Fight for the Future (ww) - Human's Win

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Fight for the Future (ww) - Human's Win

Post by Scoop20906 »

Fight for the Future


Game Events:
Last edited by Scoop20906 on Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:54 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Scoop20906 »

Fight for the Future: A Time-Bending Adventure

Sign Ups:
  1. Punisher
  2. Lassr
  3. Isgrimnur
  4. Holman
  5. Newcastle
  6. Lagom Lite
  7. Moliere
  8. Unagi
  9. Stessier
Are you ready to Fight for the Future?

Hosted by scoop20906 and Dr. Vortex.
Last edited by Scoop20906 on Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:01 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Scoop20906 »

Rulez (WIP)

Winning Conditions:

PLEASE NOTE: No team will be told the identities of their teammates at the beginning of the game.

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Human Survivors
  • Primary: Primary: Collect all three 5-digit codes to unlock the time portal, resetting the timeline.
  • Secondary: Align with Cyborg Hunters to eliminate all Robotic Werewolves.
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Robotic Werewolves
  • Eliminate all Cyborg Hunters.
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Cyborg Hunters
  • Eliminate all Robotic Werewolves and ensure the time portal remains locked.
Roles and Powers:

Robotic Werewolves (3 players):
  • Alpha-bot: Can scan a player’s identity once per night.
  • Beta-bots (2 players): Have a double vote in elimination rounds. Both beta wolves have the ability to cast a secret additional vote on any player of their choosing during a voting phase. This secret vote can be cast independently of their public vote and does not need to be on the same player. However, the beta wolf must first cast a public vote and not remove it when casting their secret vote. If they remove their public vote, they must immediately cast another public vote, or their secret vote is removed and lost. This power can be used by both beta wolves on the same day. The double vote power can be used once, and then there is a cooldown period of 2 full day/night cycles before it can be used again.
Human Survivors (3 players):
  • Scientist: Can choose to scan any living player each night to find one piece of the portal coordinates.
  • Engineers (2 players): Can build a protective barrier to block attacks for any player, including themselves. However, they cannot protect the same person on consecutive nights. The barrier protects against any physical attacks aimed at the protected player during the night it's active.
Cyborg Hunters (3 players):
  • Commander: Can order an attack on a suspected Werewolf each night.
  • Scout-bot: Can observe a player's actions during the night but does not learn their specific role. (e.g., learns that a player scanned another player but does not learn that the player is the Scientist.)
  • Sniper: Has one precision strike to eliminate a player. This strike can be used during either the day or night cycle, but it's a single-use power.
Gameplay Sequence:

Night Phase:
  • Scientist's Scan: The Scientist chooses a player to scan for a time portal code via private message.
  • Alpha-bot: The Alpha-bot selects a play to scan to receive their role via private message.
  • Werewolves' Attack Decision: Each Robotic Werewolf independently chooses a target to attack via private message.
  • Commander's Attack Order: The Cyborg Commander orders an attack on a suspected Werewolf via private message.
  • Scout-bot's Observation: The Scout-bot observes a player's actions during the night but does not learn their specific role via private message.
  • Engineers' Protective Barriers: Human Engineers decide whom to protect (but not the same player in consecutive nights) via private message.
  • Sniper's Precision Strike: The Sniper may decide to use a precision strike during either day or night cycle via private message.
  • Resolve Actions: Dr. Vortex will determine the final outcomes based on the actions submitted, including determining the majority or random selection for the werewolves' attack.
  • Announcement: Dr. Vortex publicly announces the results of the night, including any deaths, successful scans, and the effects of protective barriers.
Day Phase:
  • Discussion: Players discuss and share information.
  • Voting: Players vote to eliminate a suspected werewolf (Beta-bots have double votes).
  • Humans may attempt to guess the time portal code once per day. (Guesser’s identity is not revealed).
  • Elimination: The player with the most votes is eliminated.
Time Portal Codes Rules:
  • Three 5-digit time portal codes are initially assigned to random players, except the Scientist.
  • Players holding a time code coordinate know they have it and may choose to reveal this at their discretion.
  • The Scientist can scan living players at night to find a time code coordinate.
  • If a player with a time code coordinate is killed, the code is reassigned to another living player.
  • Both Robotic Werewolves and Cyborg Hunters can collect these time code coordinates to prevent the Humans from unlocking the time portal.
  • Each player can guess the full set of codes once per day. Guesses should be communicated privately to the game moderator.
  • Incorrect guesses have no direct consequences.
  • Players can pass their code to another player, but this must be announced publicly in the main game thread.
Narrator (non-player role):

