Tried the Moncage Demo. It's... VERY CLEVER. Basically, you solve puzzles by lining up stuff from different sides of the cube, in a "perspective puzzle". Except each side of the cube is like a view in a parallel universe. You can sometimes zoom in or out of certain areas, or interact with bits in some way, like open a drawer, flood a tiny room so things float up, so things line up with you rotate the cube around a little bit And once they line up, they combine to behave in an unexpected and delightful way.
In one of the puzzles, a truck is broken down on the road. And there is a toy truck in a toy chest. It's clearly the same model. If you move it just right, you can line up the toy truck with the real one, and VOILA, you've fixed the truck, which continues into a different part of the level...
The demo has like may 10-20 of the initial puzzles, some of which do depend a little on time! My brain clearly isn't designed for such, but I admire the cleverness.
Also tried a couple levels of Void Bastard. Art style is good. But I'm a little weary of those infinite spawn enemies, as you never seem to have enough ammo around. Tourists are easy enough to pop, even better in groups. The best way to kill an outpatient seem to be get it stuck on a corner so it can kill itself with repeated shots. And those gunpoints, ARGH! I lost most of my health to gunpoints. Seems best to just run past them, if possible.
Decided to try one of those games I have in my backlog, but never tried... Iron Grip: Warlords. It's kinda like a WW1-ish version of Battlefield, with a lot of bots. Your job is to hold on to a town (or attack a town) with a couple AI guys, against an whole onslaught of enemy soldiers from bazooka to MG to shotgun and even some tanks. You have bazooka, Molotov, pistol rifle/musket, sniper, MG, and more. It's actually not too bad although the graphics are from yesteryears even with eye candy turned up to ultra. The soldiers dress as if they are from Roman times but armed with WW1/WW2 weaponry. I'm not really into FPS twitch games. I prefer to take my time, snipe enemies to death, so I like Sniper series a lot. This one? Way too fast for me. Not bad, but not mu cup of tea.
Tried to play infested Planet again, was reminded why I don't like constant respawn enemies. Meh. It does provide a bit of back and forth, and the random mutator giving the critters new abilities every time they lost a nest is kinda challenging. But when there are just too many nests on the field, the only way forward is basically "turret walking" build turrets to backstop yourself, advance far enough to plant one turret, recycle the ones too far behind, repeat until you cover the whole map. The map gets challenging when they throw in small paths that you can't cover by one turret, or they introduce turbo enemies that barely take turret hits.
Since I liked SimplePlanes (well, I'm too lazy to build my own, but flying them's okay), I tried SimpleRockets, as the author jokingly called it Shanzhai Kerbal Space Program.
It's basically KSP in 2D. Assemble rockets in 2D, and take them out for a spin, do various challenges like land back from the smoon back to smearth (including retro rocket burn and de-orbit) My sole attempt was successful because I managed to use up every last bit of retro rocket fuel slowing down to a decent speed before popping the parachute. And even then it was kinda close. Makes a little more sense than the penguin one.