Skinypupy wrote:If we're reading the rule correctly, the Animate on the NW tile would immediately begin moving towards my party on it's first turn. So my strategy was to let it come to me while I took care of a couple other mobs on the starting tile. The strategy worked, and it moved all the way across the map and got into range just as I took out the initial mobs (took a couple turns). I then dispatched it before moving on.
I don't believe the Animate would move first turn assuming no conditions were true, as the Golden Rule only applies when the combatant has been attacked: if a Combatant has been the target of an opponent’s Attack, Spell, or Ability and has no true AI Steps on their turn.
I'm not speaking from a position of authority as I haven't actually played yet, but I have been watching a ton of playthroughs and that was my takeaway.
hepcat wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 9:17 pm
Good lord, Middara is a table hog. I set up the start of my solo campaign earlier and realized rather quickly that the player area for the 4 adventurers was going to be huge. I think it’s the numerous cards you have in play. They’re not kept in hand, but rather laid out in front of their sheet.
Anyone have any suggestions for keeping this bad boy under control?
I don't think there's any way around it being a huge table hog. Here's my setup.
I swapped out the cardboard stamina counters with the red discs from Sanctum.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
I ordered a 12-pack of deck cases. I think if I can be assured the cards are safe from getting bent, I can ditch the large square plastic insert and fit everything inside. Cards in deck cases, tokens in a slim Plano box, standees and other miscellaneous components in baggies.
YellowKing wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 11:11 am
I ordered a 12-pack of deck cases. I think if I can be assured the cards are safe from getting bent, I can ditch the large square plastic insert and fit everything inside. Cards in deck cases, tokens in a slim Plano box, standees and other miscellaneous components in baggies.
What kind did you order?
I just got my box today. I was not prepared for the weight and size of this thing. I can't wait to break it open tonight!
I may be able to fit the standees in one, now that I think about it. They should arrive Sunday so if I figure something out that works I'll post pics.
I may look for ones that fit sleeved cards. I have the sleeves at the ready, so that helps. This is what I did with Shadows of Brimstone - bought Magic: The Gathering deckboxes and put the cards from the sets into those (so each of the Other Worlds has its own box and the regular game cards have their own boxes). It works very well to help keep track of the sheer number of cards.
I’m 6 hours into my Middara campaign...and on page 15 of the 480 some page campaign book. I suspect I’m going to need much more than the 80 hours or so they say it takes.
I was coasting through the first encounter, then the second one threw a curveball at me with a beastie that wiped out 3 of my party. The last one standing just happened to roll the highest possible outcome on both of his attack dice and was able to squeak out a win with a bunch of icons from the empowerment die. Talk about close.
Played through the first two scenarios of Middara today. I decided to skip Crawl mode and go straight to the campaign since I read it eases you in with some simpler fights.
I was super intimidated, despite having read the rulebook and watching playthrough after playthrough. I just took every turn very slowly, referencing the rulebook every time I was unsure, and after about an hour everything was clicking and I was flowing through with no issues. I was really surprised at how easy it was to handle 4 characters after I got in the swing of things. Your set of items/abilities really become a "personality" after a few turns, and you start to intuitively understand who works best with various situations.
I'm enjoying the story so far, even though it sticks closely to familiar JRPG tropes. I can see how you could really grow attached to these characters after several dozen missions with them, though.
Things I really like:
- Because monster AI is predictable, you can use this to your advantage for positioning, etc. It makes combat into a bit of a tactical puzzle which helps mitigate the luck factor a bit. Strategies like kiting strong enemies are viable here, which really ties in with the video game roots. Also each monster feels very different due to their wildly varying AI, abilities, combat dice, etc.
- Setup and teardown is MUCH quicker than Gloomhaven. While it's still a monster of a game, once you get the core components out for an encounter or two you can leave most of it in the box.
- Complex without being fiddly. I'm very sensitiveness to fiddliness in dungone crawlers, and I gave up completely on Folklore because of it and struggled mightily through Sword & Sorcery. Middara's combat is at their level or higher in terms of complexity, but for some reason it doesn't feel as tedious to me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the combat clicks here in a way it didn't with those other games.