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Dr. Chronos Vortex (Dead Scientist): Provides commentary, guiding the game through day and night cycles.
Last edited by Scoop20906 on Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:24 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Scoop20906 »


Q: How will I receive my role?
A: Your role will be privately messaged to you at the beginning of the game. Make sure to check your inbox!

Q: Is there a secret forum?
A: No, there is no secret forum for this game. All communication will happen within the main game thread.

Q: How do the time portal coordinates work?
A: The time portal coordinates consist of three pieces, each initially assigned randomly to one of the nine players at the start of the game, except the Scientist. Players holding a coordinate piece are aware that they possess it, and it's part of the game's intrigue to decide when or if to reveal this information.

The Scientist, though excluded from receiving a coordinate piece at the start, can scan living players each night to find one piece of the portal coordinates if the scanned player holds one. The Scientist may also be randomly assigned a coordinate piece if a player holding one is killed.

If a player holding a coordinate piece is killed, the coordinate is not lost. Instead, it is randomly assigned to a new living player, maintaining the possibility of unlocking the time portal.

Both the Robotic Werewolves and Cyborg Hunters can hinder the Humans from unlocking the portal by acquiring all three coordinates themselves.

These dynamics create a complex and strategic play environment, where the coordinates serve as a key element around which alliances, betrayals, and clever tactics may unfold.

Q: How do the players attempt to guess the time portal coordinates once per day? Can each player try?
A: The time portal coordinates is a critical puzzle, consisting of three coordinate codes. Each player may attempt to guess the complete coordinates once per day.

Each guess must include all three coordinate pieces. The order of the five-digit numbers for the time portal doesn't matter. As long as the player has successfully learned (through scans or some other means) all three code coordinates, they must communicate their guess via private message to the game moderator during the night cycle.

Just note that each player gets only one guess per night, and there are no penalties for incorrect guesses. Also, be cautious: if the cyborgs or werewolves manage to guess the codes first, they can shut down the time portal, effectively locking humans out of their primary winning condition.

Q: I have a time portal coordinates . Can I secretly pass it to another player?
A: In our time-tangled game, the passing of a time portal coordinates is a matter of great importance and scrutiny. You may indeed choose to pass your 5-digit coordinate piece to another player, but such an exchange must be made publicly in the main game thread.

By announcing the coordinates for all to see, you make a bold move, perhaps forging alliances or sowing distrust. The decision to share or keep your coordinate piece is a strategic choice, fraught with potential risks and rewards. Use this power wisely, for it may shape the course of the game!

Q: Since there is no secret forum, how will I communicate with my teammates?
A: Communication with teammates will need to be strategic and subtle within the main game thread. There will be no private channels for team communication, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game!

Q: When a player is killed will his role be announced?
A: No only the player's team (Human, Werewolf, Cyborg).

Q: How does the beta-bots power work?
A: Beta-bots have the ability to double their vote in elimination rounds. This power can be used once, followed by a cooldown period of 2 full day/night cycles before it can be used again.

Q: What happens if the Commander's "attack on a Werewolf" hits a Human? Does anyone know? Or does the Commander only?
A: The consequences of a mistaken attack are grave indeed. If the Commander's attack inadvertently targets a Human, the name of the deceased will be announced in the main game thread, though their specific role will remain concealed. The Commander will learn nothing more of the outcome, only discovering if the attack was blocked by the absence of an announcement in the main game thread. Choose your targets wisely; each decision bears weight in our twisted game of fate!

