[Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Daehawk »

AH FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!!! I didn't shave today simply used a beard trimmer to get it as close as I could. Just now I used hand sanitizer since I got in the mail and I smothered my face in some for no good reason. OUCH THE BURN!!! Jiminy Cricket that burns like fire. Didn't know a simple trimmer took skin off.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by em2nought »

Daehawk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:29 pm AH FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!!! I didn't shave today simply used a beard trimmer to get it as close as I could. Just now I used hand sanitizer since I got in the mail and I smothered my face in some for no good reason. OUCH THE BURN!!! Jiminy Cricket that burns like fire. Didn't know a simple trimmer took skin off.
Don't use the hand sanitizer on your "lap" after visiting the strip club either. :mrgreen:
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

Daehawk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:29 pm AH FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!!! I didn't shave today simply used a beard trimmer to get it as close as I could. Just now I used hand sanitizer since I got in the mail and I smothered my face in some for no good reason. OUCH THE BURN!!! Jiminy Cricket that burns like fire. Didn't know a simple trimmer took skin off.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Kraken »

Sign seen at a checkout station today: "Please do not lick your fingers to go through your cash. Your payment will not be accepted."

I told the cashier I'd like to hear the story behind that one. He didn't share it.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by wonderpug »

Kraken wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:05 pm Sign seen at a checkout station today: "Please do not lick your fingers to go through your cash. Your payment will not be accepted."

I told the cashier I'd like to hear the story behind that one. He didn't share it.
In the early COVID months my grocery store was doing that promotion where they hand out those monopoly game pieces, and most of the cashiers couldn't shake the habit of licking their fingers to start counting out the pieces.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Kraken »

wonderpug wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:43 pm
Kraken wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:05 pm Sign seen at a checkout station today: "Please do not lick your fingers to go through your cash. Your payment will not be accepted."

I told the cashier I'd like to hear the story behind that one. He didn't share it.
In the early COVID months my grocery store was doing that promotion where they hand out those monopoly game pieces, and most of the cashiers couldn't shake the habit of licking their fingers to start counting out the pieces.
Now that we're later in the early covid months and masks are mandatory everywhere, finger licking takes on a whole new level of stupid.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by YellowKing »

My dad's out of the woods. He's out of quarantine. No symptoms. They did contact trace testing on any friends/family he had been around, all negative. So who knows. Kids should get their results back in a few days, but they're already on the rebound so I'm extremely skeptical it's covid. Has all the signs of a typical summer cold, with none of the major covid symptoms like fever or cough.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Blackhawk »

So the other day I was talking with someone. Their eye itched. The knew not to scratch their eye with their finger. Yay, thought I, good call!
He solved it by taking off his mask an using that to scratch his eye.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

I have severe allergies. There is no such thing as not touching my face.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by coopasonic »

Isgrimnur wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:19 pm I have severe allergies. There is no such thing as not touching my face.
Same, but I make up for it by not leaving the house or interacting with anyone outside my immediate family. I haven't been anywhere but a drive through in a LONG time.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by MHS »

YellowKing wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:09 pm My dad's out of the woods. He's out of quarantine. No symptoms. They did contact trace testing on any friends/family he had been around, all negative. So who knows. Kids should get their results back in a few days, but they're already on the rebound so I'm extremely skeptical it's covid. Has all the signs of a typical summer cold, with none of the major covid symptoms like fever or cough.
Glad to hear the good news.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Kraken »

MHS wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:25 pm
YellowKing wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:09 pm My dad's out of the woods. He's out of quarantine. No symptoms. They did contact trace testing on any friends/family he had been around, all negative. So who knows. Kids should get their results back in a few days, but they're already on the rebound so I'm extremely skeptical it's covid. Has all the signs of a typical summer cold, with none of the major covid symptoms like fever or cough.
Glad to hear the good news.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by gameoverman »

Kraken wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:05 pm Sign seen at a checkout station today: "Please do not lick your fingers to go through your cash. Your payment will not be accepted."

