After a long break, we're starting to get back in the swing of gaming a little bit. Played
Legendary Marvel, Survive, Overboss, Potion Explosion, and
Dominion with the kids between yesterday and today. I still have to nudge them a bit to actually sit down and play, but we had a good time once we got to the table. I also played the new
WoW: WotLK game, which was really fun.
Over the last few months, I've really started to hone in on the type of games that I enjoy. Especially those that will actually have longevity versus those that I play like crazy for a few weeks, then never touch again (hi, Middara and Gloomhaven
). Honestly, I went
completely overboard during the pandemic, jumping into the deep end of this hobby trying to narrow down what I like, spending a metric shit-ton on games that are now gathering dust (something everyone here has done, I'm sure). I think that having focused on a narrower scope of games that I am more likely to enjoy will probably save me lots of $$ moving forward, and make me feel a bit less guilty about having shelves full of unplayed games.
Bear with my stream of consciousness for a minute...mostly just noting this for posterity.
A few things I've decided I really like/don't like:
- Simple to mid-range in complexity. With a few rare exceptions, if the rulebook is over 50 pages long, it's probably not a game that's going to stick with me.
- I enjoy Ameritrash dice chucking, with overly thinky and fiddly Euro-style games rarely clicking.
- Deckbuilders are rad, and might be my favorite genre.
- No matter how good the game is, if it takes an hour to set up, then another hour to remember all the rules if you've happened to step away for a couple weeks, it's likely going to collect dust.
- I like games on the easier side, and do occasionally like to actually win every once in a while (which seems to be an increasingly rare feature).
- While I keep telling myself I like campaigns, it's really very rare that I ever actually complete one. I typically wander off once it gets too difficult or something else grabs me. I end up stuck in that weird spot where you campaign games are
really difficult to pick back up where you left off, but I don't want to start entirely over from the beginning.
- I generally stick with fantasy-themes, with the occasional detour into super-heroes, sci-fi, or anime. Games with farming, business, historical, military, post-apocalyptic, or zombie themes are usually out (very similar to my preferred video gaming themes, really). I really struggle with anything based on anthropomorphic animals or anything that's overly "cutesy", even if they're otherwise good games (both Everdell and Root fell totally flat, for example). Oddly specific, I know.
- I don't mind app integration (especially solo) as long as it's done well. Imperial Assault's solo mode is still my favorite.
- I love a game that tells a good story. A big, complex setup and cool world with a crappy story never gets very far with me (looking at you, Descent: Legends of the Dark)
- I'm mostly a solo gamer, with the kids (12 and 8) joining in on occasions. I only get to play with other adults maybe 3-4 times a year.
My problem now is that lots of my current collection doesn't fit in this small window of games I enjoy. I have SO many games that I know I'm never likely to play again, and need to figure out WTF to do with.
I found a local board game exchange group on FB, but wanted to first drop the list here and see if anyone might be interested in either trading or making an offer before I posted everything there. If I need to stick this in a trading forum post, I'll do that (I never really look in there, so I figured I'd throw the list here first). These are all up for grabs:
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.