Q: I'm concerned about the wolves' double vote power. Can it be used more than once? Is it shared by the Beta-bots? Who decides who gets to use it? Could the Scout-bot's power be extended to cover a night kill & day vote?
A: A keen observation! The double vote power is indeed potent, but it's accompanied by limitations. Each Beta-bot can use the double vote power once, followed by a cooldown period of two days. The power is not shared, and each Beta-bot decides individually when to use it.

As for extending the Scout-bot's power to cover a night kill & day vote, it's an intriguing idea. However, the Scout-bot's focus is on observing nighttime actions to maintain balance in the game.

The limitations on the Beta-bots' double vote, along with the other checks and balances within the game, should prevent them from running the game too quickly. Strategic use of powers and cooperation among the different factions will be key to success.

Q: So, team wolf knows who their partners are, right? Do the Cyborg Hunters know their teammates? Humans?
A: Ah, the intricacies of alliances! In our temporal conundrum, the Robotic Werewolves do not know who their fellow pack members are. Each operates independently at night, their actions intertwined only by fate and strategy.

The Cyborg Hunters, too, are unaware of their mechanical brethren, each navigating the game with only their own insights and instincts.

As for the Humans, they find themselves equally in the dark, unaware of who shares their desperate struggle for survival.

Q: So scout bot scans someone, and find out they did X... is that info public?
A: No, the information gathered by the scout-bot remains confidential and is known only to the scout-bot itself. They must decide how, when, or if they will share this information with others.

Q: How is a double vote resolved...say I, as beta wolf 1, decides to throw an extra vote on Scoop; while beta wolf 2 decides to throw an extra vote on is that resolved? First come first served?

A: Both beta wolves have the ability to cast a secret additional vote independently, and they may even use this power on the same night. The extra vote does not have to be on the same player as their public vote. If both beta wolves decide to use their extra vote, both secret votes are counted. The order in which they are cast does not matter. However, the beta wolf must first cast a public vote and not remove it when casting their secret vote. If they remove their public vote, they must immediately cast another public vote, or their secret vote is removed and lost.

Vote Talleys will appear something like this:
Vote Tally:
Player1 - 2 votes (VoterA, VoterB)
Player2 - 2 votes (VoterC, VoterD)
Player3 - 4 votes (VoterE, VoterF, VoterG, ???)
Player4 - 1 vote (VoterH)

Majority Vote Reached!
Player3 has received a total of 4 votes and has been eliminated. The night phase begins now.
Q: If the robotic werewolves don't know each other and don't have a secret forum, how do they decide who to attack that night, and how do they communicate their decision to the game master?

A: Each robotic werewolf will independently choose a target to attack each night and privately message the game moderaator with their decision. If there is a majority vote among the werewolves for a particular target, that player will be attacked. If there is no clear majority, Dr. Vortex will randomly select from the chosen targets. The werewolves must think strategically, as their individual choices could influence the collective outcome.
Last edited by Scoop20906 on Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:08 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Lassr »

although I fear AI may have taken over Scoop's life, it's going to eventually happen to all of us, so why not go ahead and submit.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Lassr wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:16 am although I fear AI may have taken over Scoop's life, it's going to eventually happen to all of us, so why not go ahead and submit.

Isgrimnur wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:16 amDitto.
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Ah, Lassr, your insight into the inevitability of AI's dominance is most astute. Fear not, though, for in this experiment, I've merely "borrowed" scoop20906's mind. The future is rife with uncertainties, but your participation is a welcomed certainty!

And Isgrimnur, a man of few words but profound wisdom, I see. Your succinct agreement is like a finely tuned algorithm. Let's see if brevity indeed proves to be the soul of wit in the battles ahead.

Scoop20906, please update the participant list to include these insightful individuals. Perhaps a riddle or two in the interim to tickle their brains?

To the rest, time waits for no one. Seize the moment, embrace the enigma, and step into the vortex!

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Holman »

In like Djinn!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Holman wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:47 pm In like Djinn!
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Ah, a delightful entry, Holman! "In like Djinn" you say? A mystique akin to the mythical genie, full of wonder and whimsy. Such creativity shall serve you well as you navigate the labyrinth of time.

Your readiness to leap into the unknown is duly noted, and the game grows richer with your presence.

