Skinypupy wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:38 pm
hepcat wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:19 pm
I think history shows that Trump supporters will find no wrong doing in that phone call whatsoever. As a matter of fact, they'd probably declare it perfectly fine and a sign that Trump is doing his job. That's the kind of disconnect we're dealing with when it comes to their cult.
Yep, that seems to be the common theme. He’s “fighting” against the corrupt powers that stole the election from him...and why shouldn’t he?
here’s the full call and transcript, since I’m also seeing lots of “taken out of context” jabber.
Thanks for the link. Just read through that full transcript, and it's really incredible.
There's such a clear pattern that repeats itself again and again:
- Trump speaks for a long time about fraud allegations (dead people voting, fake ballots, shredded ballots, video of State Farm arena ballots in suitcases, etc.).
- Raffensberger rebuts and debunks.
- Meadows and Trump's lawyers on the call carefully avoid repeating or affirming any of Trump's specific fraud allegations and instead shift to asking for continued investigations and for records and other evidence that would disprove the fraud allegations.
- Trump contradicts his own people and says no further investigations are needed because he won by SO much more than the 11,779 vote margin and everyone knows it.
Rinse and repeat, over and over again. Not at all surprising, but it is jarring to actually read this stuff confirming what a clown Trump is.
That said, I do think the uproar over the request to "
find 11,780 votes" is sensational and taken out of context. It's very clear from the call that Trump's position is he won so BIGLY - by 400K votes - that they only need to "find" 11,780 instances of fraud to shift the state. While I'm sure he'd have no objection to GA making up 11,780 votes from whole cloth, he's not actually asking for that on the call.
Doesn't make him any less stupid, but it's not a criminal act as I've seen suggested.