[Bethesda] Fallout 76

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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Last night I was WAaaaay out east where Ive not been running down a road to a objective. As Im running past a broken down old semi truck and getting to the back of it I almost ran head first into a super mutant. F me. I did a fast as hell 180 and ran back to the front of the truck and crouched. Thats when I see 2 more on my right walking slowly past me. A full squad a super mutant masters.

Just then something jumped them..something big because its walking steps were making big thumps and I heard growls. Now its a big melee going on. I peek around the truck and its something called a Ogala or something. never seen one. Big or bigger than a deathclaw but totally different shape. It wiped the floor with that entire master sqaud. It was lvl 75. Im just 43.

I was lucky enough to shoot one of the mutants and looted a plasma gatlin gun. I can actually use it. Ammo is cores and I got like 8 or 9 or so. But its really heavy. I think I tagged the Ogala by accident as it chased me around the truck 2 or 3 laps. Geezus thats frightening. Then he just ran off into the woods and I sprinted off the other direction.

Fun night. Got my heart going. Then I stepped into a chemical plant and there musta been 20 robots on that site. I died quick a few times lol. Thats another story.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:26 am If I buy something for the game on Game Pass, like the PITT thing, does it transfer directly to my Fallout 76 account or does it get locked into the Game Pass version?
I have absolutely no idea. Googling says both yes and no.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:39 am apparently, I have played before as I have a L7 character. I don't remember this at all though.

More questions.
1. Instead of twitch, How do I activate VATS?

2. For camps. If I build a camp, it looks like I can move it afterward. Is this correct?
If so.

3. Does the stuff I built come with me or is it lost when I move?

4. If it comes with me, can I pace the built items in new positions or is it a snapshot of what I had and it's all or nothing?

5. If I build a stash and put stuff in it can it also be moved without losing anything?
1. It's in the key bindings. I think it's Q. (I rebind most of my keys in games so that they all match and I can take advantage of muscle memory. The downside is that I'm never sure of the default key when people ask.)

VATS works differently than in Fallout 3 (which paused the world) and Fallout 4 (which slowed it down.) Neither would really work in a multiplayer game. Instead, it functions as an auto-targeting system. Once you unlock a perk to let you do so, you'll be able to use the mouse wheel to change what body part you're targeting. Once you hit the VATS key, you'll have a few seconds during which you'll have auto-aim locked on. Fire like mad. As you do damage, you'll fill up a 'critical' bar, which you can activate by touching a key (I believe it's space) to do bonus damage.

In the lower right hand corner of the HUD is your "AP" (Action Points) meter. It is used for sprinting, and it is also the 'fuel' for VATS. It regenerates fairly quickly on its own. It does mean, however, that if you're sprinting and try to use VATS, it's not going to last very long (or at all, if you've drained you AP.)

If you're going for VATS, crank your Agility to the maximum, and make sure you take and maximize the Action Boy/Girl perk, the Lone Wanderer perk (for when you're alone), and, eventually, at least a couple of points in Grim Reaper's Sprint.

2. Yes, you can move your CAMP.

Do not move your CAMP.

When you move your CAMP, you place the device on the ground, and nothing is built. The stuff you've built in that CAMP before goes into an already constructed 'blueprint' form. You can grab that blueprint and place it down in the new location. The problem: It almost never works. Either the ground is a slightly different shape (and thus parts of the CAMP are clipping into the ground/above the ground, preventing you from placing it), or else any of a huge number of items in your CAMP won't register as being correctly attached, preventing you from placing it anywhere (the 'Selected Item is Floating' bug that's been there since launch.) And once you've moved it, you probably won't be able to put it back in the old location, either, as you'll never be able to get it to the exact pixel that it was on before that matches its shape.

Net effect: Most of the time if you move your CAMP, you destroy your CAMP. You'll have to scrap the entire thing from your building menu and start over from scratch.

The realistic options:

A. Most people just build their CAMP in a good spot and leave it there.
B. Some people create a very simple 'movable' CAMP that involves the tiniest possible footprint (like a single foundation touching the ground, supporting everything else), no decorations (since they tend to activate the bug), and such a simple design that, if it does fail to place, it isn't a lot of work to rebuild.
C. You actually have two CAMPs. You can go into the map and switch between them, although only one can exist in the world at once. If you want to spend Atoms (the premium currency), you can buy up to three more slots. Some people use their main slot for their permanent camp, and their second slot for the mobile version I talked about in B. FWIW, there are much more useful things you can do with the extra slot, like resource camps or food farms.
D. If you sub to Fallout 1st, you're also given a 'survival tent', which is a very basic pre-built CAMP that you place almost anywhere, at any time, for free. It has a bed, cooking, and storage boxes, and is a free fast travel target.

4. An exact snapshot, which is part of the problem.

5. You only have one stash, and all stashes are that same stash. Think of them as doorways to a pocket dimension (for the D&D nerds.) If you build a stash an put in one teddy bear, then destroy it, move clear across the map and build a new CAMP with a new stash in it, you'll open it to find a teddy bear. If you build 60 stashes in your camp, they'll each have the teddy bear. If you go to another player's CAMP and wander over to their stash... it has your teddy bear in it. That's your stash, too. And any of the pre-placed stashes out in the world (like at train stations) - teddy bear.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:39 am[PING!]
This may come in handy. It's a guide to the 'meta' Commando build. You don't need to follow it, but you should at least become familiar with it.