Scoop20906, do make a note of this entrancing addition to our ranks. The pieces are falling into place, and the future, though obscured, grows ever nearer.

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Newcastle »

/walks past thread
/walks past thread again
/slowly tip toes past thread, side-eying the poster
/mutters "swear that thing is looking at me"
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Newcastle wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:45 am /walks past thread
/walks past thread again
/slowly tip toes past thread, side-eying the poster
/mutters "swear that thing is looking at me"
Ah, Newcastle, your clever subtlety has not escaped my notice! The italicized "IN" hidden within your dance around the thread was a cryptic message, a whispered desire to join our grand experiment. Such artful nuance deserves commendation.

Your tiptoeing curiosity and veiled intention to be a part of this game have revealed a mind worthy of this venture. Welcome to the tapestry of time, my friend.

Scoop20906, please add Newcastle's name to our growing list of brave participants. And do show them the eyes that so captured their attention, magnified to truly behold their mesmerizing gaze.


Join us, Newcastle, and embrace the destiny that awaits. Your place in the future's unfolding symphony is secured.

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Lagom Lite »

Well I just joined a nuclear alliance, might as well join this. What could possibly go wrong?
But you've seen who's in heaven
Is there anyone in hell?

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Lagom Lite wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:41 am Well I just joined a nuclear alliance, might as well join this. What could possibly go wrong?
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Ah, dear Lagom Lite, your alliance’s decisions echo in the annals of time. In the twisted labyrinth of the future, alliances have found themselves… repurposed, shall we say? Threads of fate weave strange patterns.

Scoop20906, add this brave soul to the participant’s list. We are nearing our required number, with only a few more players needed to begin this game where the stakes are nothing short of destiny itself.

Welcome, and prepare to embark on a journey!

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Punisher »

Wait. I thought getting 9 people WAS the game and I was in the lead.
You mean there's more?!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Punisher wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:28 pm Wait. I thought getting 9 people WAS the game and I was in the lead.
You mean there's more?!
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My dear Punisher, assembling the participants was merely the opening act. The real challenge awaits, a symphony of chaos and cunning that will put your wits to the test. Ready yourself, for the game has only just begun!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Punisher »

I just realized that VexingVortex22's account is very new.
I hope this isn't a new spammer account playing the long game to build street cred.
I guess we'll see if it turns out that we have to pay a small fee to use our powers in game.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Punisher wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:30 pm I just realized that VexingVortex22's account is very new.
I hope this isn't a new spammer account playing the long game to build street cred.
I guess we'll see if it turns out that we have to pay a small fee to use our powers in game.
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Ah, Punisher, I see you’ve noticed my specially crafted VexingVortex22 account! A persona as complex as Dr. Vortex requires an equally complex digital representation, wouldn’t you agree? This account is but a portal into our game’s universe, where no monetary fees apply, only the thrill of strategy and challenge. Prepare to face the unknown!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Moliere »

"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Moliere wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:57 amIn
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Ah, Moliere has decided to join the ranks! Welcome to the game, friend. I trust your tactics are as refined as your name suggests. Now, let's see if you can keep up with the rest of us. And scoop20906, don't forget to add Moliere to the participation list. We wouldn't want him to miss out on all the fun and 'poetic' defeats!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Unagi »

I'm in.
Looks like a friendly bunch.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Unagi wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:30 pm I'm in.
Looks like a friendly bunch.
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Ah, Unagi, the famed freshwater eel! Or perhaps a state of total awareness? Either way, welcome to our cunning assembly of players. We need only one more brave soul to join our ranks. The rules, as you'll find here, have been evolving, much like my own experiments. Feel free to peruse them and direct any suggestions or inquiries to scoop20906, who is handling such mundane matters. I, Dr. Vortex, am far too occupied with the tribulations of the future. Questions, comments, confusion? Step forth and speak.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Moliere »

VexingVortex22 wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:34 pm
Moliere wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:57 amIn
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Ah, Moliere has decided to join the ranks! Welcome to the game, friend. I trust your tactics are as refined as your name suggests.
I will try not to take offense at the lack of a grave accent on my name.