- The crazy variety of items. While I initially found this overwhelming, the game does suggest a "starter kit" and I highly recommend taking their advice. It allows you to really learn what different things do without having to stress about whether they're good enough or not. I really loved the story situations that arose just out of the way different items behaved. For instance, the time my nearly dead Nightingale used her armor to Dodge a Cave Sickle's attack and then countered, obliterating it with her long sword.
Things I really dislike:
- There is only ONE thing I don't like, and it's that the hidden text is damn near impossible for me to read using the red filter. Even with reading glasses, I can't see it at all. I resorted to having to zoom into it on my iPhone every time I need to read it. I know my eyesight has gone downhill since I hit 40, but this is the first thing I've been unable to read even with my reading glasses.
At any rate, big thumbs up from me. It's everything I wanted out of it, and actually playing it tempered some of the fears I had going in.
Still trying to perfect the storage solution. I got the deck cases in today but wound up having to use more of them than I wanted to. I may wind up just having to buy a big Plano box to store stuff in separately from the main box, which was something I was trying to avoid.
I totally cheesed that battle. The Gevaudan was going last in the initiative, so I marched right up and threw two Throwing Knives at him. Wound up hitting with a 6 and a 7 and killing him outright. Seemed ridiculously overpowered to me, but I figured what the heck. I'll do the same to the Cave Sickles. Threw two more at them and hit with a 1....and a 1. That taught me the valuable lesson that the Gevaudan "easy fight" could have just as easily gone the other way.
It's actually somewhat comforting to know I'm not the only one having a hell of a time reading the red decoder text.
yellowking wrote:- Complex without being fiddly. I'm very sensitiveness to fiddliness in dungone crawlers, and I gave up completely on Folklore because of it and struggled mightily through Sword & Sorcery. Middara's combat is at their level or higher in terms of complexity, but for some reason it doesn't feel as tedious to me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the combat clicks here in a way it didn't with those other games.
Fully agree with this. For me, my frustration with S&S' fiddliness came from the absurd number of variables in calculating damage. Middara has lots to figure out and remember before getting to that point, but actually rolling and figuring out damage is pretty straighforward. That's been the biggest difference for me.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
YellowKing wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 10:31 pm
Spoiler for encounter 2 re: hepcat's experience:
I totally cheesed that battle. The Gevaudan was going last in the initiative, so I marched right up and threw two Throwing Knives at him. Wound up hitting with a 6 and a 7 and killing him outright. Seemed ridiculously overpowered to me, but I figured what the heck. I'll do the same to the Cave Sickles. Threw two more at them and hit with a 1....and a 1. That taught me the valuable lesson that the Gevaudan "easy fight" could have just as easily gone the other way.
I also
forgot to lure it into the water to prevent its dodge ability. Something they even tell you to do on the quest page.
I'm almost to my first XP and Shopping event. It's amazing to me that I've got Destinies waiting in the wing, a game that I should be all over since it's app driven and includes true solo mode, but I can't stop playing Middara. The carrot on a stick is strong with this one. Plus, I'm enjoying the combat far more than I expected to.
Yesterday I lost someone on turn 2 almost immediately as they got swarmed. But the remaining three used throwing knives and one lucky strike to easily knock out what I thought was going to be a tough battle. I have to wonder if I'm playing throwing knives right as I did 7 damage with one knife in one throw. You can't dodge them, and they don't require a to hit roll, so they seem a bit overpowered. I know they're consumables so it's not like you're armed with a bunch of them at any one time; but sheesh.
hepcat wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 10:18 am
Yesterday I lost someone on turn 2 almost immediately as they got swarmed. But the remaining three used throwing knives and one lucky strike to easily knock out what I thought was going to be a tough battle. I have to wonder if I'm playing throwing knives right as I did 7 damage with one knife in one throw. You can't dodge them, and they don't require a to hit roll, so they seem a bit overpowered. I know they're consumables so it's not like you're armed with a bunch of them at any one time; but sheesh.
I wondered that as well, but you're doing them right.