I'm going to repost some tips from a few pages back in a second, too.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

I posted these for Daehawk a few pages back. There's a lot here, but don't worry about trying to remember them all. Play, and check back later and they'll make more sense. I did underline the most important ones, all of which matter from the beginning.
Blackhawk wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:55 am Some other quick early tips:

~Concerning perks: Don't actively spend your choices on the 'Find Extra' perks. If you get them and have extra points feel free to equip them, but you'll generally find more than enough of everything without them.

~Don't plan on having the lockpicking/hacking perks equipped on your actual build. That would take 6 SPECIAL points. What most people do is get the perks, but leave them unequipped (or only equip one) until they actually need it, as you can change your perks on the fly. In other words, you come up on a lock/terminal, unequip one of your combat perks, and equip lockpicking. You pick said lock, then put your combat perk back on. (Personally, I dumped my first legendary perk on the one that gives you 3/3 so that I don't have to worry about it anymore.)

~Particularly good perks: Blocker, Concentrated Fire, Fireproof, Lone Wanderer (a must if you're solo), Scrapper, Gunsmith (keep it equipped for the reduced wear and tear), Action Boy (unless you're avoid VATS entirely.) At the end game, Starched Genes and Class Freak are a must.

~Until you max Starched Genes and Class Freak, don't keep any mutations (RadAway removes them.) The downsides are pretty heavy. Once you have those perks, though, you can keep the mutations without the penalties.

~You'll generally want to specialize in a single weapon. You can carry as many as you want, and you can fire them, but you'll only have enough perks to really make one of them fully effective (in my current build, I have 12 perk points out of a max of 15 in Perception dedicated just to rifles.)

~At level 25 you'll get access to a card machine that will let you save multiple builds and change your SPECIALs at will. I have separate builds for combat and a generic 'crafting' build that's for both CAMP building and crafting. If I make another, it will either be a farming build or a power armor build.

~The soft cap is level 50. After that you'll keep leveling, but you'll only get perks, not SPECIALS. You also gain access to an alternate 'Legendary Perks' set, one choice every 25 levels starting at 50.

~An excellent build planner. Once you have a build, the leveling roadmap button on there is invaluable.

~My current build. Note that this is a single shot weapon/stealth/no power armor build. It isn't the most effective build in the game (if you wanted to make it more effective, you'd switch the single shot perks for Commando.) I find the game easy enough that I don't feel the need to optimize, however.

~My crafting build. Yes, it's got more perks than points. I swap the perks I'm not using for the ones I am using (IE - if I'm working on energy weapons, I swap out something else for the energy weapon perks.)

~Keep your eye out for train stations. They have vendor NPCs (whose stock is almost always over-priced), they always have a crafting bench and a legendary exchange. It's a machine that lets you turn old legendaries into a special scrip. Save that scrip until the endgame - you can turn it in for new, on-level legendaries then.

~You learn attachments for weapons by scrapping the same sort of weapon. What you get is random, and what you get slows down over time (it doesn't remove what you already learn from the pool of options, and getting one you already know just results in not learning anything.)

~A convoluted, but very useful tool for determining prices and rarity for items you find.

~If you do set up a shop, note that most legendaries do not sell unless they're priced low and people are buying them for turning into scrip. Pretty much all ammo sells for 1 cap per.

~Weapons and armor have levels, rounded to 5 (IE - you can find level 5 pipe pistols, level 20s, level 35s, level 50s, etc.) You'll want to make sure that you don't let your gear fall behind - it's easy to have a weapon that you love, say a combat rifle, keep scrapping the combat rifles you find later, only to realize that you're level 40, the combat rifle you're using is level 15, and you've been scrapping the level 40s. Or that you're wearing an armor piece that's 20 levels below you. During the leveling, it's expected that you'll recreate the same gun every few levels.

~You start with a low-level backpack with +5 carry weight. You can craft new backpacks at an armor bench every 10 levels (10, 20, etc), all the way up to a level 50 backpack. Each upgrade increases the carry weight by +5.

~You can craft with the materials in your stash. Store all junk (but scrap it first, as it takes up much, much less space.)

~Weight warning: Scrap your junk before you store it. Unscrapped junk takes up a ton of Stash space. You might want to check to make sure you haven't deposited any junk already. Scrapping it is easy - any workbench (except a brewing station) will have an option for 'scrap.' Once you hit it, you'll have an option for 'scrap all junk.' Just hit that, walk up to your stash, and you'll have a button for 'deposit all junk.'
I'm going to add:

~They removed the penalties for not eating and drinking, but they still have benefits if you do eat and drink. If you're fully fed and fully hydrated you will get a nice buff. In addition, various foods will give you additional buffs. Early on I'd recommend grabbing all of the soot flowers you see, then mixing it with boiled water for tea. A good early option for food is to grab a few corn while you're out, and then plant it in your camp. When you start each day, pick some corn, grab some water, and make corn soup. It fills both the food and water bars.

Later on you'll find some better recipes. The best thing to do is usually to fill your food and water bars up with multiple foods, so that you're stacking multiple buffs.

Be aware that food does spoil over time. And be on the lookout for spoiled food in your food/drink inventory - it can weigh you down. Stick it in your stash, then use a chemistry bench to turn it into fertilizer.

