Kurth wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:28 pm
Still not buying this for a few reasons:
(1) COVID may not be killing them in sufficient quantities to matter yet, but if things keep going as they appear and Trumpers continue to be anti-vaccination as a party line, shouldn’t we assume it’s only a matter of time?
I don't know if the best analytical approach is to approach these calculations using "normal rules" or straight forward logic. We are in a political and societal failure state. There is a lot of currency in the GOP by being crazier than the next guy - as long as you don't cross Trump or steal his limelight. And you can see it in poll data over and over where there are tons and tons of completely irrational beliefs and behaviors right now.
(2) I get that deaths resulting from Trumpaloos playing the anti-vaccination death lottery are not likely to move the needle in some jurisdictions where the GOP has an absolute stranglehold, but what about the more borderline, purple states? I would think that loosing any appreciable number of voters in a state like GA or FL or PA or NC would certainly give them pause.
Florida is probably going to gerrymander +1 to 3 seats in the House in a few weeks time in their favor when they redistrict. GA passed very targeted voting laws, etc. The House margin is 5 seats right now.
Looking at the landscape there are sane elements and the insane elements in the GOP. Yet they are all generally on the same train right now even if they are infighting a bit. In the end, they know what most realists know, they will almost certainly take the House next year just via gerrymandering. They'd probably take the House based on normative voting patterns that have held for over a 100 years. Yet they took out more electoral insurance via attacks on the vote. Looking further out they've positioned themselves to have loyalists ready to decertify lawful elections in 2024. The simple question is why are they going to worry about 5000 voters in NC or GA?
(3) It’s also not just about deaths from non-vaccination. What about all the shit that’s less than death but still pretty high on the shit list? Hospitalization, death of a loved one or a friend or a co-worker, loss of wages/job due to sick time, etc., etc. All this stuff is sure to impact unvaccinated populations at a significantly higher rate - again, greater than 99% of COVID deaths are now among the unvaccinated. Shouldn’t the anti-vaccine GOP be concerned that even their crazy voters might have a change of heart when they have to endure some of this COVID related shit because they’ve all been listening to their political leaders and their anti-vaccine spin?
Looking around, no they shouldn't be worried at all about it. Heck in a few months we might be hearing about how it's Biden's fault. McConnell is already trying to play that card in fact.
This still just doesn’t seem like a winning move, politically.
I hate to say it but I think we'll all find out that none of this stuff will matter when the counting is done next year. Americans have short memories to begin with even if the game was fair.