I was thinking about all of this earlier. It reminded me about a problem that gifted kids have. See, gifted kids have an easy time in school. Obviously, right? Everything comes easy. They don't need to do a lot of extra studying. They don't have to struggle to figure things out. They don't have to sacrifice their free time to get good grades. It is simple for them. That's all well and good, but it comes at a cost: The kids grow up never learning to try. They never had to work in order to achieve, so they never learn how to work to achieve. For most kids this bites them in the ass when they get to college or to their first real job and discover that they have no clue how to put effort in when it is needed. They've never had to before. It is a problem for my kids, and it was a problem for me when I hit college.LawBeefaroni wrote: Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:17 pm We need to be but do you honestly think we will? We see the machinations happening right before our eyes and all we do as a nation is tweet about it and bitch about it. Who is actually trying to stop it?
We, as a nation, have forgotten how to try. Most of us have never had to. It's been three generations since Americans have really been under a significant threat.* There haven't been any world wars or Great Depressions. We've had it easy. We've never had to fight to exist. We've never had to fight for our rights, or for our freedom. Those are things that have been there since our earliest memory, and nobody has ever tried to take them away, so we've become complacent. We've forgotten how to struggle, and we've forgotten how to fight.** It is what has made us such easy pickings for the likes of Trump, and it is something that we're going to have to get past if we want to survive.