~Two other free (and substantial) buffs are for sleeping and for playing an instrument. Just sleep/play until you hear a sound and get a Vault Boy pop-up.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

I think being fully fed and not thirsty it will allow you to carry more. A lot of time Ill not be encumbered then suddenly I am . Ill be like 2 or 5 over. I see my food and drink aren't topped off so I fill them up and Im not encumbered again.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Daehawk wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 4:52 pm I think being fully fed and not thirsty it will allow you to carry more. A lot of time Ill not be encumbered then suddenly I am . Ill be like 2 or 5 over. I see my food and drink aren't topped off so I fill them up and Im not encumbered again.
These are the four basic buffs, earned by having your food full, your water full, sleeping in a bed until you get notified (30 seconds), and playing an instrument until you get notified (30 seconds.) Fully fed and hydrated last from 100% to 80% of their respective bars.

Fully Fed: Max HP +35, STR +1, Disease Resistance +35%

Fully Hydrated: AP Regen +35%, END +1, Disease Resistance +35%

Well Rested: XP +5% for 120min

Well Tuned: AP Regen +5% for 60min
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Im lvl 43 and just learned what the magnifying glass icon on some loot was. i figured that must be what it was but wasn't sure and I had no idea why it was on some stuff but not most. Now i know why and how to set it myself. Finally ill know what to pick up. Sheesh.

Also on the weapons wheel if you push your move down key it goes to your emote wheel and its icons. But I cant count the times I've died, almost died, or gotten very annoying at it in combat. If you open your wep wheel and are moving to try to avoid stuff right when your open it it goes to the emote wheel which freezes you in place and you cant switch guns either. And its hell to get rid of in combat and you're suddenly frozen getting hit and cant change guns too. And there seems to be no way to remove emote wheel from the weapon wheel.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

It just dawned on me what those black and green petrified corpses are. After seeing them in the poses they are in I realized they mustbe the people who were alive when the bombs fell. Eww creepy. And they never have any loot and I just get radiation so I stoppedbothering with them. But a neat addition to the game world.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Daehawk wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:25 pm Also on the weapons wheel if you push your move down key it goes to your emote wheel and its icons. But I cant count the times I've died, almost died, or gotten very annoying at it in combat. If you open your wep wheel and are moving to try to avoid stuff right when your open it it goes to the emote wheel which freezes you in place and you cant switch guns either. And its hell to get rid of in combat and you're suddenly frozen getting hit and cant change guns too. And there seems to be no way to remove emote wheel from the weapon wheel.
I have no idea. I have never used the wheel for anything other than setting the items to the hotkeys (the numbers correspond to the number row.) I can't imagine hitting a key to open it, looking for the right item, moving the mouse to it, and closing the wheel to equip it when the alternative is "hit 1."
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

I open it by mouse wheel down then use my mouse to click the wep I want.

I added some lights to my camp last night and hooked up the big giant sign I have too. I hadn't noticed the little power connector you installed under the rock ledge before now. Also that dancing Nuka Cola on my tinker table i thought was a lamp until last night too lol.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Punisher »

Sorry. More questions.

Is it safe to use the scrap all junk option?
If not, how can i tell what is safe to scrap?
If I have a camp with just a stash, is it safe to keep moving it around with me storing things in the stash along the way?

Condition. Is the bright part the good or bad part? IE. if the bar is all bright, does that mean perfect condition or broken?

I have a decent amount of weapons (I think), including some dups.
Should you keep the dups? Why or why not.

Do repair kits fix to 100%? If not, is there a way to tell how much they will repair so I don't waste one?

Some weapons have 3 pluses or minuses on their right. I thought this meant they were better ir worse than other weapons but this doesn't seem to match the numbers.
Weapon 1. Shotgun
Pluses on damage, minus on firing rate, range and others.
Weapon 2. Same type of Shotgun.
No symbols on right.
Stat numbers are identical.
Please explain.

When I logout away from my camp do I log back in where I was or back in my camp?
Same question, but what if I die instead of logging out?

Enemies or whatever.
I see that some targets turn red and some turn yellow when I mouse over them. I'm assuming enemy and friend.
Are ALL reds always enemies and I should shot or are some potentially friends?
I just had a random encounter with some robots attacking someone. I lilled the robots and the other person was still red and called legendary treasure hunter. I tried approaching to see if he had stuff to trade but he kept running away. Should I have just killed and looted him or does he serve a higher purpose in the future.
Just trying to determine if I should be killing any and all reds that I can or not.

Lore questions. Mostly just curious.
I usually turn off music in games but happened to have listened to a radio that was already on. Music question/s.
I noticed that even though some of the music sounded familiar when I listened to the lyrics they were definitely different.
Was this because.
A. These were the original in universe lyrics.
B. These are lyrics that have been re-recorded based on what the current people think the actual lyrics were in the before times.
C. Neither and it's just Bethesda being a bit tongue in cheek.

Is there a way to see a list of all my quests including completed ones? I'm trying to find out what
the Death From Above quest was about. I somehowpicked it up and a few minutes later it said it was complete. This was right after I got a nuclear bomb warning and I think explosion. I was indoors at a tinker table and just heard something but didn't see anything.
Separate from that question. Are they actually dropping new bombs in the game and should I be worried?
I'm playing this on and off. Sometimes only a few minutes, a couple of times about an hour. It really depends on how I'm feeling and if I get an urge or not.
If you want to tell me how to add friends and your in game names we might be able to meet up even if for only a minute depending on how I'm doing.