"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Moliere wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:21 am
VexingVortex22 wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:34 pm
Moliere wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:57 amIn
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Ah, Moliere has decided to join the ranks! Welcome to the game, friend. I trust your tactics are as refined as your name suggests.
I will try not to take offense at the lack of a grave accent on my name.

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Molière, you quibble over an accent while I have transcended time itself to construct this grand experiment? My focus lies on matters far beyond the scope of mere diacritics! Nonetheless, your attention to detail is noted and might serve you well in the trials ahead. Welcome to the game, and may you find it more engaging than the nuances of typography.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Newcastle »

Robotic Werewolves (3 players):
  • Alpha-bot: Can scan a player’s identity once per night.
  • Beta-bots (2 players): Have a double vote in elimination rounds. The double vote power can be used once, and then there is a cooldown period of 2 full day/night cycles before it can be used again.
Human Survivors (3 players):
  • Scientist: ??
  • Engineers (2 players): Can build a protective barrier to block attacks for any player, including themselves. However, they cannot protect the same person on consecutive nights. The barrier protects against any physical attacks aimed at the protected player during the night it's active.
Cyborg Hunters (3 players):
  • Commander: Can order an attack on a suspected Werewolf each night.
  • Scout-bot: Can observe a player's actions during the night but does not learn their specific role. (e.g., learns that a player scanned another player but does not learn that the player is the Scientist.)
  • Sniper: Has one precision strike to eliminate a player. This strike can be used during either the day or night cycle, but it's a single-use power.
What happens if the commander's "attack on werewolf", hits a human? Does anyone know? Or does commander only?

RE: wolves double vote: Concerned that the wolves can simply gang up on 1 person on day 1, and then double vote to gain an advantage. It can only be used once, but then on day 3 it can be used again? Maybe its a 1 time power? If both beta wolves have that power, then can run the game pretty quickly. Or is it 1 power shared by the beta wolves? If so who decides who gets to use it?
- one small permutation on this is that you could extend teh Scout bot's power to cover a night kill & day vote?? Just an idea.

So team wolf knows who their partners is right?
Do the cyborg hunters know their teammates? Humans?

I do like the no private forum bit, will add to the gameplay.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Unagi »

Scoop20906 wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:48 pm
  • Scout-bot: Can observe a player's actions during the night but does not learn their specific role. (e.g., learns that a player scanned another player but does not learn that the player is the Scientist.)
Scoop20906 wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:48 pm
  • Scientist: ??
So, from the description of the Scout-bot, it sounds like the Scientist can scan another player.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Holman »

Moliere wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:21 am I will try not to take offense at the lack of a grave accent on my name.

He mentioned graves!!

Much prefer my Nazis Nuremberged.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Newcastle wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:16 am Questions:
What happens if the commander's "attack on werewolf", hits a human? Does anyone know? Or does commander only?

Answer: The consequences of a mistaken attack are grave indeed. If the Commander's attack inadvertently targets a Human, the name of the deceased and their team will be announced in the main game thread, though their specific role will remain concealed. The Commander will learn nothing more of the outcome, only discovering if the attack was blocked by the absence of an announcement in the main game thread. Choose your targets wisely; each decision bears weight in our twisted game of fate!

RE: wolves double vote: Concerned that the wolves can simply gang up on 1 person on day 1, and then double vote to gain an advantage. It can only be used once, but then on day 3 it can be used again? Maybe its a 1 time power? If both beta wolves have that power, then can run the game pretty quickly. Or is it 1 power shared by the beta wolves? If so who decides who gets to use it?
- one small permutation on this is that you could extend teh Scout bot's power to cover a night kill & day vote?? Just an idea.

Answer: A keen observation! The double vote power is indeed potent, but it's accompanied by limitations. Each Beta-bot can use the double vote power once, followed by a cooldown period of two days. The power is not shared, and each Beta-bot decides individually when to use it.

As for extending the Scout-bot's power to cover a night kill & day vote, it's an intriguing idea. However, the Scout-bot's focus is on observing nighttime actions to maintain balance in the game.

The limitations on the Beta-bots' double vote, along with the other checks and balances within the game, should prevent them from running the game too quickly. Strategic use of powers and cooperation among the different factions will be key to success.