I told the cashier I'd like to hear the story behind that one. He didn't share it.
If you took a picture of that sign you could make a meme out of it. I'm thinking of the Paul Rudd "What the hell happened here" meme for this.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Unagi »

Blackhawk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:16 pm So the other day I was talking with someone. Their eye itched. The knew not to scratch their eye with their finger. Yay, thought I, good call!
He solved it by taking off his mask an using that to scratch his eye.
I mean, technically, his mask is mostly just covered with his viruses.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Xmann »

I'm officially in the really really concerned phase in regards to my hospital. We are treating patients in the ER lobby and we do not have staff to care for the surge I'm worried is coming. Today we are at a record high and all indications are it will become worse. Our ICU's are filling up.

I'm very worried.

And let me send out a huge "F You" to those who think this isn't real or a big deal.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Paingod »

Your F-You is heard loud and clear, and I wish I could stamp it on every nimrod I see without a mask. Yesterday at the grocery store my wife was approached by a man who started telling her that the mask she was wearing was going to kill her because it was keeping all the Carbon Monoxide from escaping when she exhaled. She corrected him about how we exhale Carbon Dioxide an suggested he find himself legitimate sources of data before walking away.

In other news, COVID-19 seems to enjoy clotting. Like ... everywhere in some people they've autopsied.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by wonderpug »

Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:50 am I'm officially in the really really concerned phase in regards to my hospital. We are treating patients in the ER lobby and we do not have staff to care for the surge I'm worried is coming. Today we are at a record high and all indications are it will become worse. Our ICU's are filling up.

I'm very worried.

And let me send out a huge "F You" to those who think this isn't real or a big deal.
Why do you keep doing record amounts of elective surgeries? If you cut those down then your one COVID patient will be able to have more room to stretch out and relax.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

A coworker here in Charleston, SC recently had a baby. When they were at the doctor this week, he was told that the local hospitals test every pregnant woman for Covid when they come for their checkup. Over the last week, the positive rate has been 50%. :shock:
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Xmann »

wonderpug wrote:
Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:50 am I'm officially in the really really concerned phase in regards to my hospital. We are treating patients in the ER lobby and we do not have staff to care for the surge I'm worried is coming. Today we are at a record high and all indications are it will become worse. Our ICU's are filling up.

I'm very worried.

And let me send out a huge "F You" to those who think this isn't real or a big deal.
Why do you keep doing record amounts of elective surgeries? If you cut those down then your one COVID patient will be able to have more room to stretch out and relax.
They have no plans to stop procedures as of today.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:28 pm
wonderpug wrote:
Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:50 am I'm officially in the really really concerned phase in regards to my hospital. We are treating patients in the ER lobby and we do not have staff to care for the surge I'm worried is coming. Today we are at a record high and all indications are it will become worse. Our ICU's are filling up.

I'm very worried.

And let me send out a huge "F You" to those who think this isn't real or a big deal.
Why do you keep doing record amounts of elective surgeries? If you cut those down then your one COVID patient will be able to have more room to stretch out and relax.
They have no plans to stop procedures as of today.
Wait, for real? In March we cleared the decks in anticipation of waassive wave. No elective surgeries, no elective OP, no office visits...volume was down 60%+. All to open up extra ER and ICU capacity, and to keep workers out of the petry dish as much as possible.

We "only" got a moderate wave but it was still the right call. I can't imagine being in the middle of the big one and not cancelling elective procedures.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Xmann »

Yep, id be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by wonderpug »

Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:28 pm
wonderpug wrote:
Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:50 am I'm officially in the really really concerned phase in regards to my hospital. We are treating patients in the ER lobby and we do not have staff to care for the surge I'm worried is coming. Today we are at a record high and all indications are it will become worse. Our ICU's are filling up.

I'm very worried.

