Election integrity and the transfer of power

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Octavious »

Ya he's going to fight this to the bitter end and then some more. It's a good thing that this wasn't that close of an election. If this was just one state I 100% think they would have been able to flip the election. What's worse than Trump being Trump is all the f'n people that go along with his nonsense. It still boggles my mind at how many people just throw away any kind of decency as soon as he asks.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by LordMortis »

Yojimbo wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:30 am Wayne County certificated (as noted above) with 28% of the ballots not reconciled to the books - a practice that happens in that country normally.

I read that the 2 democrats both doxXed (on social media) and threatened (on camera) the 2 republicans to the point of were a case for coercion could be made by any garden variety local solicitor. We need to avoid this kind of unforced error if we want this election result to stand. SCOTUS does not need to see zoom videos of local level party folks calling each other racist for wanting to balance the books.

When my shift at Greasy's Burger Shoppe is over I have to balance my register till with the POS take. If I'm off - we need to take notice of it BEFORE we make the bank deposit so we don't try to put money in the bank that we don't have in the bag. How much more important is one vote than one dollar? How long would I keep my job (3rd shift Assistant Submanager) if was off by 25%, 28%, etc shift after shift? At least at Greasy's the bank will sum up the deposit again. I'm not sure that anyone at the state level has access to the logs at all to balance back to anything.

Yes, Wayne County certified but it looks like a castle build on sand that Sidney Powell could kick over without even pausing as she storms up the shingle in her $800 heels. People are paying so much attention to Trump snorting and yelling that are they running right off the cliff into his trap of a hasty and improperly reconciled election total. Wayne County needed to be a bulwark of accountability and accuracy, instead it appears that we gave Trump video proof of strong-arm coercion and documentation of out-of-blance numbers. The is the opposite of how we close this election down by Jan.
On the one hand, I don't agree with Doxxing and agree that this could become a future legal problem. On the other hand, I live in Wayne county and those two certifiers acting in bad faith under the vigilance and support of Laura Cox need to be accountable to me. I was fuming last night, like heart racing and could not sleep fuming. I went through severe pain, surrounded by idiots and their loud mouth notion and flagrant violation of health standards of what it means to be free in an elementary school where COVID is spreading like wildfire via asymptomatic children to get my vote in. If those two pieces of shit think it's OK to certify Livonia if they can stop Detroit who by all accounts stood up tall and organized in a way I haven't seen in my lifetime and they get away with it... then... then... I don't know... Me? I can stand by selfishly and get by. Telling 140,000+ Detroiters this exactly how much you don't matter? I got nuthin'. And I can feel my anger boiling over just typing this.

I have exactly zero problems with the Democratic certifier, who used his name, calling them out. i don't consider that doxxing. I went and checked his credentials. He really looks like a good egg.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by malchior »

Octavious wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:32 pm Ya he's going to fight this to the bitter end and then some more. It's a good thing that this wasn't that close of an election. If this was just one state I 100% think they would have been able to flip the election. What's worse than Trump being Trump is all the f'n people that go along with his nonsense. It still boggles my mind at how many people just throw away any kind of decency as soon as he asks.
They were already indecent. He is just showing us that.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Yojimbo »

LordMortis wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:53 pm
Yojimbo wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:30 am Wayne County certificated (as noted above) with 28% of the ballots not reconciled to the books - a practice that happens in that country normally.

I read that the 2 democrats both doxXed (on social media) and threatened (on camera) the 2 republicans to the point of were a case for coercion could be made by any garden variety local solicitor. We need to avoid this kind of unforced error if we want this election result to stand. SCOTUS does not need to see zoom videos of local level party folks calling each other racist for wanting to balance the books.

When my shift at Greasy's Burger Shoppe is over I have to balance my register till with the POS take. If I'm off - we need to take notice of it BEFORE we make the bank deposit so we don't try to put money in the bank that we don't have in the bag. How much more important is one vote than one dollar? How long would I keep my job (3rd shift Assistant Submanager) if was off by 25%, 28%, etc shift after shift? At least at Greasy's the bank will sum up the deposit again. I'm not sure that anyone at the state level has access to the logs at all to balance back to anything.

