Kasey Chang wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 1:43 am
Just filed my taxes 30 minutes ago. Given I didn't work the most of 2020 and subsisted on Unemployment, things are pretty simple. Did wait till the last moment though.
I did Federal last week, just filed State today, had to pay them as well. It wasn't much, so there is that.
As a question for everyone, does anyone understand what the heck is going on with children tax credits and sending my money every month starting in July.
Because of my pay cut we are under the 150k this year, and I think I read if you are under 150k (Married filing jointly), starting in July the government is sending you 250/each for kids 6-17. Is that right?
Just wondering how that impacts the 2021 tax filing year, because I have never gotten a refund of that amount...ever.. I have three kids in that age rate so that's 750/month for 6 months is $4,500. So is that going to mean that I will take that away from my refund and that will cause me to owe more taxes at the end of the year? Just need to know what I need to know to adjust for this.. Or is this an additional tax credit for my kids, so it is a budget neutral tax impact? Or if I hit an income above 150k this year, but they used my 2020 income will I end up oweing all of the $4,500 credit advance, and then also my normal taxes owed.
Anyway, still doing lots of research, and have a few months, but want to make sure I am not doing anything silly and end up owing a ton of money because I crossed over a line.
Difficulties mastered are opportunities won. - Winston Churchill
Sheesh, this is one small box. Thankfully, everything's packed in nicely this time. Not too tight nor too loose (someone's sig in 3, 2, ...). - Hepcat