Thanks again guys.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:22 am Junk.
Is it safe to use the scrap all junk option?
If not, how can i tell what is safe to scrap?
In general, yes. About the only junk items I ever kept were a few plushes to sell on my shop, and I rarely got sales on those.
If I have a camp with just a stash, is it safe to keep moving it around with me storing things in the stash along the way?
The smaller the footprint (by which I mean the part touching the ground), and the fewer the pieces, the safer it is to try and move. Look for a piece in (I believe) the stairs section that is basically a double foundation with with stairs going up, and a small upper area that is wire mesh. Build that and add some flat upper floor pieces around the second level (only one row wide) and you'll have enough space for a few crafting benches, a stash, a bed, and an instrument (the basics.) Since you'll only have a small foundation touching the ground, it's relatively safe. Just skip walls, decorations, anything with wires, or anything touching the ground other than the starting foundation.

With that said, it's usually desirable to have at least one permanent camp for making purified water, planting crops for food, and having a full set of crafting benches. It is why I mentioned that a lot of people reserve their secondary CAMP slot for making a movable version (you can switch between them in the upper left corner of the map.)
Condition. Is the bright part the good or bad part? IE. if the bar is all bright, does that mean perfect condition or broken?
Perfect. Think of the bars as being empty (black) and filling up with green.
I have a decent amount of weapons (I think), including some dups.
Should you keep the dups? Why or why not.
Scrap, scrap, scrappity-scrap unless it's rare (in which case you may want one extra.)

~Weapons level in increments of five (pipe rifle level 5, pipe rifle level 10, etc.) . Any extras you have now are going to be useless soon.
~You don't find the perfect weapon for your playstyle. You find a similar weapon and craft mods for it to make it perfect. The way you learn how to craft mods is by scrapping the same weapon (so scrap some 10mm pistols and you'll learn a few mods for 10mm pistols.) Don't scrap, you don't learn how to customize the one you keep, which is essential.
~It can be useful to hang on to an extra of some types of weapons, at least when you get high enough that they're not being outleveled too quickly, just because you'll sometimes want a couple of variants. (Example: I kept two Fixers (a type of rifle.) One I built for fire rate and capacity for fighting up close, the other I built for range and power, for fighting at a distance.)
Do repair kits fix to 100%? If not, is there a way to tell how much they will repair so I don't waste one?
I think so? I have never used one. I always did my repairing on the bench (and I did so much collecting and scrapping that I rarely had resource issues after the early levels.)
Some weapons have 3 pluses or minuses on their right. I thought this meant they were better ir worse than other weapons but this doesn't seem to match the numbers.
Weapon 1. Shotgun
Pluses on damage, minus on firing rate, range and others.
Weapon 2. Same type of Shotgun.
No symbols on right.
Stat numbers are identical.
Please explain.
I'd need to see them/a screenshot, but in general it's a confusing indication of power for the weapon you're looking at compared to the one you have active. Weapon 1 had better damage, lower other stuff. This can be affected by the mods a weapon has on it, which tends to make meaningful comparisons difficult, especially since, again, it's based off of your currently active/selected weapon.
When I logout away from my camp do I log back in where I was or back in my camp?
Same question, but what if I die instead of logging out?
You can choose where to respawn when you die. If you log out, I believe you come back near where you logged out.
Enemies or whatever.
I see that some targets turn red and some turn yellow when I mouse over them. I'm assuming enemy and friend.
Are ALL reds always enemies and I should shot or are some potentially friends?
I just had a random encounter with some robots attacking someone. I lilled the robots and the other person was still red and called legendary treasure hunter. I tried approaching to see if he had stuff to trade but he kept running away. Should I have just killed and looted him or does he serve a higher purpose in the future.
Just trying to determine if I should be killing any and all reds that I can or not.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'turn yellow' or 'turn red.' I can tell you that if you ever see a Legendary Treasure Hunter, kill them to death. A lot. They are very rare, and people actively spend hours looking for them, except during special events every few months that makes them more common (one of which is active now until the 31s), and they drop schematics (crafting plans) that you can't get anywhere else.
Lore questions. Mostly just curious.
I usually turn off music in games but happened to have listened to a radio that was already on. Music question/s.
I noticed that even though some of the music sounded familiar when I listened to the lyrics they were definitely different.
Was this because.
A. These were the original in universe lyrics.
B. These are lyrics that have been re-recorded based on what the current people think the actual lyrics were in the before times.
C. Neither and it's just Bethesda being a bit tongue in cheek.
I'm not sure what songs you're referring to, but other than a couple of original songs for Fallout 4 that Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) did, and the version of Country Roads they use, all of the songs are licensed, not covers. Most of the recordings are older than most of us.

Is there a way to see a list of all my quests including completed ones? I'm trying to find out what
the Death From Above quest was about. I somehowpicked it up and a few minutes later it said it was complete. This was right after I got a nuclear bomb warning and I think explosion. I was indoors at a tinker table and just heard something but didn't see anything.
Separate from that question. Are they actually dropping new bombs in the game and should I be worried?
That one isn't exactly secret/spoilery. It means that someone launched a nuke (yes they can, and they're not going to drop it where you're at.) If you open the map, you'll see an orange circle where it's targeted. It's normally targeted at a spot in the southeast as a means of triggering a boss. The quest is given to the entire world to warn them to get away from that spot, and to tell them that the boss is available to fight. It completes after the nuke lands.

Quests are in your Pipboy in the Data tab.
I'm playing this on and off. Sometimes only a few minutes, a couple of times about an hour. It really depends on how I'm feeling and if I get an urge or not.
If you want to tell me how to add friends and your in game names we might be able to meet up even if for only a minute depending on how I'm doing.
Main menu, click Social. There is a friends pane that pops up on the right, with an 'add friend' box at the bottom.. I'm pretty sure my name is Greybird, although I haven't been on much over the last few weeks. Post here if you send a request and I'll make sure I jump in.