Yes, Wayne County certified but it looks like a castle build on sand that Sidney Powell could kick over without even pausing as she storms up the shingle in her $800 heels. People are paying so much attention to Trump snorting and yelling that are they running right off the cliff into his trap of a hasty and improperly reconciled election total. Wayne County needed to be a bulwark of accountability and accuracy, instead it appears that we gave Trump video proof of strong-arm coercion and documentation of out-of-blance numbers. The is the opposite of how we close this election down by Jan.
On the one hand, I don't agree with Doxxing and agree that this could become a future legal problem. On the other hand, I live in Wayne county and those two certifiers acting in bad faith under the vigilance and support of Laura Cox need to be accountable to me. I was fuming last night, like heart racing and could not sleep fuming. I went through severe pain, surrounded by idiots and their loud mouth notion and flagrant violation of health standards of what it means to be free in an elementary school where COVID is spreading like wildfire via asymptomatic children to get my vote in. If those two pieces of shit think it's OK to certify Livonia if they can stop Detroit who by all accounts stood up tall and organized in a way I haven't seen in my lifetime and they get away with it... then... then... I don't know... Me? I can stand by selfishly and get by. Telling 140,000+ Detroiters this exactly how much you don't matter? I got nuthin'. And I can feel my anger boiling over just typing this.

I have exactly zero problems with the Democratic certifier, who used his name, calling them out. i don't consider that doxxing. I went and checked his credentials. He really looks like a good egg.
I guess the right wing people tried to counter-doxx one of the dems in "revenge" for him doxxing the others. But they posted an address in Ann Arbor. Its been several years since I was in MI but I don't think its likely that he lives in Ann Arbor and was holding an office in Wayne Country. My thought was; "I think these people just doxxed his poor parents".

This is the danger of doxxing. Some Mall Ninja could go get riled up for a drive-by on either side and some innocents are going to get harmed IRL because of some enabling keyboard warrior. Deciding that my Opponents are my Enemies and they must be Evil because of "Deus vult" (or whatever logic I use to justify it) is not how I read the instruction manual for a republic. Opponents have different motivations and when I assume they are Evil because the Orange man distracted me, I am liable to commit the first act oF real evil by being off-balance.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by noxiousdog »

Yojimbo wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:18 pm
noxiousdog wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:17 pm Every corporation has a minimum amount that needs to be reviewed for invoices/expenses. And it's not $1.
Reviewed <> Balanced and Reconciled.
Right. Ergo, there's built in fudge factor.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Yojimbo »

noxiousdog wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:38 pm
Yojimbo wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:18 pm
noxiousdog wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:17 pm Every corporation has a minimum amount that needs to be reviewed for invoices/expenses. And it's not $1.
Reviewed <> Balanced and Reconciled.
Right. Ergo, there's built in fudge factor.
Right, but what gets flagged for review or additional approvals (I used to build these workflows) has little to do with making sure that each dollar is accounted for when the period is closed. No matter who reviewed it, the company still needs to know where the money went to to guard against malfeasance. I don't think its safe to assume the department level thresholds absolve the entity of any fiscal reporting requirements.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zarathud »

Yojimbo wrote:When my shift at Greasy's Burger Shoppe is over I have to balance my register till with the POS take. If I'm off - we need to take notice of it BEFORE we make the bank deposit so we don't try to put money in the bank that we don't have in the bag. How much more important is one vote than one dollar?
You are so full of shit and don’t understand accounting.

An accountant reviewing a warehouse doesn’t count everything. It’s sampled and significant discrepancies are investigated.

I used to close down ALL of the registers at the local grocery store chain (Dominick’s) as a teenager. It was not uncommon for there to be $10,000+ discrepancies at the end of a night. Usually reconciled by the morning staff, but it was no concern if it balanced out or was under a % of the $450,000+ daily take (90s dollars).

I was a notable employee whose accounting issues were minimal or easily discovered — being interested in eventually passing the legal “character and fitness” review. It took the company months to catch the coupon skimming scheme of a co-worker, and those with regular issues were put on suspension or monitored. Theft, loss and accounting errors were expected costs of doing business and minimized, not eliminated.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by LordMortis »

Zarathud wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:44 pm I used to close down ALL of the registers at the local grocery store chain (Dominick’s) as a teenager. It was not uncommon for there to be $10,000+ discrepancies at the end of a night.
Wow. When I did low volume registers at a shoe repair, more than $.10 a shift was cause for concern. When I worked at the busiest 7-11 in the country, we might hit $1,500 on a shift (90's money) on busy day. A typical day or evening shift was about $900. (neither including lottery, which was it's own separate beast and allowed 0 variance). $3 was cause for concern on a shift, where I didn't have scanners and I was probably putting through 300-600 customers in an 8 hour shift. (Yes, sometimes in the summer I was putting through more than one customer a minute for 8 hours at a pop, one slurpee and a pack of smokes at a time all for about $5.75 an hour before taxes). The place was IN-SANE.
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Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zarathud »

When you’re dealing with volume, you know where to flag likely errors.