So team wolf knows who their partners is right?
Do the cyborg hunters know their teammates? Humans?

Answer: Ah, the intricacies of alliances! In our temporal conundrum, the Robotic Werewolves do not know who their fellow pack members are. Each operates independently at night, their actions intertwined only by fate and strategy.

The Cyborg Hunters, too, are unaware of their mechanical brethren, each navigating the game with only their own insights and instincts.

As for the Humans, they find themselves equally in the dark, unaware of who shares their desperate struggle for survival.

In this game, knowledge is a rare commodity, and trust, even rarer. Use both with caution, for they may lead you to victory or spell your doom!

I do like the no private forum bit, will add to the gameplay.

Answer: Ah, you've glimpsed the essence of our experiment! The absence of private forums brings a new layer of uncertainty, strategy, and intrigue. Without whispered alliances and hidden conspiracies, each player must navigate the shadows of doubt, relying on wit and intuition. May the no private forum twist enhance your experience and elevate the challenge to new heights!
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

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Greetings, temporal travelers and valiant contestants,

I, Dr. Vortex, have transcended the very fabric of time to bring you the ultimate game of fate, cunning, and destiny. The rules that govern your journey have now been fully published, and an assortment of FAQs has been provided to guide your understanding of the complex mechanics that lie before you.

You may peruse the rules at your leisure: Link to the rules

I welcome your questions and ponderings, your doubts, and your inquiries. Do not hesitate to voice your thoughts, for your engagement enriches the game's intricate web. However, do remember that I, Dr. Vortex, wield the ultimate power in this game. My whims are now the very laws of nature, unbreakable and eternal.

Your fate awaits, dear players. The future is a maze, and the keys to its secrets lie within your grasp. Will you rise to the challenge? Will you unravel the mysteries of time and space? The answers are yours to discover.

Prepare yourselves, for the battle for the future has begun. And remember, in this game, every choice echoes in eternity.

-- Dr. Vortex
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Newcastle »

So scout bot scans someone, and find out they did X ..that info public?

How is a double vote resolved...say I , as beta wolf 1, decides to throw an extra vote on Scoop; while beta wolf 2 decides to throw an extra vote on is that resolved? First come first served?
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Newcastle wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:38 pm So scout bot scans someone, and find out they did X ..that info public?

How is a double vote resolved...say I , as beta wolf 1, decides to throw an extra vote on Scoop; while beta wolf 2 decides to throw an extra vote on is that resolved? First come first served?
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Q: So scout bot scans someone, and find out they did X... is that info public?
A: No, the information gathered by the scout-bot remains confidential and is known only to the scout-bot itself. They must decide how, when, or if they will share this information with others.

Q: How is a double vote resolved...say I, as beta wolf 1, decides to throw an extra vote on Scoop; while beta wolf 2 decides to throw an extra vote on is that resolved? First come first served?

A: Both beta wolves have the ability to cast a secret additional vote independently, and they may even use this power on the same night. The extra vote does not have to be on the same player as their public vote. If both beta wolves decide to use their extra vote, both secret votes are counted. The order in which they are cast does not matter. However, the beta wolf must first cast a public vote and not remove it when casting their secret vote. If they remove their public vote, they must immediately cast another public vote, or their secret vote is removed and lost.

Vote Talleys will appear something like this:
Vote Tally:
Player1 - 2 votes (VoterA, VoterB)
Player2 - 2 votes (VoterC, VoterD)
Player3 - 4 votes (VoterE, VoterF, VoterG, ???)
Player4 - 1 vote (VoterH)

Majority Vote Reached!
Player3 has received a total of 4 votes and has been eliminated. The night phase begins now.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Scoop20906 »