I would suggest installing Discord and joining the OO server if you haven't yet (let me know if you need a link.) Even if you don't have a mic it'll let you listen to other players (say, me) if they're explaining something in-game. It's a hell of a lot easier than doing charades with the emote wheel!
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Punisher »

Thanks for all that. I'll need a few rereads to absorb it all temporarily.
The red and yellow thing refers to both the crosshair and figure outline color.
Enemies so far are red and bystanders are yellow. These are random friendly NPCs scattered about.

I absolutely KNEW my decision about the treasure hunter was gonna bite me no matter what I chose.
I let him live so it looks like I missed out on something special.
I'm sure if I had decided to gank him you would have told me that I just lost 40 great quests he would give.
I don't suppose logging back in and trying to remember where I saw him would help would it?
I'm assuming that once I log off a lot of things just get reset for me.
Lesson learned. Red means kill them all. If I was of sound mind I probably would have figured that out.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Where did you ru. Into him?

Be sure to read that 4 pane popup as you're logging in. It has info like treasure hunter.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

During the event you can find a lot of them. I once found probably 10 at the power station.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Punisher »

Daehawk wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:03 am Where did you ru. Into him?

Be sure to read that 4 pane popup as you're logging in. It has info like treasure hunter.
I think towards the sourh west. Near the research station. I was following the road then got to where the highway was way overhead and started climbing rocks to get up to it and the group was about halfway up.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Im going to have to lay my adventuring aside today and go find ammo and stims. Or stims and go get metals to make ammo.

I find so little metals. I even read where to find them like steel and lead and copper and such. I looted those places days ago and when I go back theres still no respawn of them like weights or shopping baskets. I dont know if theres some bug or someone is looting them before i get there.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Daehawk wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:56 pm Im going to have to lay my adventuring aside today and go find ammo and stims. Or stims and go get metals to make ammo.

I find so little metals. I even read where to find them like steel and lead and copper and such. I looted those places days ago and when I go back theres still no respawn of them like weights or shopping baskets. I dont know if theres some bug or someone is looting them before i get there.
Items in the world are individual. Nobody else can loot your items.

The respawn, from what I understand, is based on your own looting. If you loot an item, it stays despawned until you've collected a bunch of other stuff. A 'bunch', I believe, is 255 items. The items then respawn next time you join a server.

In other words, if you loot (in order), a pencil, a weight, and a tin can, you're at item #3. You can wait a year and those three items will never respawn. But if you go and loot other items, when you get to item #256, the pencil will respawn. Loot one more, and the weight will. One more, and the can is back. Or, rather they'll be back the next time you load into a server (you switch servers simply by going to the menu and going back in.)

Containers work similarly, but I believe the numbers are smaller.

It's designed to get you to play, not just farm. FWIW, I got the most resources from killing, looting, and then scrapping items.

If you want an extra source of lead, go do the quest that gives you Excavator power armor (Google 'Miner Miracles' - it's free, but you'll need some black titanium scrap and an empty frame.) It'll let you go into mines and harvest a ton of lead and other materials (it gives you four times the normal amount of ore.) It's not as powerful as it used to be, but you can still get a ton of resources by hitting nodes with it. Of course, then you'll need to farm up some acid to turn the ore into scrap.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Then whoever wrote all those loot places worded it badly. They worded it all as places to farm. Hard to farm if it takes a week lol. Theway they talked I thought i could relog and go again since it would be a new server. BAH. lol.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

It doesn't take a week - time doesn't affect it. It could be an hour or two depending on what you do. But when searching, keep in mind that MMOs change constantly. Anything older than a year or two is quite likely to be out of date and inaccurate.

There may have been a time when you could log out and right back in, but if people abused it, it would be changed.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

I got a new hate from an event where we killed the legendary imposter sheepsquatch.

Enlarge Image

I meant a week at the rate Im looting. All Ive done for a week as is is go looting and doing events. Today was the first day I got back to questing after getting ammo made and buying stims.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Very nice!

Bonus FYI: If you go into your Pipboy and go to the data tab, you can untrack quests.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Blackhawk wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:20 pm Very nice!

Bonus FYI: If you go into your Pipboy and go to the data tab, you can untrack quests.
Doesn't bother me to have my entire right side covered in quests hehehe.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Im trying to do the uplink quest. The online video shows them in the caverns. So I go...and its filled with 3 star legendary demons. The only thing I have that damages them is a melee wep. So there i am hand to hand with them. Killed 3 died 3 times myself....then ANOTHER one..f me. Died again. Was so mad I just alt f4d it for the night. And I went to at least 2 spots in there where in the video its clearly there but in my game nothing is in there ..both spots nada. So Not sure.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Punisher »

Did the investigate airport mission and came VERY close to getting killed multiple times. I used up all my healing stuff on this run.
More questions.
1. If I die does the quest and area reset/respawn everything? I've seen it happen when I fast travel so I assume it would be the same.

2. Can I buy screws anywhere? I don't think I got any from scrapping and I want to build more craft stations at my base.

3. On that topic, can I buy any other crafting supplies?

4. Some of the junk has a decent cap value. I have yet to actually find a vendor but when I do will they buy junk or just more valuable items?

