Little Raven wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:33 pm
Smoove_B wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 8:45 pm
I was wondering when this would cross my radar. Who's behind the Great Barrington Declaration shared here a few days ago?
Charles Koch:
So yeah. Trash.
But...we already knew that. We know where the money for the American Institute for Economic Research comes from, and we knew they were behind the Declaration from day 1.
Oh really? The AIER was not well known before this. They had $2M in donations in 2018. That is chicken scratch in the think tank world. AEI has a budget 25 - 30 times that. Anyway, the funding links to Koch were uncovered only a few days ago so I wouldn't call it well known. Most had no idea it was Koch money. Still if you look back I speculated about this when I said that this smelled like climate science denial. Lo and behold the biggest donor behind climate science denial is involved. This is the right-wing science denial playbook at work. This is how the wealthy manipulate the policy domain. They find an expert who aligns with them and then they attach them to put some heft behind their policy idea. Then they get that idea published and they push it out to muddy the policy discussion. It doesn't mean it's wrong but it sure undermines the credibility of everyone involved.
I agree that it's always nice to know where they money behind things originates, but nobody is paying attention to the Declaration because Koch money is or is not involved - it's getting attention because 3 very prominent scientists have been willing to put their names to it. Are we saying that Kulldorff, Gupta, and Bhattacharya have all sold out?
This is complete and utter nonsense. How prominent are they? It is getting little mainstream coverage other to push back on it outside the right. It gets attention because big money is pushing it. End of story. The names were attached to give it a veneer of credibility.
The edges of the policy are meant to sound legitimate but the core of it is opening up economies so that rich people can stay rich while the little people die. And I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the three lead authors might not have that agenda. However, the big money backers who put this together almost certainly do. They don't deserve any benefit of the doubt anymore.
Edit: To give an idea how you can be mislead about pedigree, an example of someone who got it wrong from a big name school is
Richard Muller. He is an Emeritus Professor of Physics at Berkeley. He was a strong climate change skeptic and Koch funded his research to further climate science denial. About a decade later Muller became convinced the evidence was overwhelming and repudiated his own research. Also as an example of how this works, here is a
top 10 list of top scientists from 2009 that seems quaint now yet they weren't laughed off back then. They got neutral or positive press. This is an old con.