malchior wrote:There is no model for what is ahead. No advanced economy has had to deal with parts of a radicalized majority race turning on the country. State vs. State doesn't work. City vs. Rural is something of a model but the problem is even then everyone is mixed together. Will it look like a backyard war? Maybe. Will it be a rural insurgency? Maybe. Will it be uniformed forces fighting each other? Almost certainly a not.
Japan, Germany, Spain, even the US, etc. in the 1930's.
However, one other factor is that, just as in the 1930's, it's not just the US.
We are also seeing this in the UK and Germany, in greater and lesser degrees respectively. India also seems to be cracking.
The rise of right wing authoritarian nationalism is a global phenomenon right now. It is unlikely that war will be internal civil wars only.
I also think that the rise of nuclear tech in the middle east, fueled by Iran and the sale to the Saudis is going to be devastating as religious tensions get coupled with increasing climate issues.