5. Related to 4. In general is it still better to scrap the junk instead of selling it? (Assumeing it can be sold.)

6. I found power armor. Yay! Can those power cells be recharged somewhere? If not can they he crafted or bought?
I only have 21% power left on the cell.

7. The armor came with level 25 extra armor parts. I had to strip them before it would even let me get in. They are currently in my stash. Is it a good idea to save them for when I hit 25 or is it better to scrap them? What about selling them?

Also, Blackhawk can you post a link to the discord serber please?
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Yog-Sothoth »

Daehawk wrote: Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:11 am It just dawned on me what those black and green petrified corpses are. After seeing them in the poses they are in I realized they mustbe the people who were alive when the bombs fell. Eww creepy. And they never have any loot and I just get radiation so I stoppedbothering with them. But a neat addition to the game world.
That's what I thought for the longest time. But actually the petrified corpses are victims of the Scorched Plague. Ever notice how some of the Scorched don't really seem to wake up until you get close to them? Well, eventually they never wake up, they just crumble into dust when you get close to them.

As you said, they never have any loot.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Yog-Sothoth »

Blackhawk wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:17 pm
Daehawk wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:56 pm Im going to have to lay my adventuring aside today and go find ammo and stims. Or stims and go get metals to make ammo.

I find so little metals. I even read where to find them like steel and lead and copper and such. I looted those places days ago and when I go back theres still no respawn of them like weights or shopping baskets. I dont know if theres some bug or someone is looting them before i get there.
Items in the world are individual. Nobody else can loot your items.

The respawn, from what I understand, is based on your own looting. If you loot an item, it stays despawned until you've collected a bunch of other stuff. A 'bunch', I believe, is 255 items. The items then respawn next time you join a server.

In other words, if you loot (in order), a pencil, a weight, and a tin can, you're at item #3. You can wait a year and those three items will never respawn. But if you go and loot other items, when you get to item #256, the pencil will respawn. Loot one more, and the weight will. One more, and the can is back. Or, rather they'll be back the next time you load into a server (you switch servers simply by going to the menu and going back in.)

Containers work similarly, but I believe the numbers are smaller.

It's designed to get you to play, not just farm. FWIW, I got the most resources from killing, looting, and then scrapping items.

If you want an extra source of lead, go do the quest that gives you Excavator power armor (Google 'Miner Miracles' - it's free, but you'll need some black titanium scrap and an empty frame.) It'll let you go into mines and harvest a ton of lead and other materials (it gives you four times the normal amount of ore.) It's not as powerful as it used to be, but you can still get a ton of resources by hitting nodes with it. Of course, then you'll need to farm up some acid to turn the ore into scrap.
Another way to get lead is to go to the hotel just to the north of Flatwoods, south of the Wayward. It has a weighT room, you can often get barbells which are very heavy, but which you can scrap in Flatwoods for 50+ lead (total). The nice thing about farming lead that way is that you don't need to farm acid as well.

The Responders firefighter base to the south of Charleston has another such weight room.

Those two are often farmed out, and you need to be aware of the 255 item list as noted above, but you can occasionally check it out and get some lead. I've never farmed lead ore in my life and have thousands of lead. If you have Fallout 1st you still need to work around the 255 item limit, but then you can go to a private world and grab the lead.

What I often do is have one item I farm in a known position before I farm stuff. If it's not there I know my list hasn't turned over yet. If it's there, I can try for the lead farm.

Pencils are also great for lead, as are paint cans. Both are much lighter that barbells and a can of paint gives you as much lead as a 160 lb barbell.

Steel is fairly easy to find, the best way to get it is to scrap weapons. Once you are at/near L50 you can farm WestTek for experience, loot, and a lot of steel.

For copper, you need table lamps, light bulbs, strong magnets, etc.

Someone above noted the magnifying glass icon. If you have a bunch of junk, you can look at it and set a magnifying glass on the things (lead, copper, oil, etc.) you care about. After a while you'll know what you want to pick up (unfortunately for me, that's EVERYTHING).
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:41 pm 1. If I die does the quest and area reset/respawn everything? I've seen it happen when I fast travel so I assume it would be the same.
No. It is, however, an MMO. Everything respawns on a timer.
2. Can I buy screws anywhere? I don't think I got any from scrapping and I want to build more craft stations at my base.
No. You may find something on a vendor from tiem to time, but not enough and not reliably. Screws (along with springs) are one of the rare resources that make scavenging a must. Look for any sort of appliance/machine/tool that you can scrap, and look out for boxes of screws. Hotplates, typewriters, fans, toy vehicles, some musical instruments, etc.
3. On that topic, can I buy any other crafting supplies?
Sometimes, but again - not reliably. Some popular supplies can be found by visiting other players' camps and buying from their shops, but it's hit-or-miss. Scrapping everything is your best bet.
4. Some of the junk has a decent cap value. I have yet to actually find a vendor but when I do will they buy junk or just more valuable items?
There are only a few vendors. The one reliable place to find them is in train stations (there's one not far from the airport.) Train stations also normally have a stash box, a workbench where you can break stuff down, and a legendary exchange machine where you can trade legendary weapons for scrip (that you can use to buy other legendaries later on.)

