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It's a little fuzzy, but the top line represents projected deaths during the Winter of 2023 if we continue on our current path with vaccinations. Yellow is if we hit the recent historical levels of Flu vaccination (just over 50%), historically much, much lower. The red is if they hit 80% of the population boosted.Yo how tf did we get to a place where the literal White House puts out a graph like this and we just keep it all moving like this shit is normal???
Then during the Q&A there was this exchange:
No specific goal, just feelings. Are you kidding me right now? This isn't a car wash to raise money for a class trip.Q In the first vaccination campaign, before you took this role, the Biden administration set goals for the percentage of Americans that they wanted to get vaccinated was 70 percent. Right now, it’s less than 4 percent of U.S. adults. I’m wondering — around that number. I’m wondering if you guys are setting a new target for what you’d want to hit by Halloween or if there’s the goal that you guys are setting (inaudible).
DR. JHA: Yeah, at first glance, we’ve said: No internal goals, no external goals. We just have — my feeling on this is we want to get as many Americans vaccinated with the updated vaccine. We think it’s, clearly, a better vaccine, an important upgrade from what we had before. And the more Americans, the better.
So yeah, Blue/Green line. Prepare.