LordMortis wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:59 am
Octavious wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:34 am
Uh did they arrest her? What in the holy hell is wrong with people? I'll never understand why people are so worked up about a mask that they think it's life or death. Oh wait it is..
If you listen, she didn't threaten to shoot.
Technically correct but still wrong.
I will bring every single gun loaded and ready to...I will call every... (cut off)
That was an inference to excite the twitter reader. She said guns loaded and then was cut off, it's very easy to say that's a figure of speech.
Note she didn't quote that for a reason. She was just expounding on the obvious implication that any reasonable person will take to that statement.
If it were airport, I can see her being arrested no question asked. Sadly, in all too many cases, in a school, we don't treat that sort of speech as threats.
This makes no sense. You can't go to a meeting with anyone, anywhere, and say something isn't going to happen and then follow it up that you'll be ready with loaded weapons. What is the purpose of bringing a loaded gun to oppose something you say won't happen? That is a threat that will be taken very seriously nearly anywhere - even in this blasted land. I say this in all seriousness because it just happened to my wife. The police (and luckily her employer) took that sort of implicit threat of violence very seriously.