malchior wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:25 am
Skinypupy wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:57 amThat said, I do wonder how many of them would be as eager to sign up for this if had even the slightest chance to actually succeed. I get there are a scary number of true believers, but I’d like to think many of them are using this is a lever to gain MAGA cred with zero risk and would balk if it
actually meant overthrowing the US government. But who the hell knows at this point.
IMO they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore.
This. We are
well past any worthwhile postulation as to motive. The tangible effect of GOP actions is to destroy faith in our democracy. Motive is irrelevant (at least as it relates to assigning levels of blame) at this point.
This coup attempt is highly unlikely to end with another Trump term, but the medium-to-long-term effect
is overthrowing the US government.
Hopefully no one here is taking any solace whatsoever in the fact that
this exploratory coup is going to 'fail,' as it has already
succeeded past any rational GOP member's wildest dreams. (I include rational because Trump pretty clearly dreamed it'd work.) Here we are in January, a large percentage of GOP voters believes there was widespread fraud and cover-up despite a literal lack of any evidence whatsoever, the EC count is going to be contested by a significant number of elected officials, and Joe Biden is virtually guaranteed to get little to nothing done in his first two years. If both Georgia seats go blue, then perhaps Biden will accomplish something, but only if the Democratic party plays by the GOP game plan of ignoring the other side.
Even that would be a win, as it'd stoke Republican voter anger & turnout in 2022.
I really don't see a path forward where the next 2-4 years consist of the country healing its political divide and shoring up its electoral processes. Given that we're at the point where things
just barely held despite a decisive win by Biden (without things coming down to any single close state) while his party firmly controlled one chamber of Congress, that's not good enough and will by default set up us the bomb for 2024.
Extremely dangerous times.