Let's not forget that a pandemic will ravage population centers hard and fast, while more rural areas will have geography working to their advantage in maintaining distance. It's basic math. Dense population areas are typically heavily Democratic, while rural areas tend to be more Republican. Back in May they were saying that blue-held areas were seeing death rates
3x higher than red areas. This gives a clear numeric advantage based on political party.
It was once posited that the GOP was happy to let the virus weaken Democratic voting communities. Being fully aware of the lethality of the pandemic and downplaying it plays well with that theory. I
really don't want to believe that to be the motivation, but I refuse to take anything off the table or out of the realm of possibility with this president.
I can easily see him being indifferent to death and suffering when it's reported to him as a statistic. Throughout all of this his biggest concerns were the optics; controlling the numbers, not the cases. Not once that I can recall has he given a single shit about the number of sick and dead unless someone was trying to grill him on it and it might make him look bad.
So there's motive to let the virus run rampant, and a president that knows it's dangerous but doesn't act.
I feel like I should be wearing a tinfoil hat for even posting it. I wish I didn't think there was a possibility it was true.