I know this a difficult time but the upcoming holidays have the potential to really launch this into the stratosphere. I'm not talking about death anymore, I'm referring to whatever % of vaccinated people that are going to need medical care because of breakthrough cases - people that will absolutely overwhelm our medical systems. Case in point - Rhode Island:
But it's this quote that you can't help but ponder:Rhode Island hospitals are teetering on the brink of disaster, the association representing emergency doctors warned in a startling letter to the governor and state Health Department.
“Any added strain right now will lead to collapse of the state healthcare system,” Dr. Nadine Himelfarb, the president of the Rhode Island chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, wrote in a Tuesday letter. “We, a collective group of emergency physicians, are terrified for the future of healthcare in this state.”
Considering what we all just lived through over the last 2 years and what these people have already seen, that should give everyone pause.“No one who is practicing medicine alive in this country right now has ever experienced what we’re going through right now,” the president of the Rhode Island chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians told the Globe