Little Raven wrote:but barring something truly strange, I don't think he'll occupy that office come January 20th, 2021.
The key indicator to me that he has no plans to steal the election is his apparent utter apathy towards Joe Biden. I would expect, if Trump really wanted another four years, he'd be banging the drum about the Hunter Biden conspiracies, Biden's ties to Ukraine, etc. that were all the rage during the impeachment scandal. Instead we get nothing more than "Sleepy Joe" tweets.
Truly rigging the election in his favor is not something you can do the day before. It would take a mass coordination of effort to figure out ways to delay/stop mail-in voting in swing states. It would require an absolute assault on social media. We're not seeing any of that.
Then, if your goal is not to steal the election before the vote, but after (by disputing results, dragging it out in courts, etc.) you require a LOT of secondary support from people willing to essentially toss out free and fair elections altogether. I think even the biggest Trump ass-kissers in Congress would have a hard time supporting directly defying the will of the American people to that extent. If the election was truly close I think you could get the GOP on board, but no way in hell you're going to get them if the election plays out as polls currently indicate.
I could be wrong, but I just feel like there's no fight left in Trump, and I'm not sure there's much fight left in the GOP in general. Over the course of 4 years, Trump has slowly destroyed all of his loyalists. The only people remaining are a small circle of yes men. He can't even turn to Fox News to cut him a break anymore. I feel like his last limp-dick rally might have been his breaking point.