I hate to bump this thread, but unfortunately it's our turn.
19 years ago, my then-girlfriend and I each adopted two cats. Last night, we had to say goodbye to the last one.
She was nearing 20 years old, had been deaf for the past year, had arthritis in her rear legs, and has had slowly progressing kidney failure for years. But she'd been happy and still going strong (albeit slowly) until this week.
In true COVID-year fashion, we had to say goodbye remotely over Zoom. Fuck you, 2020-2021. Last weekend we left home for our first family trip since pre-pandemic times--a driving trip to an Airbnb in the sticks, to meet my (vaccinated) in-laws and college roommate (who like me works from home and has been quarantining for a month prior to the trip). My kids are still e-learning and also have quarantined. We're at the Airbnb and not going anywhere. Just finally seeing each other.
Our wonderful neighbors are looking after the cat for us. They let us know on Wednesday night that she didn't come greet them that day, and that she wouldn't leave the couch. Both very abnormal for her, as I'm convinced this cat is a dog who encountered an issue at the reincarnation station and wound up in a feline body. When she was younger she'd come running when her name was called and would even play fetch. Greeting someone while we're away was something she'd never skip were she feeling fine. But she did snuggle with them, and eventually they went home for the night.
Thursday morning they found her still on the couch, having peed on it. She's also had periodic urination accidents lately (she's approaching 20, after all), but still seemed mostly normal. She also has had her days over the past year where she'd have less energy than normal but would be fine a day or two later, so we held out hope that this was just another instance of that. Unfortunately yesterday afternoon she had clearly gone downhill. She had come down from the couch, tried and failed to jump back up for the neighbor, falling over in the process, and then wouldn't move from her spot on the floor (she's never in her life chosen to sleep on the floor other than on a heating vent for the warmth). The neighbor is a vet tech and reported that her paws were cold and her gums had started to blue, signs that her body was no longer properly regulating temp.
We considered piling into the car to return home early, but we are 16 hours away and didn't think 1) she'd make it that long, and 2) that it'd be fair to her to leave her suffering just for the hope that we could get home to have her euthanized. We contacted a vet who does house calls. The neighbor snuggled our cat while we and our kiddos said our goodbyes over Zoom. The vet arrived about 1 am (she had two other appointments last night--how someone can do that job is beyond me). She was wonderful: totally took her time to allow us to ask questions, say goodbye one last time, made sure our cat was as comfortable as possible, and took a paw print for our kids.
Having to do this remotely has been excruciating, especially with young kids (6/9). And it's going to take me some time to convince myself that we didn't make a mistake by going on the trip, even though logically I know that she was stable and acting completely fine when we left, and that this trip in particular was uniquely possible right now. But I will be forever grateful that she had the neighbors to at least ensure that she didn't go through it alone, and for modern technology that allowed us to see her and say our goodbyes.
RIP, girl.