Unagi wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:24 am
dbt1949 wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:04 am
I think half the country is delusional. All this support for an obvious liar and cheat is just unbelievable. How can otherwise sane people go for this?
Yes, I am in the half of the country that is obviously delusional and think this sort of thing is wrong.
So, honest question :
How do -you- buck the trends in your area?
What I’m really asking (from your perspective in the eye of the storm) is, why are they not seeing Trump for the liar/cheat that he is? It’s obvious to me, it’s obvious to you...
Are we up against an army of fools and dupes? Or are they all ‘playing along’ and just willing to do anything to have a fellow Hater in the drivers seat.
Yes and no.
The reality is the American electorate is notoriously uninformed. The last number I heard is that only 25% of the people can be considered to have a working knowledge of current events.
This Forbes article says only 1 in 3 can name the three branches of government.
You could argue that anyone uninformed is a fool or a dupe, but that wouldn't just be conservatives, and it doesn't make them haters.
I'm not coming into this unbiased, but I do see much less tolerance for political viewpoints from mainstream liberals than I do from mainstream conservatives. It's reversed in the rabid extremists, though, Portland and Seattle do seem to be trying to compete.
That is absolutely alienating moderate conservatives and allowed the rise of talk radio and Fox News. Consider the level of conversation between All Things Considered and Rush Limbaugh or even something like Talking Points Memo vs Drudge. Rush and Drudge are trying to grab those uninformed voters (and brainwash them). What does the left have? And while that sounds like a paradox, most conservatives tuning in for the first time are just looking for a viewpoint that aligns to theirs. They go just trying to get information that isn't from liberal news. They go in rolling their eyes or saying that's not true. Until they get the article or rant that they slightly agree with. Or is mostly true.
Of course it's all a con, but if you're not informed enough... you can't see the con.