Sudy wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 2:14 am
Over the past couple of years I've noticed myself more likely to make occasional silly errors when typing. E.g. I'll type "interesting" when I intended "interested", even though in my internal narrative I used the correct word. Or I'll subsitute something else I was thinking about at the time, or a similar sounding but completely unrelated word.
I've always done this since I can remember. I attribute it to thinking ahead to the next sentence while typing the present one. The subconscious makes sure the word is usually spelled correctly so it makes it past spellcheck, which puts the onus on me to do some careful proofreading after any typing. Over the years I've developed the habit of proofreading as I go, and of course checking the preview version rather than the draft.
And in other "We're getting old" news, my associate OO member (the wife) has a new toy, a mobility scooter. We've talked about this for months but finally pulled the trigger once we decided on actually trips away from home. It is a
Drive Phoenix HD4-20. We picked the HD version because it has more torque which might make the difference in more easily getting up an incline. Also, we don't like the idea of having a scooter than sits on a little tray behind the minivan, getting rained on and such, even with a cover. So this model breaks down into four parts, each of which can be
carefully lifted into the van. She's over the moon with it. We just were in Naples, FL and visited the Zoo and a botanical garden and normally she'd be having to limit her visit to how much she could walk. Now with the scooter she could go all over. Of course now
I'm the limiting factor, especially with the temps approaching ninety
If anyone has questions about these scooters please post them, we did a
lot of research into this subject.