Stacks of 100 bound $100 bills can stick together when dropping off in the no-access safe. Staples on the bands catch. You count 9 added in, but actually add 10. Looks like you’re off but you flag to check when the safe is opened before security. My most common error, along with extra stacks of $20 bills in the safe. The accounting was off until we had cash in the bank. Then it mostly worked out. Freaked me out until I realized what was up.

Errors divisible by 3 were keypad mistakes. Second set of eyes in 4 hours finds them easy.

It was pretty common for teenage cashiers to drop or accidentally hand the customer an extra bill. Especially from a new stack of cash. We usually had people flagged to watch for patterns. Told a few girls from school to stop losing $20 bills on Fridays. They’d balance for a bit, then start losing a few $1 bills occasionally.

Anyone who insisted on tracking every dime is doing a low dollar transaction business or from a culture expecting corruption. We weren’t doing cash $10 transactions but $80-$250 carts. It was the late 80s and a lot of people paid cash.

The produce team threw out hundreds of dollars in produce each shift. Everyone knew the stockers would lose cases of beer before homecoming weekend. Expected.

They put the fear into the staff, and came down on examples. But it was mostly bark and no bite by the department managers.

Margins and tolerances were cut way down when they added cameras to the counting areas. But they were still there — as long as the video supported unintentional error. Mistakes happen.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zarathud »

When I worked a stock room packing boxes to ship parts, it was common to find no parts in a bin if the count on hand was under 3 left. Inventory would often find it misfiled or broken. And then clean up the counts.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Jaymann »

I have been involved in counting votes for hundreds of homeowner association elections, some hotly contested (one time we had a group that didn't trust management so we had 7(!) inspectors of election who examined every ballot). Invariably we would have a handful of ballots that were marked incorrectly or ambiguously. The procedure was to set those aside for inspection after all others were counted. Then the inspectors (always an odd number, usually 3) would examine the questionable ballots to determine if they could ascertain what the voter intended, or if the ballot would be voided. Disputes were decided by majority vote of the inspectors.

A critical consideration was whether the questionable ballots were enough to change the outcome. If not, it went quickly. One time after several hours of counting, we had an exact tie. Fortunately the two candidates were friendly so they flipped a coin. Once the count was completed, the inspectors would all sign a document that was legally binding. The result could be contested, but only in court.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Skinypupy »

Soooo...the racist Michigan assholes are now trying to “rescind” last night’s certification for Wayne County. I’m pretty sure that’s not how this works.

https://mobile.twitter.com/DonovanSlack ... 1492191232

And hey look, Republicans in Wisconsin are now pulling the same shit!

https://mobile.twitter.com/sbauerAP/sta ... 2566251520
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Jaymann »

Skinypupy wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:54 am Soooo...the racist Michigan assholes are now trying to “rescind” last night’s certification for Wayne County. I’m pretty sure that’s not how this works.

https://mobile.twitter.com/DonovanSlack ... 1492191232
I saw that (but only the signature of Monica Palmer). Can these berks keep flipping back and forth, or is it too late for their racist obstructionism?
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Alefroth »

I hope any state that doesn't have certifications from every county won't certify the state vote.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Jaymann »

Jaymann wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:01 am
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:54 am Soooo...the racist Michigan assholes are now trying to “rescind” last night’s certification for Wayne County. I’m pretty sure that’s not how this works.

https://mobile.twitter.com/DonovanSlack ... 1492191232
I saw that (but only the signature of Monica Palmer). Can these berks keep flipping back and forth, or is it too late for their racist obstructionism?
From Kayla Ruble:
While, Palmer and Hartmann have signed affidavits seeking to revoke their certification, Vice Chair Kinloch assures me the deal is already done. Lawsuits withstanding, as election lawyers have explained to me, the deadline is also a hard stop, and the deadline was yesterday.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Paingod »

LordMortis wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:54 pm
Zarathud wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:44 pm I used to close down ALL of the registers at the local grocery store chain (Dominick’s) as a teenager. It was not uncommon for there to be $10,000+ discrepancies at the end of a night.
Wow. When I did low volume registers at a shoe repair, more than $.10 a shift was cause for concern.
When I worked at a grocery store (part of a regional chain) in 1994, my register till had to be near perfect at the end of my shift or I'd get a talkin' to. Maybe a dollar or two off. Anything else and I was in trouble. Management would have shit themselves if there was even $500 missing from the store at the end of a day.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Octavious »

We're so fd. There's no way this shit doesn't end in bloodshed one way or another. Apparently there's a press conference at noon where they are going to crack this case wide open. ;)
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by stessier »

Alefroth wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:46 am I hope any state that doesn't have certifications from every county won't certify the state vote.
I think it varies from state to state, but in MI, if the county won't certify, it goes to the state level commission which is also bipartisan. If they refuse to certify, the governor has the authority to replace members of the commission.

