just use normal speed except in case of emergency.

And I don't see much reason to play out the "walking forward" part of this, but with an acceleration it seems fine to keep the normal map.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Leraje »

NickAragua wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:23 pm [] Leave the speed governors on
[x] Deactivate speed governors (slight risk of blowing leg actuators when going faster than your mech's rated speed)

[] Play the whole thing out anyway
[x] Start the gameplay just outside of engagement range instead (~30 hexes away)
[] Downsize the map to 40x40, making it more cramped but starting the action within one or two turns
Speed governors off - sometimes that extra Hex of movement is all you need.
I'd say start about a turn or so out of engagement range - gives enough room for initial positioning and maneuvering.

@Nick - I've been meaning to ask you for a while - how did you get MekHQ to generate sizable contract maps most of the time? I tend to end up mostly with something like 20x10 for for an engagement vs Trianary+ unless I spend most of rerolls on map size :(
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Leraje wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 1:35 pm @Nick - I've been meaning to ask you for a while - how did you get MekHQ to generate sizable contract maps most of the time? I tend to end up mostly with something like 20x10 for for an engagement vs Trianary+ unless I spend most of rerolls on map size :(
I use the "Scenario Template" feature instead of the standard AtB scenarios - it adds an extra 5 hexes to both dimensions for each lance generated as a "primary" force (i.e. not reinforcements added after the initial opfor is generated). Because the scenario templates are balanced by battle value rather than player lance weight, it's possible to wind up with more than three opposing lances, so the maps tend to be larger.

The system does tend to break down for really large groups because adding five hexes to both map dimensions results in quadratic map size growth relative to the number of units, so I may need to reduce it to linear growth for larger battles (I developed the scenario template feature because I felt AtB's opfor generation wasn't varied enough... although it did take a year for me to come to that conclusion, so AtB is not too bad, really)
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by $iljanus »

El Guapo wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:43 pm
NickAragua wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:23 pm
[] Leave the speed governors on
[X] Deactivate speed governors (slight risk of blowing leg actuators when going faster than your mech's rated speed)

Enlarge Image
This is a pretty big map (60x60), so it'll take probably three or four turns before the action starts. Do we want to:

[] Play the whole thing out anyway
[X] Start the gameplay just outside of engagement range instead (~30 hexes away)
[] Downsize the map to 40x40, making it more cramped but starting the action within one or two turns
I don't see any advantage to having the speed governors on, when we can just turn them off but just use normal speed except in case of emergency.

And I don't see much reason to play out the "walking forward" part of this, but with an acceleration it seems fine to keep the normal map.
Yes what the Guapo said.

Will appreciate any gentle correction for any rules mistakes I make when declaring actions. Looking forward to the shooting and stomping...or not if my cockpit is turned into a smoking mess.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

What everyone else said :)
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by gbasden »

El Guapo wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:43 pm
NickAragua wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:23 pm
[] Leave the speed governors on
[X] Deactivate speed governors (slight risk of blowing leg actuators when going faster than your mech's rated speed)

Enlarge Image
This is a pretty big map (60x60), so it'll take probably three or four turns before the action starts. Do we want to:

[] Play the whole thing out anyway
[X] Start the gameplay just outside of engagement range instead (~30 hexes away)
[] Downsize the map to 40x40, making it more cramped but starting the action within one or two turns
I don't see any advantage to having the speed governors on, when we can just turn them off but just use normal speed except in case of emergency.

And I don't see much reason to play out the "walking forward" part of this, but with an acceleration it seems fine to keep the normal map.
I'm good with the Guap options.

Also, I know you posted a link with to the PDF of the rules at one point, but I haven't been able to find it in the previous threads. Do you have it available?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Leraje »

NickAragua wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 1:42 pm
Leraje wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 1:35 pm @Nick - I've been meaning to ask you for a while - how did you get MekHQ to generate sizable contract maps most of the time? I tend to end up mostly with something like 20x10 for for an engagement vs Trianary+ unless I spend most of rerolls on map size :(
I use the "Scenario Template" feature instead of the standard AtB scenarios - it adds an extra 5 hexes to both dimensions for each lance generated as a "primary" force (i.e. not reinforcements added after the initial opfor is generated). Because the scenario templates are balanced by battle value rather than player lance weight, it's possible to wind up with more than three opposing lances, so the maps tend to be larger.

The system does tend to break down for really large groups because adding five hexes to both map dimensions results in quadratic map size growth relative to the number of units, so I may need to reduce it to linear growth for larger battles (I developed the scenario template feature because I felt AtB's opfor generation wasn't varied enough... although it did take a year for me to come to that conclusion, so AtB is not too bad, really)
Thanks, guess I'm going spend some time digging in the guts of the software to see if I can tweak things to my liking. Failing that, it's back to dropping 4 Melee-speced, TSM-ed, Energy-boating Pixie-IIs in pitch darkness :twisted:
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Leaving the governors off. This means that units' walk/run MP is adjusted upwards by 1 step, but if you go faster than the normal run MP, you run the risk of blowing a leg actuator. I'll update the stat blocks for player mechs accordingly, but basically, 3/5 units become 4/6, 4/6 become 5/8 and 5/8 become 7/11.

Current convoy and opfor position after we've "moved" everyone forward about 15 hexes:
Enlarge Image
For this one, I'm going to post the save game for each turn, so that if anyone is so inclined, they can play with mech movement and firing options. The "player" team is "1st Octopus Overlords". Using the just-released MegaMek version 47.6.
MegaMek save game

Deploy your mechs within two hexes of the convoy vehicles (red).
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Leraje »

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by $iljanus »

"Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?"
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

Last edited by El Guapo on Mon May 04, 2020 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

If I can haggle my way into 3015 (within two hexes of bordering the convoy), then that. If not, then 2915.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by gbasden »

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Deployment complete. Hostile armor advancing.
Enlarge Image
MegaMek save

Normally, I'd give a run down of target movement modifiers, but I'm pretty sure nobody will have line of sight this turn.
The Warhammer and Wolverine are "aces", meaning they will move after you guys move.

