Yeah, there’s nothing memorable about it at all. I’ve mentioned before that Torchlight feels like Diablo without any soul or character, and this installment does little to change that.Sudy wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:12 am I played the first several hours and then promptly forgot about it. I could see myself going back to it, but the gameplay is fairly generic.
That said, the core hack-n-slash gameplay loop is pretty satisfying (as it is with most ARPGs) and they seem to have sanded out a number of the rough edges that were present at launch. I haven’t had any tech issues at all. My minor gripes (outside of the general blandness of the story, monsters, and world) are the weird way selling loot works. You get a flat 8 gold for normal, 30 gold for rare, 60 gold for unique, and 100 gold foe legendary, regardless of how good or bad the item actually is. I’ve also received multiple copies of the same Legendary items, and I’m not even out of the first act.
My guess is that it won’t have enough staying power for me to see it through to the end, but it is scratching the ARPG itch for this weekend. Plus it was free (well, Gamepass free).