Same, but not in reference to this case (which I know nothing about). I think it's another case of the left's shift too far in one direction in trying to correct for past abuses. When taken too far, it's dangerous, irresponsible and obnoxious, and also, one of my pet peaves, it sullies liberal ideology as a whole. Anything that gives the right (legitimate) ammo in their war against liberalism enrages me. This is one of those things.
I think most agree that MeToo was long overdue, and there were far too many women who were afraid or embarrassed to tell their personal stories of sexual assault. As a nation/people/civ, we needed to hear those stories, and to see how prevalant the issue was/is in our society. It woke up a lot of us. It had the potential to BETTER us, I think, as a society. But per usual, something that started out noble, needed and dare I say "good", went too far, and probably in many ways canceled the positives brought about when the movement started.
The latest craze seems to be calling everyone a racist. I totally understand WHY, with the rise of Trump and populism, but again, it's hurting the initial, needed, GOOD that BLM and kneeling NFL'ers, etc, started. A noble, worthy, long overdue reckoning is/has gone too far, and is providing ammo to those who oppose these ideas.