Please specify your movement orders, as well as give general directions for the convoy.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Leraje »

Move (run) to 3216

Convoy - Head SE towards 4220 to take advantage of wooded area as a cover.

P.S. Played around with Mission templates. Got to assault a Titan dropship. The results were... humbling.
Last edited by Leraje on Tue May 05, 2020 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Isgrimnur »


I'm inclined to suggest to command that we call the convoy to a halt while we head forward.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

I agree with Isg.

Run to 2519, facing south.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by gbasden »

Run to 2720, take a shot with the ERPPC if anything ends up in range.

A combination of the convoy holding back and getting into some sort of cover would be fantastic.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by $iljanus »

Run to 2619 and convoy making their way into the closest cover.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Run south. Keep to cover.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Most of our mechwarriors are super happy to run their mechs faster than they're rated for. We're experienced enough where our guys know just how far to push their mechs to avoid blowing actuators or bending support struts. No line of sight to hostiles, but the blips have closed to 420 meters, just on the other side of the woods.
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No heat accumulation this turn.

Movement mods:
+3 for hovercraft, Wolverine
+2 for tanks, Warhammer except one of the Vedettes in the middle of the formation, which is +3
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:24 am2524
It's funny, I was going to warn you that your jump jets are in the legs, but the customized Hatchetman you're driving specifically moved them over to the torso sections.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Leraje »

Jump to 3321 facing south.

Spot Vedette#2 at 3134 for an indirect fire and fire the LL at it. It's a long shot, but it still has a chance to hit.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by $iljanus »

How many additional MPs to move through woods? Eventually I’d like to make my way to 2322 over how ever many turns it takes with a water crossing in the future. And I have my eye on their lead support tank (hex 2232) as a possible target in a later turn.

Edit: Found the mp info at the top of the thread! Might have to print out a copy for reference.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

Trying to remember - if the forest cover penalty (from woods being in between) is +3 or higher, then it's effectively impassible and you can't shoot, right? Or is it +4?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 4:21 pm Trying to remember - if the forest cover penalty (from woods being in between) is +3 or higher, then it's effectively impassible and you can't shoot, right? Or is it +4?
Yep, +3 or higher.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 5:05 pm
El Guapo wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 4:21 pm Trying to remember - if the forest cover penalty (from woods being in between) is +3 or higher, then it's effectively impassible and you can't shoot, right? Or is it +4?
Yep, +3 or higher.
Does that include the forest space that the target is in? Basically if the target is in a heavy woods hex, is one light woods in between sufficient to make them unhittable?

I want to say no - that it's +3 or more from forest hexes in between.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 5:16 pm
NickAragua wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 5:05 pm
El Guapo wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 4:21 pm Trying to remember - if the forest cover penalty (from woods being in between) is +3 or higher, then it's effectively impassible and you can't shoot, right? Or is it +4?
Yep, +3 or higher.
Does that include the forest space that the target is in? Basically if the target is in a heavy woods hex, is one light woods in between sufficient to make them unhittable?

I want to say no - that it's +3 or more from forest hexes in between.
You're correct, it does not - only intervening forest hexes count.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

3520 or not sure if I can get there, 3722
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by El Guapo »

Run to 2722, facing south. I believe with the forest master skill I effectively don't get a movement penalty from moving through light woods, so I believe I can make it without doing a PSR.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by gbasden »

Since 2722 is already called, I'll go for 2621. I'll shoot at either the maxim or the front hunter if they aren't completely screened by trees.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via MegaMek IX

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur casually splashes forward through the lake in front of him as if it wasn't there. Normally, a Hatchetman's jump jets are mounted on the legs, but because we were swapping engines out anyway, moving a few jump jets around didn't really add anything to the cost. Our mechwarrior fires a short burst from the AC/10 at an approaching Maxim, but the shot goes wide, as do the hostile hovercraft's LRMs.

Stefan jumps over the lake, landing just short of the enemy Warhammer's PPC range and letting loose with the Catapult's LRMs, which scatter nicely around the hostile mech.

Leraje takes a pot shot with the Guillotine's large laser at the lead Vedette from the east-side armor column, but the shot goes wide.

The hostile armor advances into the woods ahead of them, but does not go out into the open terrain separating them from our mechs.
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Raw firing data:
Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Guillotine GLT-4L (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Large Laser at Vedette Medium Tank (Standard) #2 (Rebels Primary Opfor); needs 12, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Catapult CPLT-C1 #2 (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 15 at Warhammer WHM-6R (Rebels Primary Opfor); needs 12, rolls 4 : misses

    LRM 15 at Warhammer WHM-6R (Rebels Primary Opfor); needs 12, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (Rebels Primary Opfor)
    LRM 5 at Hatchetman HCT-3FXL (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 10 : misses

    LRM 5 at Hatchetman HCT-3FXL (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Hatchetman HCT-3FXL (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/10 at Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (Rebels Primary Opfor); needs 11, rolls 9 : misses
Movement modifiers:
Vedette #4, Vedette SE of that, #5, AC2: 2
Vedette, #2, #3, AC2, Warhammer: 1
Vedette #6, #7, Hetzer, Scorpion LRM: 2
Scorpion LRM #2: 1
Hunter: 0
Maxim: 4
Wolverine: 2
Warhammer: 0
East Hovercraft: 2
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