They're wildly swingy on damage, which makes them either a lifesaver or a complete dud. Also, if you load up on them as consumables, you miss out on potential healing or other buffs, which can be super-risky.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
I tested my organization strategy and got everything in the box. It's a tight fit but it's basically - ditched the base plastic insert, put manuals in first in left corner, stack deck cases all around the manuals, tiles and large cards stacked evenly to the right, slim Plano case for tokens on top of the manuals, then character baggies and other miscellaneous bagged items on top of that. Kept the mini inserts in their usual place, and I can close it up with only the slightest hint of lid lift. It's not a perfect solution as the deck cases aren't really organized by type the way I'd really like to do it, but considering you're only having to touch those infrequently it's not the end of the world.
Also tested my unpacking strategy, and one nice thing about Middara is that *most* of the crap can be left in the box once you're done with setup. I've got just grabbing what I need down to a science.
Painting wise I've completely finished the four heroes and 4 monster groups. I'm in a "paint 'em as I need 'em" mode right now, which is keeping me from getting burned out.
hepcat wrote:By the way, if a consumable doesn't have an ap cost to use, I can use as many as I want on my turn. Is that correct?
That was my read, and I haven't found anything that contradicts it. It also follows the general rule that you can do almost anything as much as you want as long as you can pay the cost. And in this case, the "cost" would be discarding the item.
hepcat wrote:You're threatening Zarathud's status as the Martha Stewart of gaming, you know.
Every game I've ever bought is 4 games in one: 1. The Punching and Bagging Game, 2. The Painting Game 3. The Organization Game and 4. The Actual Game. I'm embarrassed to say that I usually enjoy the first three more than the actual game.
hepcat wrote:By the way, if a consumable doesn't have an ap cost to use, I can use as many as I want on my turn. Is that correct?
That was my read, and I haven't found anything that contradicts it. It also follows the general rule that you can do almost anything as much as you want as long as you can pay the cost. And in this case, the "cost" would be discarding the item.
hepcat wrote:You're threatening Zarathud's status as the Martha Stewart of gaming, you know.
Every game I've ever bought is 4 games in one: 1. The Punching and Bagging Game, 2. The Painting Game 3. The Organization Game and 4. The Actual Game. I'm embarrassed to say that I usually enjoy the first three more than the actual game.
Don't be embarrassed - I love all 3 of those things. Printing out labels for Marvel Champions, buying token boxes for Galaxy Defenders, trying to figure out to organize all of Chronicles of Drunagor's inserts - that's fun too! There are probably some games where I've spent more money blinging out the game than I did on the game itself.
Maleficent wrote:There are probably some games where I've spent more money blinging out the game than I did on the game itself.
One of my gaming group buddies is notorious for that. He paid something like $600 for a custom-built Settlers of Catan table, and is always blinging out games that don't necessarily need it. Like spending $75 on 3D printed parts for DEAD PANIC. Heck, he even bought a $100 whiteboard just for us to take notes on in DETECTIVE. Whenever he gets a new game, he'll obsessively track down and buy every promo ever released for it, whether he plans to use it or not.
He went all-in on both the deluxe editions of ROBINSON CRUSOE and CASTLE PANIC.
Now I like Castle Panic. I think it's a great little family gateway game. Never in my wildest imagination could I ever see dropping $350 on Castle Panic, no matter how cool the minis are (and he doesn't even paint, so they will just stay gray forever....). But to each his own. He makes six figures and is single with no kids, so more power to him. At least as part of his game group I get to enjoy all of it for free.
Oh wow, I just realized today that I’ve been playing something wrong with Middara. I was doing the refresh and status stage for everyone at the same time, the resolving their action phase according to the initiative cards. You’re supposed to resolve everything from refresh to end of turn stuff by character.
That means you often won’t have the ap to dodge and counter on your turn if you’re further back on the initiative track and haven’t saved any ap from the previous turn.
Whoops I'm playing that wrong as well then. Oh well, better to find out now than 50 encounters in. I don't think it would have changed any of the outcomes so far as all the encounters I've won pretty handily, and don't recall using dodge/counters enough that it would have meant the difference between victory and party wipe. Considering how many times I've forgotten about my items that added defense or armor, I'm sure the monsters are still coming out ahead.
