Grifman wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 10:46 am
It would have been better if they had said that masks can come off once we reach herd immunity - that would provide an incentive for more vaccinations.
That ship has long sailed; it's never happening.
The biggest issue is that their recommendation was seemingly made without any regard to the highly local/regional nature of COVID-19 right now. Going maskless in NJ or MA is a whole different discussion than going maskless in TN or MS.
Bad decision all the way around.
So many seemed to agree with my initial impression from yesterday - they're taking a big gamble. They know vaccination acceptance has flatlined - the people that wanted to be vaccinated are. How that squares with access (i.e. did all the people that want it have equitable access?), I don't know. But my take is that they're gambling that enough people are vaccinated and that circulating virus levels are continuing to decline nationwide.
But yes, this puts incredible pressure on businesses and workers - the very workers we're hearing about that don't want to come to work. I'm sure removing mask mandates will really encourage retail and frontline workers to return in droves.
I honestly don't know what the answer is here. The CDC is (and has been since March) in a crap position. They have been taking nonstop heat for just about every decision from the get go. When you have 50 different states doing different thing based on local and regional politics, I really don't know what the answer is (if there ever was one).