They will buy most things, but only for a fraction of the value. My best suggestion is to sell any pre-war food you find, any alcohol, any grenades, and any extra chems. Before you start selling, drink some alcohol (something that gives you +1 Cha) for a small bonus. Personally, I also sold all of my diluted stimpacks as I found them, and probably half of the regular stimpacks I came across.
5. Related to 4. In general is it still better to scrap the junk instead of selling it? (Assumeing it can be sold.)
Usually, for a few reasons. First, because most high-value junk also has rare materials. Second, because you really don't need a lot of caps. Third, because if you went nuts selling all of that junk for the first 30 levels, you'd get about what you could get in an hour's play later on ten levels later. Caps are not scarce in this game.
6. I found power armor. Yay! Can those power cells be recharged somewhere? If not can they he crafted or bought?
I only have 21% power left on the cell.
Yesno. There is a way to recharge them, but it requires a rare machine (that I believe can only be gotten with premium currency), and it is incredibly slow. Getting power armor cells is one of the game's check-and-balance mechanics. People who use power armor extensively generally spec into ways to reduce cell drain considerably.
7. The armor came with level 25 extra armor parts. I had to strip them before it would even let me get in. They are currently in my stash. Is it a good idea to save them for when I hit 25 or is it better to scrap them? What about selling them?
For what it's worth, I found so many that I was drowning in them. I'd at least recommend getting rid of any 'raider' pieces (they're the lowest tier.) Sell or scrap the rest (it doesn't matter.)

Important tip: Power armor bits weigh a metric ton, and fill your stash quickly. Power armor frames, on the other hand, only have a weight of 10 - regardless of what's on them. If you're not wearing it (or if you grab an extra frame - there are tons), put the frame on the ground, put the pieces on the frame, then pick the entire thing up (there will be a button listed at the bottom when looking at it), and put it in your stash. In other words, store power armor parts on frames, and they'll only weigh 10 for the entire thing.
Also, Blackhawk can you post a link to the discord serber please?
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Just a quick disclaimer: I'm giving the best answers I can, but while I'm an obsessive researcher when I'm playing a game like this, I'm absolutely not a long-time player or an expert. It's entirely possible that there are better answers to some of the questions, or that there are nuances I'm not aware of.
Punisher wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:41 pm Also, Blackhawk can you post a link to the discord serber please?
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Yog-Sothoth »

Punisher wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:41 pm
1. If I die does the quest and area reset/respawn everything? I've seen it happen when I fast travel so I assume it would be the same.

2. Can I buy screws anywhere? I don't think I got any from scrapping and I want to build more craft stations at my base.

3. On that topic, can I buy any other crafting supplies?

4. Some of the junk has a decent cap value. I have yet to actually find a vendor but when I do will they buy junk or just more valuable items?

5. Related to 4. In general is it still better to scrap the junk instead of selling it? (Assumeing it can be sold.)

6. I found power armor. Yay! Can those power cells be recharged somewhere? If not can they he crafted or bought?
I only have 21% power left on the cell.

7. The armor came with level 25 extra armor parts. I had to strip them before it would even let me get in. They are currently in my stash. Is it a good idea to save them for when I hit 25 or is it better to scrap them? What about selling them?

Also, Blackhawk can you post a link to the discord serber please?
These sites have good farming guides:



Angry Turtle guy has generally amazing guides on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSEDsF ... P8vfH_Zxcg

You can sell some junk at a vendor, but not everything is sellable. I have Fallout 1st so I just throw it in my scrap box. Caps are not super rare at high level.

You can recharge power cells but only if you buy the Pitt bundle for real $$$. I think it's normally like $30 but I got it at a Steam sale for $15. I like my power core recharger. OTOH as you get higher in level more and more cores will drop. The ones you find in suits of power armor are always about 25%. Player vendors often have cores for cheap because they are fairly plentiful at high levels.

If you have room in your stash for the l25 parts, keep 'em around, otherwise scrap them. They are only useful at low levels. Once you get to L50, that's when you might want to start collecting parts. Non-legendary Power armor parts scrap to almost nothing and are worth almost nothing, so they are only worth keeping if you plan to use them later.

TIP: Power armor frames weigh 10 lbs, even if they are full of parts. Find a spare power armor frame. Put the parts you can't use yet in your inventory, enter the frame so it's yours, exit it (don't drop it), transfer the parts into it, then let it snap back into to your inventory after 60 seconds. Then you have a loaded power armor frame that only weighs 10 lbs. You can then put that frame in your stash.

I have a bunch of frames with various parts. I rename the frames something that will clue me in to what I have in there.

Renaming stuff is very useful. You can rename guns, armor, etc. If you prefix the name with Zzz or some such they will sort to the bottom of the inventory. You can only rename 50 things though.

If you have something you really like and you have an Atomic shop skin for them, put that skin on the piece and you won't be able to drop/scrap/sell it. This is why people buy armor and weapon skins. It only works for Atomic shop skins, but all my good stuff that I have skins for are skinned. Sometimes an update ruins a skin, if you suddenly see a skinned item that you can sell/scrap that means that skin has been bugged, at least temporarily.

Build tip: IMHO the best build once you get to L50 is bloodied commando with unyielding armor. If you have 20% health, each piece of unyielding armor will give you +3 to all stats except endurance. So with a full unyielding set is +15 to all stats except endurance. +15 INT = 30% more XPs. This will help you level up much faster.

Another thing you can do once you get to L50 is get mutated. One mutation is Herbivore, which means that eating meat is useless but you get double boost from plant food. Brain fungus soup give you +2 int, or +4 with Herbivore or +5 with Herbivore and Strange in Numbers. That is +10% xps. Cranberry relish gives you +10% xps, or +20% with Herbivore or +25% with Herbivore+Strange In Numbers.

