I don't want to say it's ever right to start a Holy War, but when you willfully ignore fundamental aspects of someone's religion and force them to break their faith, you kind of deserve what happens afterwards. There's no excuse for refusing to respect someone's faith like that. None. It should be considered a war crime.
And that's coming from an atheist.
In other ICE news, NPR was running a story this morning about them using a "
Shadow Immigration System" - private contractors to basically abduct children seeking asylum, hold them prisoner for days or weeks, and then deport them with no due process.
We need more than immigration reform. We need to fully disband ICE and replace them with social workers - people who give a shit about human lives on a fundamental level and won't treat the foundation of our nation as human garbage. Keep your border patrol to sniff out drugs and human traffickers ... but anytime you have someone coming here for help, you do them right and treat them with kindness.
YellowKing wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:21 pm
msduncan wrote:So while it’s nice to think they are “accepting” and “open”, the reality is that they are militant and close minded if you don’t agree with them.
I've seen this pop up as a talking point many times when discussion of bigotry comes up. In fact, the last time I heard it used as an excuse was during the Chick-Fil-A boycotts. And essentially the idea is that if you don't agree with a bigot, then YOU are the one who is intolerant.
It's a false equivalency being used to justify bigotry. And it's bullshit.
If I'm not mistaken, when I quoted msduncan, he would have been notified and had a way to quickly jump to it and respond. Given the lack of an alternative answer and his absent response, I worry that it's a relatively safe assumption that what was suggested was his intent. If I'm not mistaken, he's a hardcore Trumper (when Trump became impossible to rationally defend, I think he bowed out of R&P).
I hope I'm wrong. A thread about inclusive attitudes and positiveness is no place to complain that haters are being hated. I welcome an alternative and will happily erase this if I'm wrong.