Smoove_B wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:03 pm
I totally understand (but don't agree with) people railing against vaccinations, particularly newly developed ones and certainly when kids are involved. But masks? WTF is your actual objection to w
earing a mask? I know we've joked about it, but is handwashing next? Masks FFS!
I can't today.
It’s interesting that David Leonhardt took a somewhat opposite view on The Daily the other day re vaccine/boosters/masks, offering the perspective that for many Americans, vaccines and boosters are (or should be) a no-brainer, but masks impact them in a real way and present real costs.
He discussed that further in his column yesterday,
The Mask Debate.
Communal risk
If you scroll through social media, you will find no shortage of people proclaiming that mask wearing is easy for them. I don’t doubt it. But it is not so easy for many other people, including young children, people with learning disabilities and people who are hard of hearing.
The poll found that many Democrats, especially younger Democrats, seem to be overstating their personal risk from Covid. In response, some readers argued that exaggerating individual risk is actually a good thing, because it leads to more support for Covid mitigation policies, like mask mandates and limits on public gatherings.
The real problem, according to this view, is that the U.S. has done too little to protect people from Covid; if exaggerating individual risk can reduce Covid’s communal risk, isn’t that a good thing?
There is some logic to this line of thinking, because the U.S. has indeed done too little to battle Covid. But the argument depends on the assumption that almost all Covid restrictions improve public health, and that isn’t necessarily true. Nearly every restriction has both benefits and costs. The question is, when do the benefits outweigh the costs?
With the vaccines and boosters, the answer is clear. The benefits (a huge reduction in the risk of death, hospitalization and other symptoms) vastly outweigh the costs (a day or two of potentially feeling crummy). With many other mitigation strategies, however, the answer is murkier. The disruption and isolation of the past two years have contributed to increases in educational inequality, mental-health problems, blood pressure, drug overdoses, violent crime and other serious ills.
Masks are an intriguing tool because they allow people to be together while also protecting themselves. Yet a growing number of Americans are nonetheless deciding that the costs of masks often fall short of the benefits, especially in schools.
. . .
The bottom line
The evidence suggests that the benefits of mandated school masking are modest and that the costs are meaningful for some children, particularly after two years of pandemic life. This combination suggests that the removal of statewide mandates will probably do more good than harm, given that Covid cases are now plummeting.
But there is an important caveat: If another big Covid wave comes — and it may — the argument for a temporary return of masking will become stronger. When hospitals are overwhelmed, even small differences in caseloads can save lives. Different moments call for different Covid policies.
I coach a high school mock trial team. They’re a great group of kids, and they’ve really done well in the past. Last year, our scrappy group of public schoolers went up against the usual elite private schools in our region, and they excelled. They won the regional competition, and then they went on to win the state competition and were sent to Nationals representing Oregon. Of course, they weren’t really “sent” anywhere because everything was remote, but they were psyched nonetheless.
This year, the competition is a mix of remote and in-person with masks. It’s a stupid and irrational hodgepodge, determined by what county you live in. Most of this year, we’ve been practicing in person, in masks, at school preparing for a live competition. The results have not been good so far. The kids have a hard time speaking clearly through their masks. They have a hard time understanding each other during questioning. And a ton of the experience is just . . . lost. So much of what we try to encourage, especially in our witnesses, is for them to try to embody the character and bring the character to life. It’s a fine line between mock trial and drama already, but the challenge is ten fold when they’re trying to be expressive and wearing a mask that covers up 75% of their faces. They are doing their best, but, in all honesty, it sucks for them.
This past week, my son, who’s a senior in high school, had his final swim meet. Most of the parents show up to support the kids, who were limited to inviting two guests a piece. Even with limits on attendance, the indoor pool facility isn’t large, and the bleachers were jam packed. It was probably 85 degrees in there with 100% humidity. Within minutes, people were sweating through their masks and having to go outside regularly to get a breath of fresh air and a moment of reprieve from the heat. Lots of parents ended up leaving. It sucked.
At work, we began onboarding a new member of our team this week. We’re all meeting her for the first time, trying to get to know her a bit and welcome her to our team. Meeting someone and trying to make that connection is so much more difficult with a mask on. The challenge of understanding someone with a different dialect when you can’t match up what they’re saying with their facial expressions is significant. Add to that the fact that I’m hard of hearing after spending too many years listening to music way too loud, and it can be really, really difficult to communicate. It makes for a very frustrating experience for all involved.
I know that relative to death, these are not significant costs. But they are costs. There are costs to wearing masks, and it’s dishonest to make like that’s not the case. Even if you don’t feel those costs personally, a significant number of other people do. I feel like debating whether it’s time to take off masks makes sense. Look at the data, analyze the trends, examine the case studies and examples from other populations. But the debate needs to take as a given that continuing to mandate masks is not a cost-free decision.