So bloodied with unyielding plus those two buffs will give you up to 65% more XPs. ALL THE TIME. For real grinding you can boost it even more. Angry Turtle has guides on how to do this.

Unyielding is the best legendary armor for non-PA builds. You can assemble a set fairly cheaply if you are patient.

Overeater's is the best legendary armor for PA builds. Unfortunately, there is no unyielding PA. Again, if you are patient, you can pick up a set of L45 T-45 Overeaters by checking the vendors and buying cheap stuff. All Power Armor is great, some types are better than others but the differences are fairly minor when it comes to basic protection. What you are looking for is Overeaters + buffs (like AP regen) or resistancs (poison/fire/cryo resistance).

Once you have a base set of legendary armor, then you can look around vendors for upgrades to what you have. More stars. Better secondary/tertiary effects. Better AC, for non-PA. Check this out. When you are looking at a piece you might want to buy from a vendor, you can check to see if it is light/medium/heavy. Over time for non-PA sets you want to swap light/medium pieces for heavy pieces.

Once you get to 300-350 DR/ER the benefits level off. The Scaly Skin mutation gives you +50 DR and +50 ER. That helps a lot.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Yog-Sothoth wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:08 am TIP: Power armor frames weigh 10 lbs, even if they are full of parts. Find a spare power armor frame. Put the parts you can't use yet in your inventory, enter the frame so it's yours, exit it (don't drop it), transfer the parts into it, then let it snap back into to your inventory after 60 seconds. Then you have a loaded power armor frame that only weighs 10 lbs. You can then put that frame in your stash.
Important tip: Power armor bits weigh a metric ton, and fill your stash quickly. Power armor frames, on the other hand, only have a weight of 10 - regardless of what's on them. If you're not wearing it (or if you grab an extra frame - there are tons), put the frame on the ground, put the pieces on the frame, then pick the entire thing up (there will be a button listed at the bottom when looking at it), and put it in your stash. In other words, store power armor parts on frames, and they'll only weigh 10 for the entire thing.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Punisher »

Thanks guys.
Leveling is slow for me. Only at L8 right now.
Heck. I'm not even sure I'll be interested enough to get to L50.
Just messing around flipping between games but the answers here help me process what's going on and keeps me interested.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

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It isn't like I mind talking about games!

I'm not on all the time anymore, but I'll pop in now and then and keep an eye open.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

I ran into some creature Id not seen before last night while out doing the photo quest.It was some diseased large passive sloth. He was non aggressive.

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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

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Looks like whoever owns that camp (in the pylon) has a tame mega sloth.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

As I go around player camps buying stuff i use all their toys lol. Especially ones that give a buff. I love the one that removes all neg diseases and such. I also loot all the lootables like popcorn and the collection dog's house lol. Buy a random nuka from the random machine. Some player camps are pretty awesome.

One jackass though had his WAY up on a cliff and over it . he'd set one of the machine in such a way that when you get off you fall off the cliff and die. I was wondering if someone could do that and found out yes, yes they can.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Blackhawk »

Daehawk wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:44 pm As I go around player camps buying stuff i use all their toys lol. Especially ones that give a buff. I love the one that removes all neg diseases and such. I also loot all the lootables like popcorn and the collection dog's house lol. Buy a random nuka from the random machine. Some player camps are pretty awesome.

One jackass though had his WAY up on a cliff and over it . he'd set one of the machine in such a way that when you get off you fall off the cliff and die. I was wondering if someone could do that and found out yes, yes they can.

The popcorn is there for everyone (although I never took more than a few), but you should probably leave the dog houses alone. That's the owner's resource collection. Some might not mind if you take an item or two, but it's generally not intended for everyone to empty. Sort of like with crops - there's no way to lock them, but the owners often plant them for their own use. Stripping them isn't the kindest thing to do.

As to the latter, it's part of the reason why you can't specify exactly where the spawn point is in your CAMP. You spawn in an arc from where the actual CAMP machine is located. I had one house where if I didn't put the machine at the far edge, I'd spawn at the bottom of a huge cliff that my house is on top of, and if I did put it on the far edge, I'd spawn under the foundations of my house about a third of the time.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

The popcorn is there for everyone (although I never took more than a few), but you should probably leave the dog houses alone. That's the owner's resource collection. Some might not mind if you take an item or two, but it's generally not intended for everyone to empty. Sort of like with crops - there's no way to lock them, but the owners often plant them for their own use. Stripping them isn't the kindest thing to do.
I figured it they didn't mind they lock the door on the doghouse. i had wondered if it was seen as ok or not and then came upon one that had the entrance locked and I couldn't loot it. SO I figure if they mind then they'll lock it. I didn't even know you could do that.

I had my game hard lock 3 times close together last night. Once it locked upon trying to load the game. its done this a couple times before. I can only reboot my system to get out of a lock. Then later it locked trying to load after a fast travel. And finally it locked during a fight with a bear. i dont know if Im even alive as i was tired and just went to bed. Before that last lock I did a full shutdown and reboot. Didn't seem to help.

As for my lockups I think alt tabbing over and over does something to the game and it will lock after a bit. I have to alt tab to look up locations Im trying to find. theres SO many on the map Ive started forgetting where they are.
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Re: [Bethesda] Fallout 76

Post by Daehawk »

Lol was fighting ghouls with guns and my entire system crashed to a blue screen. I wonder if your character instantly disappears or keeps fighting. Im guessing they just stop and stand there.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
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