But it sounds like this was too little too late for MI anyway.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Octavious »

It's 2020 rules are for pussies. Maybe I should just stop reading the news for a couple of months. Just hide in a bunker and come out and see if we're all still alive afterwards.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by El Guapo »

stessier wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:22 am
Alefroth wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:46 am I hope any state that doesn't have certifications from every county won't certify the state vote.
I think it varies from state to state, but in MI, if the county won't certify, it goes to the state level commission which is also bipartisan. If they refuse to certify, the governor has the authority to replace members of the commission.

But it sounds like this was too little too late for MI anyway.
Yeah, it's certified now, and I don't think calling backsies does anything any more than a legislator can undo a vote. I think the only effect is that in the GOP folks could probably sue, and in light of the state of the judiciary there's always a non-zero chance that any crazy theory put forth by a Republican will get real consideration.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Skinypupy »

CEO's are now yelling at Tantrum Yam to get on with it. Will be interesting to see if that has any effect.
Tom Donohue — CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and longtime confidant of Republican presidents — tells Axios that Joe Biden is president-elect, and President Trump "should not delay the transition a moment longer."

National Association of Manufacturers president and CEO Jay Timmons, and other NAM leaders, said the GSA should sign the letter opening transition resources to Biden: "Further, we call on the Trump administration to work cooperatively with President-elect Biden and his team."

JPMorgan Chase chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon told Andrew Ross Sorkin at the N.Y. Times' Dealbook conference: "We need a peaceful transition. We had an election. We have a new president. You should support that whether you like it or not because it’s based on a system of faith and trust."

The Business Roundtable, representing top CEOs, on Nov. 7 congratulated "President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris."
I had three calls yesterday with federal agencies I support. All three said they have been expressly forbidden to begin any transition activities at all. One of them said their Administrator told them in a staff meeting that "we are moving forward preparing for a second Trump term. If that somehow changes ( :roll: ), then so will our direction." If anyone from the Biden team contacts them for information, they have been told to refuse and refer them to the Administrator's office for comment.

They'll all incredibly frustrated because they can't do anything but sit on their hands until the transition is "official". There's a shit-ton of work that needs to be done, but they aren't allowed to even begin the planning for any of it. They know that it's all going to come down like an avalanche whenever the switch gets flipped, and they're going to be WAY behind the 8-ball on pretty much everything.

To say they're pissed would be a massive understatement.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Paingod »

It makes me appreciate the professionalism and dedication to process, but also highlights real issues. Rules need to be changed so that when the election is officially concluded, it doesn't matter one shit if the existing administration pouts and screams until the day they have to leave. People should be allowed to start planning and working together to keep things running.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

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Trump literally called the Wayne County Republican officials, after which they 'rescinded' their vote.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zaxxon »

Paingod wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:56 am It makes me appreciate the professionalism and dedication to process, but also highlights real issues. Rules need to be changed so that when the election is officially concluded, it doesn't matter one shit if the existing administration pouts and screams until the day they have to leave. People should be allowed to start planning and working together to keep things running.
Yeah, my wife asked why the hell the Trump administration has anything to do with allowing the transition to begin. Fight it in court, sure. But directly act to stop the transition? Why have elections if it's up to the losing party to allow the process to continue without them?

At the least, it seems the GSA head should not be appointed by the President.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Skinypupy »

El Guapo wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:00 am https://twitter.com/yeselson/status/1329433832198639623

Trump literally called the Wayne County Republican officials, after which they 'rescinded' their vote.
Here's the extended remix of the original Tweet

https://twitter.com/DavidEggert00/statu ... 1347451912
Sorry - I needed to be more precise with the tweet. AP reports that Trump ‘reached out’ to the Republican canvassers to express gratitude Tuesday evening. They signed affidavits the next day saying the Wayne County votes should not have been certified
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Blackhawk »

The answer to half of the 'why's on this page is that our system was designed around the assumption of good actors and checks on power. It's worked up until now, but this year we're being shown that bypassing that actually works. We either fix that and add tweaks to account for the loopholes, or all of the rest will be irrelevant.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Skinypupy »

