Kurth wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:56 pm
YellowKing wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:24 pm
Stories like this are also why I hate the garbage people who from the start of this thing have refused to take the minimum effort to protect others.
Stories like that seem to me to be a prime example of information that warps and degrades rational risk analysis. From that video, I understand that she had a serious underlying heart condition that resulted in the loss of her legs after she contracted COVID and experienced a critical circulatory failure.
While I get what you are saying. Some stories sensationalize edge cases. That's just the way of things. But the jump to this 'rational risk analysis' stuff seems a bit far fetched. We aren't anywhere near rationale risk analysis and stories like this don't move the needle much. This story having public health policy impact would require our society to have a moral/ethical compass. Which it doesn't.
I feel terrible for that young woman, but, as a society, if we decided we were going to take efforts (even minimum efforts) to prevent all shitty, random, rare, crazy, tragic things from happening, we'd grind to a halt.
But that isn't what most people are asking for. People aren't calling for lockdowns anymore. In fact, we've done the opposite at the expense of people like this. We're the only advanced country in the world that expanded our economy during the pandemic.
I also don't understand the idea that we're supposed to take stock that we don't fall for things like this that might make us irrationally evaluate risk. The measures that might have saved her legs aren't all that drastic. This isn't asking for a moonshot. The moonshot already happened. And because it happened we've pivoted to asking people like her to risk everything so people can feel like they can return to normal. And beyond this woman we're still seeing thousands of people dying per day. We can't prevent every bad end but we are very far and away from that.
NOT saying that COVID=Flu,
here's what recent research has shown:
- Cardiovascular deaths and influenza epidemics spike around the same time.
- Patients are six times more likely to experience a heart attack the week after influenza infection than they are at any point during the year prior or the year after the infection.
- In one study looking at 336,000 hospital admissions for flu, 11.5% experienced a serious cardiac event.
- Another study looking at 90,000 lab-confirmed influenza infections showed a strikingly similar rate of 11.7% experiencing an acute cardiovascular event.
- One in eight patients, or 12.5%, admitted to the hospital with influenza experienced a cardiovascular event, with 31% of those requiring intensive care and 7% dying as a result of the event, another study found.
I'm confused here. COVID != flu yet here is a list of effects from the flu? COVID is a very different disease. I don't even know what the point of citing this is - it's not very relevant. That's the problem. We don't know the true risks - we just don't have enough information - but we're supposed to engaged in principled risk analysis? We simply can't. We have to choose trade offs for sure but often it seems to be sacrifice people without power in the service of people with power. It's gross.
Seriously, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but it's the kind of anecdotal garbage that the media loves to fixate on and amplify. It's not the kind of information any one should use to determine what rational precautions they need to take regarding COVID.
Ironically, I think what you are doing here is highly irrational. If you think stories like this are the problem I don't know what to say to you. The effects of misinformation that convince people not to get vaccines or take reasonable semi-inconvenient measures to reduce spread when surges happen is *way* more impactful than any story like this.