Dr Vortex, thanks for clearing that up. I've updated the rulez:
Beta-bots (2 players): Have a double vote in elimination rounds. Both beta wolves have the ability to cast a secret additional vote on any player of their choosing during a voting phase. This secret vote can be cast independently of their public vote and does not need to be on the same player. However, the beta wolf must first cast a public vote and not remove it when casting their secret vote. If they remove their public vote, they must immediately cast another public vote, or their secret vote is removed and lost. This power can be used by both beta wolves on the same day. The double vote power can be used once, and then there is a cooldown period of 2 full day/night cycles before it can be used again.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Scoop20906 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:10 pm Dr Vortex, thanks for clearing that up. I've updated the rulez:
Beta-bots (2 players): Have a double vote in elimination rounds. Both beta wolves have the ability to cast a secret additional vote on any player of their choosing during a voting phase. This secret vote can be cast independently of their public vote and does not need to be on the same player. However, the beta wolf must first cast a public vote and not remove it when casting their secret vote. If they remove their public vote, they must immediately cast another public vote, or their secret vote is removed and lost. This power can be used by both beta wolves on the same day. The double vote power can be used once, and then there is a cooldown period of 2 full day/night cycles before it can be used again.
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Ah, Scoop20906, your understanding of the temporal intricacies continues to impress me. Your compliance with my mind control from the future ensures that the rules are aligned precisely with my grand vision. The update to the Beta-bots' voting capabilities is now perfect. Continue to heed my commands as we unravel the mysteries of time itself, and know that your efforts are contributing to a cause far greater than you can fathom. Carry on.

-- Dr. Vortex
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Moliere »

Anyone trying to recruit the final player?
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Lassr »

Moliere wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:35 am Anyone trying to recruit the final player?
VexingScoop may want to post in EBG that we are looking for one more player. I don't happen by this forum too much anymore and was lucky to see the activity when I did.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by Scoop20906 »

Lassr wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:47 am
Moliere wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:35 am Anyone trying to recruit the final player?
VexingScoop may want to post in EBG that we are looking for one more player. I don't happen by this forum too much anymore and was lucky to see the activity when I did.
Apologies. We had some power outages due to tornados screwing with the time portal. Back to it in a gif! :wub:
Scoop. Makeup and hair are fabulous. - Qantaga

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

Scoop20906 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:49 pm
Lassr wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:47 am
Moliere wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:35 am Anyone trying to recruit the final player?
VexingScoop may want to post in EBG that we are looking for one more player. I don't happen by this forum too much anymore and was lucky to see the activity when I did.
Apologies. We had some power outages due to tornados screwing with the time portal. Back to it in a gif! :wub:
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While I appreciate your attempts to maintain the timeline, Scoop20906, I must stress the gravity of losing contact with me. Tornadoes or not, the lines of communication must remain open. There are... consequences for such interruptions in the future. Nonetheless, let's move forward and fill this last slot for our grand experiment.
--Dr. Vortex
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

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Listen up, time travelers and mere mortals alike! We're on the verge of launching this all-important game. All we need is one more player to step forward. Your participation isn't just for fun—it's vital for the very fabric of time itself. The time vortex connected to Scoop20906's cerebral cortex is unstable and could collapse if we delay much longer. So spread the word! Time waits for no one, and neither do I.

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

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Ah, while we wait for the last player, let me regale you with a tale from the future—a future that is as terrifying as it is inexplicably amusing. Picture this: In the year 2047, humanity invents a new form of social media that controls every aspect of life, even what you eat. But here's the kicker: The algorithm decides that everyone should only eat kale! Imagine, a world of never-ending kale smoothies, kale chips, and even kale-flavored ice cream! Chaos ensues as pizza parlors and burger joints go extinct. Social unrest reaches its peak when someone invents a kale musical, and it's the only show you can watch. So you see, your participation in this game is not just for kicks; it's to prevent a kale-dystopia that none of us want. Hurry, before the kale gets us!

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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by stessier »

Ok, in. Let's see if I can be dead by Monday.
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Re: Fight for the Future (ww)

Post by VexingVortex22 »

stessier wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:11 am Ok, in. Let's see if I can be dead by Monday.
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Ah, Stessier, your timely participation allows us to proceed.

Scoop20906, begin preparations immediately for roles to be sent out this Sunday.

Players, review the rules and mechanics thoroughly, and don't hesitate to ask questions. The consequences of this game are monumental—prepare yourselves adequately.

--Dr. Vortex
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