recommend another Haujobb/Daniel Meyer side project, Architect:Sudy wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:51 pm Feeling a little blue today and this song encapsulates it nicely. Cleaner, also known as Cleen and Clear Vision during different phases of the project, is a Haujobb side project. This release, Solaris, came out in 2000. I picked it up at a used CD shop on a family roadtrip to Ottawa. I had no knowledge of the group; I just bought it because of the Metropolis Records logo on the back. This track was a favourite, though I haven't heard it in years and it doesn't seem to be available on streaming platforms:
Cleaner - Gattaca (Schizo)
opened for Recoil (Alan Wilder, ex-Depeche Mode) on that only Recoil tour that ever happened about ten years ago