WYBaugh wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:19 pm
Where is the proof that validates all of these statements?
There is none.
Where the hell is Dominion software engineers or someone speaking out against this? If I was Dominion (and it's all false) then I would be suing the hell out of these charlatans.
I do see a statement on Newsweek from 6 days ago but there needs to be a positive push to the public that counteracts this bullshit.
They haven't ignored this, they have responded in detail here:
El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:32 pm
Sounds like the MI GOP Senate Majority and House Majority leaders are going to meet with Trump at the White House today. So...we'll see if there's any reversal on their "no we won't reverse the election" stances later today or over the weekend.
I could be wrong but I don't think they are going to change their minds. They have made quite public statements on this several times. I think they are going because politically they can't be seen as ignoring an invitation from Trump - his base would crucify them. But then again, Republicans have shown themselves to be political cowards again and again, so it is possible. But I don't think they will change their minds in the end.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
This is hilarious. You don’t start a defense case in a murder trial by telling the jury that your client is innocent and that they need to do their own digging to figure out why.
Powell and Giuliano should start their own agency. Dewey, Knownothing and Howe.
I think Carlson's worth quoting here:
That's a long way of saying we took Sidney Powell seriously, with no intention of fighting with her. We've always respected her work and we simply wanted to see the details. How could you not want to see them? So we invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour. We would have given her the entire week, actually, and listened quietly the whole time at rapt attention.
But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of polite requests. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her. When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people in positions of authority, they also told us Powell had never given them any evidence to prove anything she claimed at the press conference.
Powell did say that electronic voting is dangerous, and she's right, but she never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.
In other words, she's got nothing.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
WYBaugh wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:19 pm
Where is the proof that validates all of these statements?
There is none.
Where the hell is Dominion software engineers or someone speaking out against this? If I was Dominion (and it's all false) then I would be suing the hell out of these charlatans.
I do see a statement on Newsweek from 6 days ago but there needs to be a positive push to the public that counteracts this bullshit.
They haven't ignored this, they have responded in detail here:
I think some people out in the political theater are expecting a more...fighting for *America* type public response. And a flat denial of the allegations is about all they are going to get.
Trump is now considering inviting the leaders of the PA legislature to the WH. The GOP Senate leader has already said the legislature won't send their own electors, but as Guapo says, GOP members don't have a great track record in opposing Trump.
Strong arming works better in person. And it's sometimes easier to influence a group through its weak links. I don't think this is going anywhere still but that he is trying it all is a shot at our waterline.
Ralph-Wiggum wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:46 pm
Trump is now considering inviting the leaders of the PA legislature to the WH. The GOP Senate leader has already said the legislature won't send their own electors, but as Guapo says, GOP members don't have a great track record in opposing Trump.
Why would anyone want to go to the White House right now? On any given day it might become the last stronghold of an about-to-be deposed toxic tyrant.
It's like being summoned to Berlin in late April 1945. Just don't go.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
Not sure why, but I feel the need to point out how absurd it is that it's even under discussion that contact with election officials by one of the candidates is deemed feasible right now.
#BREAKING Gov. Kemp calls news conference at the exact hour the Secretary of State is required to certify the Georgia election results. That certification was previously announced today, then a 'correction' was issued by the Sec of State saying he will certify but hadn't yet.
Ya I'm leaning towards we're going into totally we're fucked land right now. Honestly if he does that then the entire GOP had this as their backup plan all along. I don't think they are just winging it the entire way. Scream fraud until enough people buy into it and then just refuse to certify and then buckle your seat belts.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Hopefully this is just really bad messaging. The Secretary will certify and the Governor is going to immediately give a speech on the election and certification. If it's anything other than that, I hope GA is ready for chaos.
So we could legit by Monday have 2 of the 4 states in a crisis with him also inviting the PA leaders to the WH. For whatever reason they don't seem to be doing much with Arizona so maybe they already have that locked down... So that's fantastic...
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Smoove_B wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:27 pm
Hopefully this is just really bad messaging. The Secretary will certify and the Governor is going to immediately give a speech on the election and certification. If it's anything other than that, I hope GA is ready for chaos.