They apparently have a press conference at noon to specifically outline how they plan to cheat. I'm sure it will be enlightening.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 6733184008
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

I think the plan is to pretend that Michigan hasn't certified their vote because of these two Wayne County nitwits (who Trump did call, btw). But of course, MI has certified the votes so it's all just another attempt to muddy the waters and make people think Biden stole something. On top of that, Biden wins even without Michigan, so it's just more sound and fury signifying nothing.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by El Guapo »

Ralph-Wiggum wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:52 am I think the plan is to pretend that Michigan hasn't certified their vote because of these two Wayne County nitwits (who Trump did call, btw). But of course, MI has certified the votes so it's all just another attempt to muddy the waters and make people think Biden stole something. On top of that, Biden wins even without Michigan, so it's just more sound and fury signifying nothing.
What does that do? To the extent that it's to deny Biden legitimacy among GOP voters, that's probably already been achieved. If it's to stop him from becoming president, seems like that's not going to work.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Jaymann »

The 2 racist refusniks in MI represent a tiny weak link in all the defeats suffered by Agolf. So of course he will grab that with both his tiny hands, and claim it as "proof" of massive voter fraud and try to parlay that into overturning the election.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Holman »

Paingod wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:56 am It makes me appreciate the professionalism and dedication to process, but also highlights real issues. Rules need to be changed so that when the election is officially concluded, it doesn't matter one shit if the existing administration pouts and screams until the day they have to leave. People should be allowed to start planning and working together to keep things running.
That's the problem Trump is exploiting. The 2020 election *hasn't* been officially concluded until states certify the results and the electoral college does its archaic business.

All past peaceful transitions of power have merely been adherence to norms. Trump is still able to claim the election isn't over, because technically it isn't. Norms are over.

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by malchior »

Paingod wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:56 am It makes me appreciate the professionalism and dedication to process, but also highlights real issues. Rules need to be changed so that when the election is officially concluded, it doesn't matter one shit if the existing administration pouts and screams until the day they have to leave. People should be allowed to start planning and working together to keep things running.
The transition law says that the GSA administrator has to begin transition upon seeing the 'apparent winner'. So one could argue she is breaking the law. However, like many things there isn't a consequence to breaking the law so here we are. Could we tighten up apparent winner? I mean we never had to before and it probably doesn't matter. The bottom line is we could do that and the GOP will just attack it. Until people start recognizing at scale that the GOP is a reactionary extremist party...we will continue to see attacks on our democracy until they succeed.
Jaymann wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:03 pm The 2 racist refusniks in MI represent a tiny weak link in all the defeats suffered by Agolf. So of course he will grab that with both his tiny hands, and claim it as "proof" of massive voter fraud and try to parlay that into overturning the election.
To me this is evidence how fragile this system *could be* but isn't right now. Next time they'll make sure staunch loyalists are in the right positions.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zaxxon »

malchior wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:06 pmTo me this is evidence how fragile this system *could be* but isn't right now. Next time they'll make sure staunch loyalists are in the right positions.
Same. It's another case of 'well, we'll be fine once this fire is put out.' But when a competent authoritarian comes up next, the outline is now entirely clear.

Structural fixes in Biden's term, or we're fucked*.

* - We are most certainly fucked.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Skinypupy wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:44 am They apparently have a press conference at noon to specifically outline how they plan to cheat. I'm sure it will be enlightening.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 6733184008
Can't be optimistic about the future for one fucking second. This fucking guy, jasus.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
"“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Skinypupy »

LawBeefaroni wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:15 pm
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:44 am They apparently have a press conference at noon to specifically outline how they plan to cheat. I'm sure it will be enlightening.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 6733184008
Can't be optimistic about the future for one fucking second. This fucking guy, jasus.
It could be even more interesting, since the announcement of the completion of the GA recount is supposed to be happening right around the same time.
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by YellowKing »

Which dildo store is this press conference going to be next to?
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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Zaxxon »

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by LawBeefaroni »

YellowKing wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:19 pm Which dildo store is this press conference going to be next to?
What's the kind that's used to fuck an entire nation?
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
"“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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Re: Election integrity and the transfer of power

Post by Blackhawk »

LawBeefaroni wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:15 pm
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:44 am They apparently have a press conference at noon to specifically outline how they plan to cheat. I'm sure it will be enlightening.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 6733184008
Can't be optimistic about the future for one fucking second. This fucking guy, jasus.
I know that he doesn't have a path. I know that any play is just going to be hand-waved. And yet I'm still stressed about what noon will bring.
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