I’ve had some real challenges starting with the 2nd encounter. Now I’m worried this final one before I get my chance to upgrade and shop is going to end horribly since I use dodge a lot.
For context, I'm only on the fourth encounter. First one was easy (particularly since I had watched so many playthroughs of it). Second one I talked about in the spoiler tag on *why* that one was easy. Third one I suffered my first character loss, but it was towards the end of the encounter so I managed to finish up OK.
So yeah, I'm definitely a bit concerned heading into tougher encounters. I have some items that allow a free Dodge, but if they're exhausted they're exhausted. So I'm definitely going to have to make better decisions about how and when to use those now.
The fourth encounter is the one I set up last night. When I saw what baddies were on it, I realized I was in big trouble.
But I think paying attention to the goal is what I need to do. You don't need to slaughter everything in many of these encounters.
It's been a while since I sat down after setting up a game and just spent time thinking about what my characters were going to need to do to win. I like that a lot.
I have serious doubts I would even survive three rounds in encounter four were I to go that route. Have you seen how many of the upper level monsters there are???
Also, it's funny that I consider what are most likely lower level monsters to be upper level at this point. That shows how punishing the game can be at times.
If we need to start a separate Middara thread, please let me know. I don't want to spam people if they don't want to read it. But some thoughts on the monsters in Encounter 4:
The Water Loas to me are weak sauce, as long as you don't get two allies right next to them, or stay so far enough away that they do their Move and Attack. The sweet spot is to just stay within their SOI, as then all they do is cast that lame Force 6 water spell that is easy to resist. You don't want them actually attacking since you're probably standing in water and can't dodge. Granted they are difficult to damage due to the Arcane, but I don't consider them overly dangerous as long as you stay in SOI.
Likewise with Cave Sickles, it's all about just making sure you never let them start adjacent to you and get that triple attack in (I know, easier said than done). For those the sweet spot is their Move and Attack, so they're all about staying as far away as possible until they go, then move in and finish them off.
The Gevaudan...well yeah I've got nothing to make them any easier other than get lucky with a bunch of throwing knives (which I no longer have).
I love that each monster requires different tactics, and I think that's why the combat is so fulfilling for me compared to other games where essentially each monster is a data point that you always move next to and hit. You would think knowing exactly what the monster will do on its turn would be boring, but instead it becomes this cool tactical puzzle where you're constantly weighing the risks. It's kind of a reverse Gloomhaven. Where in GH the monster's behavior is randomized and initiative is (at least partially) known, in Middara the monster's behavior is known, and initiative is randomized. Both provide a very satisfying puzzle experience, but with two very different approaches.
It doesn't bother me, but if you don't want all your Middara discussions to get lost in time as this thread continues to document other solo gaming experiences, that would be the only reason to split it off into it's own mega thread. Hopefully it has some staying power, especially as there's two more chapters to go!
I only backed for one. And that is going to last me a good year or more, I'm betting. By that time, volumes 4 and 5 will be up on kickstarter and I'll grab volume 2.
Smoove_B wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 11:18 am
It doesn't bother me, but if you don't want all your Middara discussions to get lost in time as this thread continues to document other solo gaming experiences, that would be the only reason to split it off into it's own mega thread. Hopefully it has some staying power, especially as there's two more chapters to go!
Also, FunAgain games is the worst.
And I would argue that separate threads should be the norm, not the exception!
Anybody played Trickerion solo (with Dahlgard Academy)? David Turczi said it was his favorite of the designs he has done, so now, of course, I am interested.
I've also always had my eye on Trickerion, mainly because the theme appeals to me so strongly. My granddad used to take me to magic shows and magic shops all the time, and for a good part of my youth I practiced magic and was good enough to put on a couple of small performances for high school classes. I've read countless books on old-time magicians and just eat that stuff up.
The only thing that kept me away from it was the heavy Euro mechanics, but I broke through my Euro-aversion this year. Now I think I could probably handle it.