I 100% expect that he will say based on the evidence he as been seeing over the last few weeks he can't certify the election until the cases are cleared. I have zero faith that anyone in the GOP isn't going to go along with whatever crazy plan their leaders come up with.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Just wants a big press conference. Everyone should just ignore it.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:27 pm
So we could legit by Monday have 2 of the 4 states in a crisis with him also inviting the PA leaders to the WH. For whatever reason they don't seem to be doing much with Arizona so maybe they already have that locked down... So that's fantastic...
Isn't GA about the Senate balance?
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
I expect the GA Sec of State to certify, but what happens if he misses the 5pm deadline? Or what if the governor misses his 5pm deadline tomorrow? I can't find anything on it.
At least it is a shorter walk with my torch and pitchfork than MI (which is Michigan for the uninitiated).
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:34 pm
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
*Rolls up to the mic at 5:00*
"Ladies and gentlemen, I fully intend to certify this here...hang on...what? It's after 5PM? Well don't that just beat all. Roll me in molasses and call me a sticky bear. Folks, it looks like I missed the deadline..."
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:34 pm
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
I'm mainly worried about Kemp's involvement. Knock on wood, but I think if Raffensberger (sp?) were going to cave, he would've already.
They need to certify by 5PM today. Kemp has to certify by 5PM tomorrow. Kemp is 100% who I'm worried about. They all already said they wouldn't fuck with this shit, but I don't believe them. Well since then things have changed. Rudy had a compelling speech the other day that needs to be addressed. Blah blah blah...
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:34 pm
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
*Rolls up to the mic at 5:00*
"Ladies and gentlemen, I fully intend to certify this here...hang on...what? It's after 5PM? Well don't that just beat all. Roll me in molasses and call me a sticky bear. Folks, it looks like I missed the deadline..."
Woah, woah, woah, he intends to follow the rule of law? Go figure.
Reports are that he intends to certify it. We shall see.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
The optimist in me thinks that they will announce certification today and the press conference is simply a very public affirmation that everything was done above board, we're proud of the elections team, etc. Just a little extra "hey, we're not actually subverting democracy" nudge, given the scrutiny.
The pessimist in me thinks that significant shenanigans are afoot.
The fact we even need to be having this discussion means that we're basically fucked.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
@GovKemp’s press conference about the election results has nothing to do with the SoS office prematurely sending out the certification press release early.
He’s got the next role in the process, and his speech was planned.
Take a breath, y’all.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:34 pm
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
Michigan's GOP are absolute shits... shitstains?... I would not put it past us to do exactly what the PA legislators say they won't and that is hijack the vote. They have shown at every turn in the last eight years that they will do everything in their power to circumvent the voters to retain power until such a time as the courts put an end to their efforts. Again I point specifically to the last two plus years
Well in Michigan if they deadlock the Gov. will just override it. Which is why I totally think they will do it as a show of unity. We should know shortly if Georgia wants to join the battle against reality.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
I have learned that the Secretary of State and Gov. Kemp WILL CERTIFY the Georgia election and the 5pm news conference will simple announce that. The Sec of State certification news release was sent out before the certification was official. It will happen, I am told.
This time for real:
Georgia Secretary of State has officially certified the election results. Gov. Kemp news conference in one hour will announce that he will add his certification as required by state law.
Octavious wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:34 pm
Who knows anymore, but it's really depressing that we have to wait and hope that people don't decide to fuck with the election. Would anyone be surprised at 5PM that he says they can't certify? I wouldn't be... Would I be surprised if Michigan deadlocks next week? Nope I think it will... They are fucking nuts.
Michigan's GOP are absolute shits... shitstains?... I would not put it past us to do exactly what the PA legislators say they won't and that is hijack the vote. They have shown at every turn in the last eight years that they will do everything in their power to circumvent the voters to retain power until such a time as the courts put an end to their efforts. Again I point specifically to the last two plus years
Yeah, while it's tempting to give credit for... checks notes not electing (see what I did there) to destroy what's left of our democracy, they had no business meeting with Trump in the first place. Remember our society prior to this Presidency? The mere thought of taking that meeting would have been anathema.
Blackhawk wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 9:15 pm
After four years of throwing people in front of buses, Trump is starting to see the bumper closing in on him.