And let me send out a huge "F You" to those who think this isn't real or a big deal.
Why do you keep doing record amounts of elective surgeries? If you cut those down then your one COVID patient will be able to have more room to stretch out and relax.
They have no plans to stop procedures as of today.
I should've made it more clear I was referring to the line from the White House that hospitals hardly have any COVID patients at all and that if they're over capacity it's just because of elective procedures, but that's ridiculous your hospital isn't at least cancelling nonessential surgeries.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Daehawk »

I finally scheduled my kidney post op recheck. Its Aug 11. I was supposed to go this 6 months after surgery. That was 14 months ago. I couldn't go when I was supposed to due to how cold it was so I rescheduled. It was even colder that day time so I told them Ill set it for when its warm at the first of the year. Then COVID hit. I really dont want to go to a place like that even if it is a outpatient hospital. But I have let it go more than I should and I need it all checked. Im afraid if I wait longer and the colder weather comes then COVID is going to be even worse and they may shut down.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Montag »

Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:54 pm Yep, id be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
Where are you located?
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Kasey Chang »

Wonder if the mask-deniers are still singing their tune now that their brethren are dying in droves, and in public.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Kasey Chang wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:23 pm Wonder if the mask-deniers are still singing their tune now that their brethren are dying in droves, and in public.
God's plan. If I die, I die. Rather die unafraid than live as a coward. They're in a better place. Can I have their stuff? Etc.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Xmann »

Montag wrote:
Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:54 pm Yep, id be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
Where are you located?
Knoxville Tennessee
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:46 pm
Montag wrote:
Xmann wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:54 pm Yep, id be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
Where are you located?
Knoxville Tennessee
Oof, my parents are in Hamblen County. They say they are locked down but I know they sneak out.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
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"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by wonderpug »

Kasey Chang wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:23 pm Wonder if the mask-deniers are still singing their tune now that their brethren are dying in droves, and in public.
Liberal conspiracy! Fake news! Obama killed them! They died to 5G towers!
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by MHS »

Paingod wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:09 pm Your F-You is heard loud and clear, and I wish I could stamp it on every nimrod I see without a mask. Yesterday at the grocery store my wife was approached by a man who started telling her that the mask she was wearing was going to kill her because it was keeping all the Carbon Monoxide from escaping when she exhaled. She corrected him about how we exhale Carbon Dioxide an suggested he find himself legitimate sources of data before walking away.
We should get to start having people arrested for assault if they come within 6 feet with this bullshit. I'm so glad I don't have to be in public, ever.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by YellowKing »

Wired had an interesting article on the psychology of anti-maskers, and one of the points they made was that refusing to wear a mask can be seen as a method of "fight" in a fight-or-flight fear response. So all those anti-maskers that accuse you of being afraid of the virus are projecting. They fear it, so they're initiating a fight response by clinging to the safety of a factor they can control.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Daehawk »

Yesterday in France a bus driver told 2 or 3 people they had to wear a mask to ride. They killed the bus driver.

I think these anti maskers are all type A personality.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by em2nought »

Dr. Richard Bartlett shared exclusive news with OAN about how asthma medicine Budesonide emptied a hospital ICU after being used to treat coronavirus.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

em2nought wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:18 am
Dr. Richard Bartlett shared exclusive news with OAN about how asthma medicine Budesonide emptied a hospital ICU after being used to treat coronavirus.
I'll wait till the clinical trials results come in thanks.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by RunningMn9 »

OAN schilling another miracle cure isn’t good enough for you?!
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by coopasonic »

In fairness, Cyanide would also empty the ICU.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Max Peck »

Or injecting bleach.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Holman »

Yesterday I was waiting at the bike shop next to a liquor/wine store.

The cycle place keeps customers outside, so we were all on the sidewalk when a masked security guard forcibly escorted an unmasked patron out of their [the liquor store's] door.

She starts SHRIEKING about "masks" and "sheep," so it was pretty clear what the issue was. After half a minute of kicking the glass storefront, she climbs into her car and tears away from us across the parking lot (which was 90% empty), then turns back and comes tearing back towards the liquor store, honking and screaming from her windows and incidentally barrelling towards the whole line of us waiting on the cycle shop sidewalk.

She veered away in time, gunning it towards the parking lot exit and then SLAMMING on her brakes just in time to avoid murdering a family of cyclists (mom with baby carrier, two other kids on bikes) crossing the intersection. Then she tore out into the road and narrowly missed another car before disappearing.

These people seem angry.
Last edited by Holman on Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Holman wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:03 am

These people seem angry.
99.9999% of the time the anger isn't about the masks, either.
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Re: [Health] The Infectious Diseases Thread

Post by Daehawk »

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I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
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